صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Death, preparation for, what is im-
plied in, i. 15-20.
Declarative glory of God, whether God
does design and act to promote it, ii.


Decreeing the everlasting misery of his
creatures, inconsistent with the good-
ness of God, stated and answered,
i. 91. Note.

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- under condemnation while unbelie
vers, i. 397. iii. 279. and passim.

Delight in God, true and false, what, Election sermon, i. 517.

iii. 317.

Depravity of man, i. 200.



[blocks in formation]

in their departure from God, and
hatred of him, i. 212–215.

in their resisting the spirit of grace,
i. 250. and opposing the gospel,i. 233.
criminality of it, i. 219-221.
evidences of it, i. 316.

Depravity, total, definition of, iii. 237.

Enlightened sinners invited to come to
Christ, iii. 109.

Enmity against God and Christ the
same, iii. 320.

Enmity against God, whether arisiug
merely from considering God to be
our enemy, iii. 293.


- whether we are enemies only to
false and mistaken ideas of the Deity,
iii. 301. or to his true character, iii.

in what this enmity and contrariety
consists, iii. 310.

Devotedness to God, what, i. 193, 194.- criminality of it, iii. 313.



reasonableness of, i. 276. 285.
necessity of, i. 287.

obligations to do it, what, i. 460.
- directions how to do it, what, i. 291.
Dickinson, Mr. Jonathan, notions of,
respecting infant baptism, and the
Abrahamic covenant, what, iii. 356.
Different experiences and conduct of
sinners, under the strivings of the
spirit, what, i. 421.

Difficulties of believing the gospel, from
what arising, ii. 268.

Discipline, church, not maintained by
false churches, iii. 196.
Directions to be given to awakened sin-
ners, what, iii. 261.
Doubting, mistakes about it, what, i.



- is different from weak faith, ii. 195.
Divinity of Christ, i. 463. and passim.
Divine will, can that be evil which ex-
actly coincides with the, considered,
ii. 148.

Dunlop, Mr. his decisions respecting
public creeds, what, iii. 374. 381.
Duty, what God requires of us in his
law, i. 53.

- motives from which it must be done,

- the measure of which God requires
in his law, what, i. 54.


Edwards, President, sentiments of, res
pecting Divine illumination, what, ii.

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Evidences of revelation, external, insuf
ficient to convince the heart, ii. 208.
Note. 334.
Examination, self, how to be perform
ed, i. 267.

- standard by which, i. 269.
Excellency of the Divine nature, the

foundation of moral obligation, i. 127.
Excellence, moral, not amiable but odi
ous to sinners, i. 151. 154.
Existence, whether a blessing, consi
dered, i. 333. iii. S27.
Exhortations, and promises of the gos-
pel, a view of, iii. 248.

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Experiences, difference of in the un- Foreordination, ii. 32.

converted, i. 422.


Fall of Adam foreknown, i. 307. and
decreed, how, i. 308.

man's doplorable state by it, i. 333.
manner of, what, ii, 56.
-temporal evils entailed on mankind
by it, what, i. 404.

- reflections of the elect angels upon
the fall of man, ii, 69.

Fall of angels and men wisely permitted
by God, i. 89. ii. 64

-to display his own perfections, i. 90.

ii. 78. 82. 169.

Faith, saving, nature of, i. 426.

[ocr errors]

definition of, ii. 303.

-consists in, what, i. 434.

various senses of, i. 436.
-justifying, what, i. 437.

-not a persuasion that Christ died for
me, ii. 193. 224.

-fruits of, what, i, 435. 438.

- perpetuity of, i. 440.

-unites to Christ, i. 456. ii. 239. 272.
iii. 80.

- is before justification, iii. 80.

Faith of the legal hypocrite, what, i.

- of the evangelical hypocrite, what, i.

Faith, self-righteous, what, ii. 240.
Faith, passive, not evangelical, ii. 403.
iii. 252. 258.

Faith, appropriating, mistakes about,

226. 250. iii. 100. 107.

Forgetfulness of God, criminality of,
what, iii. 462.

Forgiveness, a spirit of, necessary to
.our being forgiven, ii. 445.
Free-grace, the only ground of hope
and salvation, i. 107. 125. iii. 54.
- gives ample encouragement to return
to God through Christ, i. $99. iii. 109.



