CONTENTS. Page GOVERNMENT THE FIRST CHAP. III. PRINCIPLE OF DAVID LEVI'S WORK ON THE PROPHECIES, SHOWN TO BE CONTRARY TO THE DOCTRINES OF THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES, RESPECT- ING THE KINGDOM OF THE MESSIAH. 45 . 71 ADVERTISEMENT. THE small Work now offered to the Public, has been printed from the first rough manuscript of the Author, which want of leisure prevented him from transcribing fair. When he sent it to the Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, he expected, that, if it were thought worthy of publication, he would have an opportunity of again seeing and retouching it, before it was printed. But circumstances have occurred to prevent this. The Author hopes that this simple statement will lead the Reader to overlook any inaccuracies of style, or improprieties of expression, which may be discerned in it. The Author is under the greatest obligations to the Gentleman who has taken the trouble to correct the press; but, under circumstances so disadvantageous, it can scarcely be expected that there should not be a considerable list of errata; and it is probable that some have yet escaped the attention of the Author. The Author takes the liberty of requesting the Reader to correct the erratu before he begins peruse the work. to March 13, 1810. |