صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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.Dodzildates of yom biow (1979 292290ti sonli te ni Drow & dooqa of suo viove of mozig om ei fi samood, bitė. JHIZ & tribojze zi di gongiolo Bozzortzib to hortow & of 1102692 Vaibro Ile to per off role 9-89 on gribat (9839 tał ni) mozog CHIEF MATTERS CONTAINED IN THE CONFESSION OF


od or bront 191992 bas 978rg zbog & Doniuporabus92 to to) to alore alt tusiborzo i pubbe bine si a asi dhe museong Con. signifies the Confession of Faith. The first number denotes the Chapter, the following figures, l vd Tudtaget fignerd TS denote the Paragraphs.

Cat signifies the Larger Catechism, and the figures denote the numbers of the Questions, vi

cat. 105, 136, 142

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bus bod diw sw of 3dgo yout .09 god: 197 godt die 18ft og oft tard,univigedlundi baAnxiety about the things, of this life sinful, ACCEPTANCE!! The persons of bees lievers are accepted as righteous in the sight of God only for the obedience and satisfaction of Christ, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. Which is imputed to them by God, and received by faith, con. xi. cat, 70, 71, 72 How their good worke ptance in prayer are accepted in

Christ, con. xvi. 6.

The Apocrypha, not being of divine inspira-
tion, is of no authority in the church,
Con: 13.001 T to the Dje
Immodest Apparel forbidden, gat. 139,bg
Ascension of Christ, con, viii, 4, oat.
Publiek Assemblies for the worship of Golf
Assembly See Councils.
Hout. 53.1
not to be carelessly or wilfully neglected,
Assurance of grace and salvation attain-

through Christ and his mediation, cat. -180.Its bas boonsybs ba hodeiouscon! xxi. 6. Access. No access unto the presence of God without the Mediator Jesus Christ, con. xii. cat. 39, 55, 181. Who hath pur chased for believers under the gospel, also greater boldness of access to the throne xx. 1,

did ordinarily partake of, con. The law

Actions. God orders and governs all the actions of his creatures by his most wise and holy providence, according to his infallible foreknowledge and_immutable decree, con. v. 1. cat. 18. See Providence. Actual sins proceed from the original corruption of nature, con. vi. 4. cat. 25. See Sin.

Admonition of the church, con. xxx. 4. Adoption, the nature and privileges of it, con. xii. cat. 74.

Adultery, a just ground of divorce, con.
xxiv. 5, 6.

Aggravations of sin, cat. 151.'
Amen, the meaning of it, cat. 196.
Angels, God's decree concerning them,
con. iii. 3, 4. cat. 13. How created, cat.
16. God's providence towards them, cat.
19. They are all employed at his plea-
sure in the administrations of his power,
mercy, and justice, ib. Not to be wor-
shipped, con. xxi. 2. cat. 105.
Antichrist, what, con: xxv. 6. The Pope is
Antichrist, ib.

Antiquity, no pretence for using the de-
vices of men in the worship of God, cat.

Without extraordinary revelation, con xviii. 3. cat. 80. Upon what it is founded, con. iii. 8. xvii. 2. cat. 80. It is strength

enem by wood works, comic. Br ers may want it, con. xviii. 3. cat. 80, 172. J0They may have it diminished and inter mitted; and be deprived of comfort, and the light of God's countenance, con. xi. 5. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 81. But they are never utterly destitute of that seed of God, and life of faith and love, &c., out of which assurance may, by the Spirit, be in due time revived, con. xviii. 4. cat. 81. And by which, in the mean time, they are supported from utter despair, ib. It is the duty of all to endeavour after assurance, con. xviii. 3. And to pray for it, cat. 194. The fruits of it; it inclines not to looseness, con. xviii. 3. Atheism, the denying or not having a God, cat. 105.

Attributes of God, con. ii. 1, 2. cat. 7, 8, 101.


