To govern thy Senfes by the Rule of Reason; and thy Reafon by the Dictates of Religion: To defign thy whole Life in order to the End; and establish for thy End the Blifs of Eternity. Saints like our Songs of their Glories best, when our honouring of them becomes an Occafion of benefiting our felves. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the Beginning, &c. PSALM CXXIII. Praise the Lord, all you Powers of my Soul; praise the immortal King of Saints, and Angels. Praise him, the Author of all their Graces; praise him, the Finisher of all their Glories. Praise him in the mighty Hofts of Angels, whom he fets about us, as the Guard of our Lives: That they may fafely keep us in all our Ways, and carry us at laft to their own Home. Praise him in the facred College of the Apostles; to whom he revealed the Myfteries of his Kingdom. That they might teach us too thofe Heavenly Truths; and fhew us the fame blest Way to Felicity. Praise him in the generous Fortitude of Martyrs, whom he ftrengthen'd with Courage to refift even to Death. That That we might learn from them to hold faft our Faith; and rather lofe this Life, than hazard the other. Praise him in the eminent Sanctity of Confeflors; whofe whole Defign was a Courfe of Heroick Vertue. That we might raife our Minds from our ufual lazy Flight; and with quick and active Wing mount up towards Heaven. Praise him in the Angelical Purity of Virgins, whofe Hearts he enflamed with his Divine Charity; That they might kindle our Breasts with the fame chafte Fire; the fame fervent Love to the Spouse of our Souls. Praife him in the perfect Holiness of all his Saints; whofe Lives he moulded into fo various Shapes: That every Size of ours might readily be furnished with a Pattern cut out, and fitted for it felf. O praise the Lord, all you Powers of my Soul; praise the immortal King of Saints and Angels. Praise every Perfon of the Sacred Deity, and give a hearty Joy to the whole Court of Heaven. Bleffed for ever be the eternal Father, who has fixed his Angels in fo high a Happinefs. Triumph, bright Angels, on your radiant Thrones; and fhine continually in the Prefence of your God. Bleffed Blessed for ever be the eternal Son, who has fo honoured Human Nature, as to exalt it above the very Angels themselves. Bleffed for ever be the eternal Spirit; whose Grace brings all the Saints to Glory. Rejoyce, every happy Saint, in your own Felicity, rejoyce every one in the Felicity of all. Blessed for ever be the Holy, and Undivided Trinity; whofe Sight alone is the Heaven of Heavens. Sing, all you holy Citizens of Heaven; fing all together everlasting Hymns. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the Beginning, &c. BUT PSALM CXXIV. UT who are we, born here below in the Duft, and ftill kept down with the Thoughts of the World! Lord, who are we, that our polluted Hands dare offer unto thee the Incenfe of Praife! We, who fo often difobey thy Conimands, and fo feldom weep for our many Follies. Forgive, Great God, our Boldness, who fo rafhly prefume; forgive our Frailties, who fo weakly perform. O praise our Lord, you pure unblemish'd Angels, who never displeased him with he leaft Offence. Praise him, O you freely pardon'd Saints, who perfectly repented of every little Trefpafs. Praife him with the higheft Office of all your Feafts; praise him with the loudeft Mufick of all your Choirs. And fo they do; look up, my Soul, and fee the innumerable Multitude of triumphing Spirits. See how they ftand all cloathed in White Robes; with Palms in their Hands, and Golden Crowns on their Heads. Behold the glorious Angels fall down before their Throne; and proftrate adore him who liveth for ever. Behold the bleffed Saints lay their Crowns at his Feet; and on their Faces adore him who lives for ever. Hark how they fill that fpacious Temple with their Hymns; while Night and Day they continually fing; Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; who was, and is, and is to come; Alleluja, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hofts! Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory. Alleluja. Glorious art thou in creating all things; glorious in preferving them every Moment of our Being. Glorious in governing them their feve: al Ways; glorious in appointing them their proper Ends. Glorious in rewarding thy Servants above their Hopes; glorious in punishing Sinners below their Demerits. Glorious, O Lord, art thou in all thy Works; but infinitely more in thine own Self-bleiled Effence. Thus they rejoyce above, thus they triumph; and may their Joy, and Triumph laft for ever. But O! were we not made, as well as they, to ferve and glorific our great Creator? We owe him all we have, and they can owe no more; they can but do their best, and we fhould do no lefs. Therefore every Day we'll join our Praises to yours, and repeat the Conclufion of your Seraphick Song; Salvation to our God, who fits on the Throne, and to the Lamb, that redeem'd us with his Blood; Alleluja. Bleffing and Honour, Wifdom and Power be to him that fits on the Throne, and to the Lamb for all Eternity. Alleluja, Alleluja. Amen. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the Beginning, &c. Antiphon. The Just shall be as Lillies planted in Paradice, Alleluja; and flourish for ever in the Prefence of God; Alleluja. |