صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

For which Things fake the Wrath of God cometh on the Children of Difobedience.

In the which you also walked when you lived in them.

But now you also put off all thefe; Anger, Wrath, Malice, Blafphemy, filthy Communication out of your Mouth.

Lye not one to another, feeing that you have put off the Old Man with his Deeds; And have put on the New Man, which is renewed in Knowledge, after the Image of Him that created him.

Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, Circumcifion nor Uncircumcifion, Barbarian, Scythian, Bond or Free, but Christ is all in all.

Refponfory.] O glorious Jefus! in whom we live, and without whom we die, mortifie in us all Sensual Defires, and quicken our Hearts with thy holy Love; that we may no longer esteem the Vanities of the World, but place our Affections intirely on Thee; *Who didft die for our Sins, and rife again for our Juftification. O thou, our only Hope and Portion in the Land of the Living, may our Thoughts and Discourses still be of Thee, our Works and Sufferings all for Thee; Who didft die for our Sins, and rife again for our Fuftification.


Second Leffon, Col. 3. 12.

UT on therefore (as the Elect of God,

Pholy, and beloved) Bowels of Mer

cy, Kindness, Humblenefs of Mind, Meeknefs, Long-fuffering;

Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any Man have a Quarrel against any; even as Chrift forgave you, fo alfo do ye.

And, above all things, put on Charity, which is the Bond of Perfectness.

And let the Peace of God rule in your Hearts, to the which alfo ye are called in one Body; and be ye thankful.

Let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all Wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in Pfalms and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, finging with Grace in your Hearts unto the Lord.

And whatsoever ye do in Word and Deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jefus, giving Thanks to God and the Father by Him.

Wives be fubject unto your own Hufbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

Husbands love your Wives, and be not bitter against them.

Children obey your Parents in all Things, for this is well-pleafing unto the Lord. Fathers provoke not your Children to Anger, left they be difcouraged.


Servants obey in all Things your Masters, according to the Flesh; not with Eye-Service, as Men-pleafers, but in Singleness of Heart, fearing God.

And whatfoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not as unto Men.

Knowing that you fhall receive of the Lord the Reward of the Inheritance: For ferve the Lord Christ.


But he that doth Wrong, fhall receive for the Wrong which he hath done; and there is no Respect of Perfons.

Refponf.] Open thou our Eyes, O Lord, that we may fee the Beauty of thy Commands; how wife and fweet they are in themselves, how neceflary and beneficial unto us : * While they improve our Felicity. here, and entitle us to that of hereafter. Guide thou our Lives, O Lord, in the Ways of thy Precepts, that by obferving faithfully these excellent Rules, we may be all every-where happy. *While, &c.

Third Leffon, Part of the 12th and 13th
of the Hebrews


ET us lay afide every Weight, and the Sin that doth so easily befet us, and let us run with Patience the Race that is fet before us.

Looking unto Jefus, the Author and Figifher of our Faith; who for the Joy that



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Second Leffon, Col. 3. 12.

UT on therefore (as the Elect of God, holy, and beloved) Bowels of Mercy, Kindness, Humblenefs of Mind, Meeknefs, Long-fuffering;

Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any Man have a Quarrel against any; even as Chrift forgave you, fo alfo do ye.

And, above all things, put on Charity, which is the Bond of Perfectness.

And let the Peace of God rule in your Hearts, to the which also ye are called in one Body; and be ye thankful.

Let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all Wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in Pfalms and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, finging with Grace in your Hearts unto the Lord.

And whatsoever ye do in Word and Deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jefus, giving Thanks to God and the Father by Him.

Wives be fubject unto your own Hufbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

Husbands love your Wives, and be not bitter against them.

Children obey your Parents in all Things, for this is well-pleafing unto the Lord. Fathers provoke not your Children to Anger, left they be difcouraged.


Servants obey in all Things your Masters, according to the Flesh; not with Eye-Service, as Men-pleasers, but in Singleness of Heart, fearing God.

And whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not as unto Men.

Knowing that you fhall receive of the Lord the Reward of the Inheritance: For ferve the Lord Christ.


But he that doth Wrong, fhall receive for the Wrong which he hath done; and there is no Respect of Perfons.

Refponf.] Open thou our Eyes, O Lord, that we may fee the Beauty of thy Commands; how wife and fweet they are in themselves, how neceffary and beneficial unto us: * While they improve our Felicity here, and entitle us to that of hereafter. Guide thou our Lives, O Lord, in the Ways of thy Precepts, that by observing faithfully these excellent Rules, we may be all every-where happy. *While, &c.

Third Leffon, Part of the 12th and 13th
of the Hebrews


ET us lay afide every Weight, and the Sin that doth fo easily befet us, and let us run with Patience the Race that is fet before us.

Looking unto Jefus, the Author and Finiher of our Faith; who for the Joy that


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