BAPTISM, what, con. xxviii. 1, 2. cat. 165. To continue to the end of the world, con. xxviii. 1. cat. 176. But once to be administered to any person, con. xxviii. 7. cat. 177. By whom, con. xxvii. 4. xxviii. 2. cat. 176. To whom, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166. Dipping not necessary in baptism: But it may be rightly administered by sprink


Joling con, xxviiiBaptism not negessary to salvation, yet it is a sin to neglect

COM - The efficacy of it, con. ais glow to be improved, cat. 167. Wherein it agrees with the Lord's supPers caly 1764 And wherein, they differ, .87 Believers. Seerah di jua Justification Acceptrange Adoption Sanctification Union, Communion, Liberty Works, Betsovermance, Assurance How 10 Benefits, which the members of the invisible church enjoy by Christ cat. 65 The benefits of Christ's mediation, cat, 57, 58. The Body of Christ, how present in the

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of the church, con. xx. 4. xxix. XXX. 2. 10 they are to be managed according to 18the nature of the crime, and the demerit Jerof the person, con xxx. 4 Penitent sintoners are to be absolved from censures,

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Mediator con viii boot.v435 To which he was called by dothe Fatherocon.with and willingly ovundertook, and discharged gen & By phism perfect obedience, and sacrifice of himself, her purchased reconciliation and eternal life for all the sleetcon -no sati 38wTo whom in all ages the to benefits of his mediation are effectually eldapplied, con vij.onChrist's offices of 190prophet priest king, gat. 43, 441-45 Sea vodceptanceira cose, Body of Christ, 88 Church Death of Christ Exaltation, barExpiation, Humiliation Imputation, di Intercession Judge,illeri, Alessiah, -mName of Christs Personal Union Pro I pitiation, Reconciliation, Redemption, ni Resurrectionis Righteousness, Sacrifice, aboSalvation, Satisfaction Suretygait The Church is the object of God special Christian liberty. See Liberty220g bas ea providence, con v.7.cat 630 Christ the 38 only head of its ceny vij xXM 6. The

catholick church invisible, what, con to babi Given to Christ from all I eternityx can. viii. dfThe benefits, which aid the members of it enjoy by Christ, cat. iv 65, 66 6082183, 86pson The catholick 79 church visibles what.com xxy21cat 62.

Out of it no ordinary possibility of salDvation, como xxx 2 privileges, con od calartienlar churches more

or less pure, con.ofail The purest -19 subject to mixture and error, comiXK5 arit There shall always be a church on earth Joota worship God according to his will, b. Church censures See Gensure

Church government appointed byor the

Lord Jesus in the hand of chureh-offinisers distinct from the civil magistrate, ad con. XXX. Lacat 451080 But they are not of exempted from, obedience to the magis-nodrate, donaxxiii. They have the power 9d of the keys committed to them,c.XXX.

2. What that power is, and its uses con 99203,14. They are not to be opposed senan the dawful exercise of their powers upon pretence of Christian liberty ocon.

AvidSeeafiouncilsis There are Home circunstancesiyxconcerningarchurch-go-novemments which atento be ordered by the light of natures and Christian pruTwo dence, according to the general rules of -ng the word, conado 6 401 300 yub

con, Egs edt 9onie, uldillstni Censuring Rash, harsh, and partial censuring sinful, cat, 145.vd beitt ed of Ceremonial lawSee Haw ist woh Charity towards our neighbour, wherein it consists, cat, 135, 141, 144, 147 What el contrary to it, cat. 136, 142, 145, 148, Giv-ba ing and lending freely according to our 297ability, and the necessities of others, is va duty, con. xxvi. 2 cats 4 novi Charms unlawful, cat, 11301 bus Chastity, cat, 138к гроші ая .89 .tus Children that die in infancy, how saved, Circumcision, one of the ordinances, by anicon The children of such as pro- ywhich the covenant of gracer was adminfess the true religion are members of whistered unto the law,oooit vir 5 cate 34. 10 the visible church, con Xoints 62. Civil magistrate, or civil,powerstes See And are to be baptized, 907. S. 4. basMagistrate agnoled 129i2197010 cat. 60078 94 of 916 angitsup elds The Ten Commandments are the sum of Christ, why so called, cat 42 Is the only no-the morablaw scontxix. 2 cati870They Mediator between God and man, con. ani area perfect rule of righteousness econ. qeyd efl 36-woWho being very, God, of 10 six 2 Rules for understanding them, one substance, and equal with the Fa- 01 cat. 99 The preface explainedosate101. ther, con. viii. 2. gat. 1, in the ful-dEhes first Commandments dato1984106. ness of time became man, con. viii. 2. cat. 36, 37. The Inecessity of his being God and many cat 3B 39, 40 He was ordained by God from eternity to be JugMediator, con-will, he was sanctified with Holy Spirit to

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Isahe second catdo107-110. 5The third,

cat. 111-114. The fourth, cat.,iko121. 229nThe fifth, cat. 123188The sixthy cat. lod 34-36d8The seventh,ocatgil 37139.

