صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

V. Fear not, Oye of little Faith, he is here.

R. Prefume not, O ye enclined to Folly, he is here.

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Let us Pray.


God, who art ever prefent to all that thou haft made, ftill watching to improve us, as we grow fit for greater Bounty; keep, we befeech thee, our Eyes continually fix'd on thine over us, at once awfully checking our Inclination to Folly, and tenderly encouraging our Purfuit of true Good: Make us always feel our felves under thy fure Protection in our Dangers, and within free Reach of thy glorious Ear, for whatever Good we faithfully ask, and use our juft Endeavours, according to thy Difcipline, to attain, through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son. Amen.bum. 9I



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Te Deum Laudamus

E praise thee, O God; we acknow ledge thee, or as in Sunday Mattins,pure. 2. 10. 2017. Jonolg

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Monday LAUDS, 2017

If Lauds alone be faid, begin with the Intro-,

duction as at Mattins.


VO God, make speed, &c.
R. O Lord, make hafte, &c.

V. Glory be to the Father, &c.

R. As it was in the Beginning, &c. VOKI

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Blefs the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praise his holy Name..91 has

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Ome let us fing the Praises of God;

Cand joyfully recite bis Divine Per


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His Being is of himself alone; and na Dependance his Eternal Effence knows.in) His Knowledge fathoms the Extent of all Things; and his Power commands them as he pleafes...

His Goodness is fupreamly infinite; and all his glorious Attributes transcendently adorable.

Come, let us fing the Praifes of our God; and joyfully recite his Divine Perfections. He is the Source of all Felicity; eternally full of his own unchangeable Bliss.

Before time began he was; and when the Sun must lose his Light, his Day will remain the fame for ever.


The Heaven of Heavens is the Palace of his Glory; and all created Nature the Subject of his Dontinions.

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In his Prefence the brightest Seraphin cover their Faces; and all the blessed Spirits bow down their Heads to his Footstool.

Come, let us fing aloud the Prerogatives of our God; and ftretch our utmoft Thonghts to exalt his Greatness.20 mg -But, O moft glorious and dreadful Deity! how dare we Wretches undertake thy Praises?

How dare our Sin-polluted Lips pronounce thy Name? Or where fhall we feek Expreffions fit for thee?

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All that we can say is nothing to thy unfpeakable Excellencies; all we can think but a faint Shadow of thy unconceivable Beauty.

Even the Voice of Angels is too low to reach thy Worth ; and their highest Strains fall vinfinitely Thort of thee.

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Only in this fhall thy Servants rejoyce, and all the Powers of our Souls be glad : -That thys felf alone art thy own full Praise be to thy felf thine own Glory.

Live, our Great God, eternally encom palled with the Beams of thine own inacceffible Lighter utk do 7 ent ¿Live, our ador❜d Creator, and reign for ever on the Throne of thine own immor tapKingdom encisol. It move. 4 -1 Glory be to the Father, &

As it was in the Beginning, &c.

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100 glorious art thou, O Lord, in thy Self; and thy direct Rays fhine too bright for our Eyes, 5

Yet may we venture to praise thee in thy Works; and contemplate thee at least reflected from thy Creatures.L

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In them we may fafely behold our migh ty Maker, and freely admire the Magnificence of our Godowawch won ly

Heaven and Earth are full of his Greatnefs; Heaven and Earth were created by his Power:

From him all the Hosts of Angels receive their Being; from him they have the Honour to affift in his Prefence.

He kindled Warmth and Brightnfs in the Sun; and beauteously garnished the Firmament with Stars. buy

He spread the Air, and stored it with Flocks of Birds; he gathered the Waters, and replenish'd them with Shoals of Fishes.

He eftablish'd the Earth on a firm Foundation, and richly adorn'd it with innu merable Varieties.

Every Element is fill'd with his Bleffings; and all the World with his liberal Miracles. He fpake the Word and they were made; he commands, and they are still preferved. He governs their Motions in perfect Or der; and diftributes to each its proper Office.



Contriving the whole into one vast Machine, a fpacious Theatre of his own unli mited Greatness.

O glorious Architect of Univerfal Nature; who difpofeft all Things in Number, Weight and Measure!

How does thy Wifdom engage us to admire thee? How does thy Goodness oblige us to love thee?

Not for themselves alone, O gracious God, did thy Hand produce thofe happy Spirits.

But to receive in Charge thy little Flock; and fafely conduct them to the Folds of Blifs.

Not for themfelves at all, O bounteous Lord; were the reft of this huge Creation fram'd!

But to fuftain our Lives in the Way; and carry us on to our Eternal Home.

O may our Souls first praife thee for themselves; and employ their whole Powers to improve in thy Service.

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May we praise thee, O Lord, for all thy Gifts; but infinitely above all ftill value the Giver. of 1.

May every Bleffing be a Motive of Gratitude; and every Creature a Step of Approach towards thee.

So fhall we faithfully observe their End; and happily arrive at ours.

Ufing them only to entertain us here; till our Souls be prepar'd for the Life of Heaven.

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