صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Whisk. And Whiskerandos quits this bustling


For all eter

Beef.nity-he would have added

Puff. No, sir; that's not it. Once more, if you please

Whisk. I wish, sir, you would practise this without me. I cant stay dying here all night.

Puff. Very well, we'll go over it by-and-by-I must humour these gentlemen! [Exit Whiskerandos.

Beef. Farewell, brave Spaniard! and when


Puff. Dear sir, you needn't speak that speech, as the body has walked off.

Beef. That's true, sir-then I'll join the fleet.

Puff. If you please. [Exit Beefeater.] Now enter Tilburina, stark mad, in white satin.

Sneer. Why in white satin?

Puff. O Lord, sir; when a heroine goes mad, she always goes into white satin-dont she, Dangle? Dang. Always. It's a rule.

Puff. Yes, here it is. [Looking at the book.] Enter Tilburina stark mad, in white satin, and her Confidant stark mad, in white linen.

Enter TIL. and CON. mad, according to custom. Sneer. But what the deuce, is the Confidant to be mad too?

Puff. To be sure she is; the Confidant is always to do whatever her mistress does; weep when she weeps, smile when she smiles, go mad when she goes mad. Now, madam Confidant-but keep your madness in the background, if you please.

Til. The wind whistles-the moon rises-see
They have killed my squirrel in his cage!
Is this a grasshopper? Ha! no, it is my
Whiskerandos-you shall not keep him-
I know you have him in your pocket-
An oyster may be crossed in love! Who says
A whale's a bird? Ha! did you call my
He's here! he's there! he's everywhere!
Ah me! he's nowhere!


[Exit Tilburina.

Puff. There, do you ever desire to see anybody madder than that?

Sneer. Never, while I live! And pray what becomes of her?

Puff. She is gone to throw herself into the sea, to be sure! and that brings us at once to the scene of action, and so to my catastrophe-my sea-fight, I mean. Sneer. What, you bring that in at last?

Puff. Yes-yes-you know my play is called "The Spanish Armada," otherwise, egad, I have no occasion for the battle at all. Now then for my magnificence ! battle! my noise! and my procession! You are all

my ready?

Prom. [Within.] Yes, sir.

Puff. Is the Thames dressed?

Enter THAMES, with two Attendants.

Thames. Here I am, sir.

Puff. Very well indeed. See, gentlemen, there's a river for you!

Sneer. But pray, who are these gentlemen in green with him?

Puff. Those? those are his banks.
Sneer. His banks?

Puff. Yes, one crowned with alders, and the other with a villa! you take the allusions? but eh! what the plague! you have got both your banks on one side. Here, sir, come round. Ever while you live, Thames, go between your banks. [Bell rings.] There, soh! now for't. Stand aside, my dear friends! away, Thames! [Exit Thames between his banks. [Flourish of Drums, Trumpets, Cannon, &c. &c. Scene changes to the Sea-the Fleet engage-the Music plays "Britons, strike Home."-Spanish Fleet destroyed by Fire-ships, &c.-English Fleet advances-Music plays “Rule Britannia. -The Procession of all the English Rivers and their Tributaries, with their Emblems, &c., begins with Handel's Water Music, ends with a Chorus to the March in Judas Maccabæus. During this scene Puff directs and applauds every thing then,]

Puff. Well, pretty well-but not quite perfect-so, ladies and gentlemen, if you please, we'll rehearse this piece again to-morrow. [Curtain drops.



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