God, his infinite understanding display-
ed, i. 72.


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his infinite power, i. 73.

his infinite wisdom, i. 74. ii. 34.
his infinite purity and holiness, i. 77.
his impartial justice, i. 82. ii. 391.
his infinite goodness, i. 84.

displayed in the gift of his son,
and spirit, i. 85. iii. 523.

in his providence, i. 86.

his truth and faithfulness, i. 92,

his sovereignty vindicated, i. 87.
his love of holiness and hatred of in-
iquity, how manifested, i. 80.

- his last end in creating and governing
the world, what, i. 90.

-the display of his own perfections, i.
90. ii. 337.

not merely the happiness of his
creatures, i. 91. ii 109. iii. 459.

objection to this stated and an-
swered, i. 261.

to be loved for what he is in him-
self, ii. 203. 321 404.

ii.worthy of being loved and obeyed, i.
104. 127.

doctrine of, dangerous, iii. 112.
Faith, blind, condemned, ii. 285.
Faith always founded on evidence, ii.

Faith required of the Israelites, what,
iii. 110.

Faith of miracles, what, iii. 116.

Faith, true and counterfeit, difference:
between, ii. 270–273. 464.

Filial frame of spirit, peculiar to be-
lievers, i. 452.

Finite beings, mutable and peccable,
why, ii. 57.

- incapable of making atonement for
the least sin, îîì. 522.

Flavel, Mr. his notions respecting the
priority of regeneration to faith, what,
iii. 834. Note.

Forbearance of God to a sinful world,
i. 404.

Foreknowledge of God, i. 340.

connected with foredetermination,
i. 388.

his claims to our homage, love, and
obedience, reasonable, i. 78. iii. 457.

- mean and contemptuous thoughts of
him which the wicked have, i. 09.
in what sense grieved by the wicked-
ness of men, ii. 157. iii 509.


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will overrule it to his own glory, and
the good of the system, i. 511. (See
sin, permission of,)

the supreme good, ii, 427-432.
unchangeable, ii. 180.

reconcileable to the world, i. 390.
how, ii. 309.

- willing to be reconciled to all that
return to him through Jesus Christ,
ii. 432.

- justifier of all them that believe in
Jesus, ii. 392.

God's love, greatness of, manifested, i.
338. ii. 218.

[blocks in formation]

God, new character of revealed in the
gospel, whether true, considered, iii.
246. 290. and passim.
God of this world, ii. 489.
Goodness of God to sinners, self-moved,
i. 87. 330. ii. 263.
Glory of God, the principal motive
and ultimate end of virtuous actions,
i. 64.

- a sense of it, a cure for false no-
tions in religion, iii. 35.

declarative glory of God, whether
God does always design and act to
promote it, ii. 135.

Gospel, definition of, ii. 340..


nature and design of, to make men
holy, i. 460.

a transcript of the Divine nature,i.374.
glory of, i. 375. ii. 348.

nature of, what, ii. 340.
requirements of, what, i. 332.
offers a good of infinite value, ii. 433.
offers of made to all, i. 381.

- its offers and encouragements to sin-
ners, what, ii. 309. iii. 109.
-compliance with, what, i. 430. (See
covenant of grace.)

calls us to love that character of God,
exhibited in the law, iii. 318.
Gospel at variance with the Arminian
scheme, iii. 42.

Government of God, wisdom and recti-

[ocr errors]

tude of, ii. 114. 175.

the joy of holy beings, ii. 112–117.

his government of the world consi-
dered, i. 70-92.

Grace, free, the only ground of hope
and salvation, i. 107. 125. iii. 54.

common, resisted, i. 230-236.
special, irresistible, i. 237.
ineffectual, i. 240.

extent of, i. 421.

different measures of, ibid.

restraining, i. 216.

discriminating, i. 239.

sovereignty of, i. 238.
indefectibility of, i. 440. 449.
Grace, true, evidences of, what, i. 247.
ascertainable, i. 248. how, 249.
- false grounds of judging of them,

rules for determining and ascer-
taining these evidences, i. 267.

false experiences, what, i. 421.
-growth in grace, the best evidence of
grace, i. 442. ii. 296.


common and special grace different,
iii. 246.



