Ant.] This is our Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our Eyes. Alleluja, Alleluja. How PSALM CVIII. 'OW glorious is thy Grace, O Lord! over all the World? how admirable the Influence of thy Holy Spirit? They that through Dulness fo flowly understood the oft repeated Leffons of their Divine Master: Now with the firft fwift Glance fee through all; and no Mystery can pofe them, nor Error deceive them. They, who through Fear forfook their Lord, and fled away all from the Danger of being his : Now rejoyce in fuffering for his Name; and neither Life, nor Death can forbid them to confefs him. They, who knew only their MotherTongue, and that no better than as fimple Fisher-men: Now fpeak to every Nation in their feveral Language; and with their powerful Eloquence ravifh their Hearts. They, who, even after our Saviour's Refurrection, fhut faft the Doors for fear of the Jews: Now, in the open Streets, and publick Synagogues,confidently proclaim the Name of Jesus. D d These Thefe were new Bottles fill'd with new Wine; that made them quite forget their former felves: Wine that exalted them into a generous Spirit; of defpiling all things for the Love of Jefus : Wine that in the midst of Racks, and Prifons, made them oft break forth into that fweet Extafie: No Joy like the Pain of Suffering for Jefus, no Life like the Death endured for his Love. Oh! were there now fuch Tongu es of Fire; to kindle in the World fuch Divine Flames! Ch! were there now fuch Hearts in the World; to receive the Holy Sparks that fall from Heaven! The great Apoftle preach'd but one Sermon; and immediately converted Three Thoufand Souls. He preach'd again, and wrought but one Miracle; and Five Thoufand were added to the Church. Thus every Day they increas'd in Number; and, which was better, their Numbers encreas'd in Vertue. They were inebriated with the fame Heavenly Wine; and fill'd with the fame Heroick Spirit. They fold all they had, and brought the Price, and laid it down at the Apostles Feet. They They liv'd in common, and call'd nothing their own; and even in their Will, and Understanding they were all united. Every one had enough, and that's to be rich; none had too much, and that's to be free: Free from the Cares that perplex the Wealthy; free from the Temptations that wait on Superfluity. Had'ft thou been there, O my Soul! to have feen the flaming Ardors of those first Converts! Imagine, at least, and know, thy utmost Fancy is far below what they really praatifed. O how devoutly did they think, and fpeak of thofe holy Places, where our bleffed Lord fhed his Blood! The Garden where he pray'd, and the Hall where he was condemn'd; the Mountain where he fuffer'd, and the Sepulchre where he was buried. And reciting his Sufferings, they fell upon their Knees, and ador'd, and meditated, and prayed. They pray'd,and mingled with their Prayers their Tears; they wept, and mingled with their Tears their Complaints. Ah, deareft Lord! why were we not fo happy, to be converted by thee, while thou dwelledit amongst us? Why not to entertain Salvation, when thou broughteft it to our Homes, and preDdz ferred'ft ferred'ft our little Nation before all the World? Unhappy we! how came this Mifery to pafs, that many of us look'd on thy Miracles, and faw them not? Before our Eyes thou gaveft Sight to the Blind; and our Souls were darkned with Sin, and Prejudice. Thou did'ft cleanfe the Leprous, and heal all manner of Diseases; thon did't raife the Dead, and caft out Devils by thy Word. Yet we, alas, how many of us blafphem'd thy Name? how many confpired with thy bloody Crucifiers? Spare us, O Lord, have Mercy upon us, O Jefu! for we knew thee not to be the Lord of Glory. Bleffed be thy Holy Spirit, who hath opened our Eyes; and made us fee through the Veil that eclips'd us. Now we believe thee to be the Meffias we expected; now we acknowledge thee to be the King of Ifrael. Such were the Favours of those happy Times; and, O how happy were our times had we thofe Favours! But ours are become miferable by Shifms, and Herefies; and the Darkness that covers a great part of the Earth. Ours are become miferable by the unfruitful Lives; and fcandalous Examples of too many Christians. Too Too many, alas! yet even the Gates of Hell can never prevail against the Power of God. Still the fame Spirit governs the World; and keeps alive the fame primitive Fire. Still there are Hearts full of the Holy Ghoft; full of that ravishing Wine of divine Love. Still there are Souls, who renounce all they have; and take up their Crofs, and fol low our Lord. Still there are fiery Tongues kindled by the Breath of Heaven; who carry their fa cred Flames into every Nation. Still the Apoftolick Church is true to its Name; and fends abroad her burning, and her fhining Lights. Still the Almighty Goodness is true to his Church; and conferves it against all the Powers of the Enemy. O keep us, bleffed Spirit, in this thy fold of Grace; and bring the whole World into one Flock. That all may be of the fame Mind here; and all enjoy the fame Happiness hereafter. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the Beginning, &c. Antiphon, This is our Lord's doing, and it is mar yellous in our Eyes. Alleluja, Alleluja. Our Father, &c. |