The eighth, cat. 140-142oheonjnth, eat143-145wThe tenth cadit446148.

an 25!nsequence of the fallilof Joshan, 6.Actual in fruit opity on. Rp.4.23 Pow it is propagated, con. Vi. Beal 2675 TV doth remain during this quire the regenerate, and all tho19tions are truly sin, oh. við s. xi, 27 Eat. 78. But and mortified

Jethrough chính Pernoned and


doth not make them partakers of his Hoilgohead, not equal with him, con. xxvi. so gooIt is confirmed in the Lord's supper, -Isa cat. Tehdizzoq yisaibro on i to u

Unchaste Company not to be kept, cat. STO39.No corrupt communications to be 1231used for listened to, b. 229 10 Condition. Perfect, personal and uperpetual obedience, the condition of the covenant of works, con viig xix. icat. 20. God requires faith as the condition and to interestismmers in the Mediator of hothe covenant of grace, cat 32, brod Confession of sin always to be made in con private to God, con x6. And is to be -joined with prayers cato 178 When to 19w be made to men, con.xv6.Upon conXxfession the offending brother is to be O received in love,1809 18 17 .9 bConscience 10See Liberty of Conscience. 819WPeace of conscience a fruit of the sense Roof God's love, con xviii, 3 cat. 83. E Besmolievers may fall into sins which wound -og-the conscience, con.xvi. 3xviii4. The d wicked are punished with horror of con-Oscience eat. 284 831uten lo dail ont 10 Contentment Submission to God is our

duty, cat. 104. Discontent at his dispenyd sations is sinful, teatang05оA full con-intentment with our condition is our duty,

outs 147iiv Discontentment with our own 952 estate a sin, bato 148. 97811aigem livi

Controversies. It belongs to synods and to councils ministerially to determine conyartroversies of faith and cases of conRooscienceyconixxxi 3 The Spirit speaking msin the scriptures is the supreme judge of Jofall controversies in religion, con. i. 10. 001 The original text of the scriptures is that brido which the-church is finally to appeal, Teen...druot sdT +11-11 Our Conversation ought to be in holiness C&L and righteousness, answerable to an holy diaprofession, eat. 112, 167.digis an

Corruption of nature, what, con. vi. 2, 4.

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con vil.3. cat. How it was adminis
tered under the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34.
How under the gospel, con. vii. 6. cal, 35.
Councils or Synods ought to be con. xxxi.
They may be called by the civil
magistrate, con. xxiii. 3. XXXI. 2. When
ministers may meet without the call of
19the civil magistrate, con. xxi. 2. What
power councils have, con Xxxi. 3. What
submission due to their decrees, ib. Not
infallible since the apostles' time, con.
xxx4 But their determinations are
to be tried by the scriptures, con. 1. 10.
How far
may meddle in t civil af-

on xxx,
Creation of the world,

con. iv. 1. cat. 15. Of man, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. Of angels, 10 cat, 16.010998 1997 and bus Creatures. Dominion over the creatures given to man, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. They are cursed for our sakes since the fall, cat. 28. Religious worship to be given. to no creature, con, xxi, 2. cat. 105. Curiosity Bold and curious searching 10 into God's Secrets discharged, cat. 105. Curious prying Curious or unprofit into God's decrees forbidden, cat.

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Death, being the wages of sin can.. vi. 6. cat, 28, 84qIrds appointed, for all men, cat. 84 How it is an advantage to the righteous, oats 85. The state of believers immediately after death, con xxxL T. cat 86.10Of the wicked, ib. 197902jadw The Death of Christ, con. viji 14.cat 49. In it he saw no corruption, conviii. 4. cat. 52. The divine nature having sustained the human frome sinking under the power of death, cat. 88By his lobedience and death, he made al proper, real, and full satisfaction to the justice of the Father, con.xi.3. cat. 7156 Through the virtue of his death and resurrection, believers are sanctified, can. xii. 1. Believers have fellowship with Christ in his death, com xxvi. 15 And from his death and resurrection they draw strength for the smortifying of sin, and quickening of grace, cat. 167 The Lord's supper is a memorial of his death, con. xxix-cat. 168. And in that sacrament worthy communicants meditate affectionately on his death and sufferings, cat. 1174 And receive and feed supon all the benefits of his death, con. xxix. 7.979iled and so 20 30 The Decalogue See Commandments. The Decrees of God, the nature, end, Extent, and properties of them, convl 2 cal. 12. The decree of predestination,T vcon. iii. 3, 4. Of election and reprobation, con til 5, 6, 7 cal. 13. How God executeth his decrees, cats147oHow the doctrine of decrees is to be handled, and what use to be made of them, xong is 8. Curicus prying into God's deerees forbidden, cat. 113. a montgob Desertion wilful desertion unlawful, cat. 139. Stich as cannot be remedied by the church or civil magistrate, is cause sufficient of dissolving the bond of marriage, \conxxiv/67wls of bot