Happiness of creatures, whether God's
last end, considered, i. 261. ii. 109.
iii. 35. Note.

Heathen, their moral state, means of
knowledge, abuse of privileges, and
inexcusableness, i. 163-178. justly
punishable, ibid. ii. 203. iii. 279.
—are haters of God, and objects of his
displeasure, i. 419.

under the law, and bound to render
perfect obedience to it, i. 164. iii.

-bound to love God with all the heart,
ii. 203. 204


their ignorance inexcusable, i. 166.
their abuse of the means of know-
ledge, and rejection of the gospel, the
cause of its being withholden from
them, i. 164.

Heaven, a title to, obtained by faith in
Jesus Christ, i. 16.

preparation for, consists in a holy
temper of heart, i. 17, 18.

its blessedness described, ii. 87.
High-priest, office of, under the law,
ii. 379. iii. 17. 43.
Holiness of God, i. 341.



displayed in the sufferings of Christ,
i. 540-343.

- in his punishing the wicked, i 343.
Holiness required in the Divine law,
what, iii. 268.

Hopkins, Dr. notions of, respecting the

doings of the unregenerate, what, iii.


[blocks in formation]


deceptions of, what, i. 445.


Guilt of the damned ever increasing, i. Idolatry, prevalence of, after the flood,



i. 412. iii. 804.



Illumination, spiritual, nature and ne-
cessity of, i. 95. 116. 376. 440. ii. 299.

necessity of, i. 426. 431.
Illumination, Divine, nature of, what,
ii. 499.

peculiar to the saved, ii 506.
different from what natural men
experience, how, ii. 509.

effects of, what, ii. 510.

is the beginning of spiritual, and
the earnest of eternal life, ii. 526.
Impenitence of the wicked, voluntary,
i 395. and criminal, i. 396.
Imperfection, remains of, in believers,
what, i. 60. and Note.
Imputation of Adam's sin to his poste-
rity, considered, i 221. 300. 312.
of Christ's righteousness to believers,
doctrine of, i. 457.

[ocr errors]

Inability, moral, criminal and punish-
able, i. 150-163.

extent of, i. 226.

nature of, what, ii. 496.

consequences of denying it, what,

i. 258.


Jews, dealings of God towards them
i. 416.

- unbelief and disobedience of, ibid.
how justified under the law, iii. 52.
Jewish dispensation, an acknowledg

ment of the holiness of the moral
law, and necessity of an atonement,
ii. 378. iii. 52.

- preparatory to the Christian dispen-
sation, ii. 29. 378. ii. 10. 21. 56.
Jewish religion, divinity of, ii. 26.
Job's religion not selfish, iii. 299.
Joy, false, what, ii. 283.

-source of, what, ii. 425.
John the Baptist, preaching of, what,
ii. 450.

Justice of God, i. 82. 343.

punitive justice, nature of, i. 346.
displayed in the death of Christ, i.
353. 371. ii. 391.

Judgment, final, described, ii. 84.

reflections of angels and saints up-
on its transactions, ii. 88. 97.

Indignation of God against sin, reason-Justification by free grace, doctrine of,

ableness of, ii. 359.

Indwelling sin, in believers, i. 246.

[ocr errors]

of the Spirit in do. i. 449.

Infants, baptised, whether members of
the visible church, considered, iii. 187.
consequences of supposing them
entitled to all churoh privileges, what,
iii. 188. and passim.
Infidelity, in the hearts of unregene-
rate men. i. 459. ii. 210. 299.
Infinite wisdom and rectitude of the Di-
vine nature and government, ii. 114.
belief of this essential to the founda-
tion of true religion, ii. 129. 175.
Israelites, dealings of God with, i. 76.
170-176. 415.

— inexcusable in their disobedience and
unbelief, i. 170-175.


their receiving the law upon mount
Sinai, iii. 15.

their unbelief, and its consequences,
what, iii. 115.

- designs of God, in his dealigs to-
wards them, what, i. 76.

how they obtained pardon, ii. 444.
Isralites, circumcised, duties of, what,
iii. 138. Note,

Irresistible grace, necessary to conver-
sion, i. 237.

Invitations of God, the ground of a
sinner's encouragement to come to
him, i. 400. ii. 241. 263. 396. 434.

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

i. 356. iii. 79.

manner of, what, ii 410.

by faith alone, i. 457. not by man's
righteousness, ii. 409. nor for his
graces, ii. 414.

impossible by works of law, i. 123.
iii. 22. or by sincere obedience, iii.

- by works, how understood, iii. 48.
Justifying faith, what, i. 437.


[ocr errors]

nature of, and what implied in it,
iii. 60-66.

fruits of, what, iii. 66.

- is not believing that to be true which
was not true before, iii. 88.

is not believing that our sins are for-
given, ii. 253. iii. 92. 101.

illustrated in twenty-four particulars,
iii. 63-67.

- is not an act of the unregenerate
sinner, iii. 295.


Knowledge, importance of, ii. 75.
Knowledge of God, possible no further
than God manifests himself, ii. 76.
how obtained, ii. 337.

- a source of endless and increasing fe-
licity to holy beings, ii. 77. 169.
essential to true love, i 142.
Knowledge of the glory of God, wbat,
ii. 503.

Knowledge of our guilty and helpless
condition, necessary to our under-
standing and embracing the gospel, i.
337. 355. and to our accepting the
righteousness of Christ, i. 364.
Knowledge, speculative, insufficient to
beget love to God, iii. 307. 308.

— errors of Pelagians, Socinians, and
Antinomians, on this point, iii. 307.


Law of God, duties required in it, what,
i. 53. iii. 268.

extent of its requirements, i. 143.
unalterable and incapable of any a-
batement, i. 110-127. 145.
fitness of, i. 111. 147.

threatenings of, what, i. 120. 159.
[See threatenings not abated, i. 145.]
consequences of supposing it abated
and altered, what, i. 116, 117. 254.
the criterion of moral character and
of blameworthiness, ii. 371.

repentance presupposes a love and
approbation of it, ii. 373.

fulfilled by Christ, how, i. 358. this
necessary, why, i. 359.

the rule of life to the believer, ii.

is perfect, requiring sinless obedi-
ence, iii. 237.

submission to, necessary, in order to
receiving the gospel, i. 125.
Law, holy, just, and good, independ-
ently of the gospel, ii. 205-212.

[ocr errors]

antecedently to a consideration of
the gift of Christ, and the work of re-
demption, ii. 359. iii. 267.

approbation of, necessary to our
embracing the gospel, ii. 209. 212.
265. Note. 361. 384.

objection answered, ii. 362.

Laws of God display his goodness, i. 84.
Law, our schoolmaster, iii. 9.

view of it as given on Mount Sinai,
iii. 14-17.

uses of, what, ibid.

requirements of, what, iii. 17, 18.

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- devotedness to him, i. 64. [See de-

motives from which true love to God
takes its rise, i. 67.

from his infinite amiableness, i. 67.
from what he has done, and pro-
mises to do for us, i. 131.

from his command and authority,
í. 133. iii. 466.

-measure of love to God, what is re-
quired, i. 143.

Love to God, obligation to it binding,
originally from what he is in himself,

i. 97.

infinitely, i. 99.

- eternally, i. 108.

unchangeably, i. 109.

the foundation of all religion, ii. 266.
the foundation of all holy obedience,
i. 66. 192.

- fruits and effects of, what, i. 138.
Love to God arising from an apprehen-
sien of his love to us, and not from
a discovery of his moral excellence,
false and spurious, i. 58. Note. 126.
128. ii. 219. 404. iii. 461.

promises life on condition of sinless-primary and chief motive that ought

obedience, iii. 18. 19.

- threatens eternal damnation for eve-
ry violation of it, ii. 320. iii. 19—22.
in what sense understood by St. Paul,
considered, iii. 21. Note.

by the deeds of it, no flesh justified,
iii. 22.

Israelites obliged to approve of it,
jii. 23.

to induce us to love, what, ii. 200, 201.
Loving God, not for what he is, crimi-
nal, i. 128.

Love, true, distinguished from self-love,
i. 135-139. ii. 221. 316.

counterfeit, its nature and effects
described, i. 139-142.

-to our neighbour, i. 179. [See neigh-

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