Despair sinful, ca. 105 Believers always supported from utter despair, con. xviii. 4. cat. 81.5 days £ I Juiz won 996m Devil, all compacts and consulting with him sinful, cat. 105,,

Diligence in our calling a duty, cat. 141. Dipping in baptism not necessary, con xxviii. 325i

Discontent at the dispensations of God's providence sinful, cat. 105,113. Dis contentment with our own estate sinful, cat148. duo ont ai f Divorce, lawful in case of adultery after marriage, or of such wilful desertion as cannot be remedied, con. xxiv. 5, 6. A publick and orderly course of proceeding is to be observed in it, con xxiv. 6ovno Dominion. See Sovereignty, Creatures,

Simonsen „bemmub out to etsie odt joH Doubting of being in Christ, may consist with a true interest in him, con xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 81, 172. And therefore should not hinder from partaking of the Lord's supper, cat. 172do teor al bon seamloll Drunkenness forbidden, cat. 139. how Duty to God by the light of nature, con. 1xxi. 1. Duties required in the first com

mandment, cat. 104. In the second, est. 108. In the third, cat, 112 In the fourth, cat. 116. Duties of inferiors to their superiors, con, xxiii, 4, eat, 127What is required of superiors, con, xxiii, 2 cat. 129. Duties of equals cat, 13k Duties of the sixth commandment, cat 135 Of the seventh, cat. 133 of the eighth, cat 441Of the ninth, cabritt Of the tenth, cat. 147. vne radio &da o,9701 drostow uddhist E

ECCLESIASTICAL powers not to be opposed upon pretence of Christian liberty, con Xx4 Ecclesiastical persons not exempted from, obedience to the civil magistrate, con, xxiii. 4.

Effectual calling, what, con. x. 1. cat. 67 1 It is of God's free grace, not from any thing foreseen in man, con, x, 2. cat. 677 All the elect, and they only, are effectually called, con. x. 1, 4. cat. 63. The elect united to Christ in their effectual calling, cat. 66. um paid A sabel wou tort Election, out of God's mere free grace, con. iii. 5. cat. 18. From all eternity in Christ, ib. Election not only to eter. T nal life and glory, but also to the means thereof, con, iii. & cat. 13, All the elect and they only, are effectually called and saved, con. ii. 6. x. 1, 44 eat, 63, Though others may be outwardly called by the word, and have some common opera tions of the Spirit, ib. Elect infants, and other elect persons who are incapable of being called by the word, how Sayed, con. X. 3. What use to be made of the doctrine of election, con, iv. g. And how men may hea be assured of their eternal election, 24. See Assurance Envy sinful, cut. 128, 136, 142, 145, 148. Equals, their duties and sins, cat. 131, 139, Equivocation. Speaking the truth


doubtful and equivocal expressions, to the prejudice of truth or justice, sinful,T cat 14510 7101 ext & M & J .: Eucharist. See Lord's Suppers based Exaltation of Christ, con. viii. 4. cat, 51. In his resurrection, cat52. In his ascension, cat. 43. In his sitting at the right hand of God, cat. 54. In his coming to judge the world, cat. 56.40 Self examination, cat 171

Excommunication, con. xxx. 2, 3, 4, Expiation. Sin cannot be expiated but by the blood of Christ, cat. 152


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to oustedimism p Insight desi FAITH, what, con. xiv, 2 cat. 72. God requireth nothing of sinners that they may be justified, but faith in Christ, con. xi. 1. cat. 71. Which he requireth to interest them in the Media Condition to of the covenant of grace, cal 32 It justifies a sinner in the sight of God only as it is an instrument by which he receiveth Christ and his righ teousness, con. xi. 2. cat. 73 Faith is the gift of God, con. xi. 1. cat. 71 If bes ing the work of the Spirit, con, xiy. eat. 59, 72. It is ordinarily wrought by

the ministry of the word, con. xiv. 1. Increased and strengthened by the word, sacraments, and prayer, ib. Often weakened, but always gets the victory, con. xiv. 3, Growing up in many to a full assurance, con. xiv. 3. cat. 30. Good works the fruit and evidence of true faith, con. xvi. 2. cat. 52. Which is never alone, but always accompanied with all other saving graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love, con. xi. 2. cat. 73.

Fall of man, the nature and effects of it, con. vi. cat. 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. Why permitted, con. vi. 1. How all mankind concerned in it, con, vi. 3. cat. 22. Falling away. See Perseverance! Family worship daily, required of God, con. xxi. 6.

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Fasting. Religious fasting, a duty, cal. 108. Solemn fasting a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5. Fellowship. See Communion. Foreknowledge. All things come to pass infallibly according to the foreknowledge of God, eon. v. 2. Forgiveness.See Pardon

Fornication committed after contracts of marriage, a just ground of dissolving the contract, con. xxiv. 5.ANY Fortune. To ascribe any thing to fortune, is sinful, cat. 105,62180 Free-will. See Willow on! Frugality, a duty, cat. 141.

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Glory. The communion in glory with Christ, which believers enjoy in this life, con. xviii. 1, 2, 3. cut. 83. Immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 36. At the resurrection and day of judgment, con. xxxii. 3. xxxiii. 2., cat. 87, 99. The Glory of God the end of his degrees, con. iii. 3. cat. 12. The glory of his grace the end of election, con. ill. 5. cal. 13. The glory of his justice the end of the decree of reprobation, con. iii. 7. cat. 13. The glory of his eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, the end of the creation, con. iv. 1. The manifestation of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy, is the end of all God's works of providence, con. v. 1. cat. 18. The end of God's appointing the last judgment is the manifestation of the glory of his mercy and justice, con.. xxxii. 10. To glorify God is the chief end of man, cat. 1. God is glorified by good works, con, xvi. 2. Gluttony, a sin, cat. 139.

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God. The light of nature showeth that there is a God, con. xxi. 1. cat. 2. What it declares concerning him, and of our duty to him, con. i. 1. xxi. 1. It is not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of his will, which is necessary unto salvation, con. i. 1. cat. 2. The attributes or perfections of God, con, ii. 1, 2. cat. 7, 101. There is but one only God, con. ii.

1 cat. 8. There are three persons in the I Godhead, distinguished by personal properties, can. ii.3. cat. 19, The co equality of the persons proved, vent.dll. To him is due from all his creatures, whatsoever worship, service, or obedience, he is pleased to require, con.fi.2.1 Our duty to God, cat. 104, 108, 112, 146. What contrary to it, cat. 105, 109, 113, 119. Religious worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Christ, con. xxi. 2. cat. 179, 181. God is to be worshipped in that way only which he hath instituted in the scriptures, con. xxi. 1. cat. 109. To glorify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever, is the chief end of man, cat. 1 Good works. See Works.

Gospel. How the covenant of grace is administered under the gospel, con. vii. 6. eat. 35. Without the gospel no salvation, con x. 4. cat. 60. In it Christ doth not dissolve but strengthen the obligation to the obedience of the moral law, con. xix. 5. Believers under the gospel have a greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, [cont xx.,l., ,mi

Government, See Church, Magistrate » The Grace of God, Election is of God's mere free grace, con. iii. 5. cat. 13. How the grace of God is manifested in the second covenant, con, vii. 3. cat 32,00 Effectual calling is of God's free and special grace, con. X. 2 cat. 67. Justification is only of free grace, con, xi. 3. cat. 70, 71. Adoption is an act of free grace, con, xii. cat. 74. The communion in grace which believers have with Christ, cat. 69. All saving graces are the work of the Spirit, con. xiii, xiv, xv. cat. 32, 72, 75, 76, 77. And do always accompany faith, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. Perseverance in grace, con. xvii. cat, 79. Increase in grace, con. xiii. 1, 3. cat. 75, 77.. Assurance of grace, con. xviii. cat, 80, 81..

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H HARDEN Why and how sinners are hard! ened, con. v. 6. Believers may have their hearts hardened, con. xvii. 3. pri!,,,,, Head. The elect are inseparably united to Christ as their head, con. xxv.1.xxvi. 1. cat. 64, 66. He is the only head of the church, con. XXV. 6. I Hearing. What is required of those that hear the word preached, con. xxi. 5.cat. 160.00 To so polie Heaven, the state of the blessed, con xxxii. 1. xxxiii. 2. cat. 86, 90.??

Hell, the state of the damned, con. xxxii.. xxxiii. 2. cat. 29, 36, 89. The meaning of these words in the Creed, He descended into hell, cat. 50.7

Hereticks to be rejected, cat. 105. Holiness. God is most holy in all his counsels, works, and commands, con. ii. 2. Man was created holy after the image of God, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. But by the fall

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