23, for imply read be simply 53, 16, for the full stop between conditions and First, place a semi-colon 126, 5, erase the note of admiration and place a period 130, lines 11 and 15, erase the notes of admiration and place periods 133, line 4, for false read full 136, 143, 157, 176, 21, erase the note of admiration and place a period 19, for prophecying read prophesying 6, for barren read married 8, the words for that improperly printed in italic, A LIST OF PUBLICATIONS BY THE LONDON SOCIETY, SOLD BY MESSRS. BLACK, PARRY, AND KINGSBURY, LEADENHALL STREET. LETTER to the ENGLISH ISRAELITE, by PERSEVERANS. OBLIGATIONS of CHRISTIANS to ATTEMPT the CONVERSION of the JEWS, by a PRESBYTER of the CHURCH of ENGLAND. FIVE MINUTES' CONSIDERATION recommended to Mr. TOBIAS GOODMAN, by the SAME. JESUS the TRUE MESSIAH, a Sermon, by the Rev. ANDREW FULLER. PROOFS from the ANCIENT PROPHECIES that the MESSIAH must have come; and that JESUS of NAZARETH is the MESSIAH; seriously addressed to the Attention of the Jewish Nation. By a CLERGYMAN of the CHURCH of ENGLAND. THE SAME, translated into the Hebrew Language. 1 REMARKS UPON DAVID LEVI'S Dissertations on the Prophecies. CHAP I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. - THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF DAVID LEVI'S DISSERTATIONS ASCERTAINED.SHOWN TO BE FOUNDED ON A PETITIO PRINCIPII, OR TAKING FOR GRANTED THE QUESTION AT ISSUE. No candid Jew will deny that the controversy between the Jews and Christians is of the utmost importance. It involves in it the questions Whether the Messiah, so long looked for by the Jewish nation, be not already come? Whether Jesus was not this Messiah? and, Whether the Jews, by continuing to deny Him, be not guilty every day of crucifying the Son of God afresh, B inasmuch as they still confess and justify the deed of their fathers? I lately saw it mentioned in a periodical publication, that the Jewish writer, David Levi, had, in his controversy with Dr. Priestley, proposed, as the fairest method of deciding the momentous question, an examination of all the prophecies concerning the Messiah, from Moses to Malachi, and a comparison thereof with the acts recorded of Jesus in the New Testament, to see whether they have been fulfilled in his person or not. It was further stated, that no Christian writer has yet undertaken to answer Levi; and that this is often mentioned by the Jews in such a way as to show that they attach much weight to the silence of their Christian opponents. I felt my curiosity to be aroused by this circumstance, and I immediately procured a copy of Levi's work, as far as it seems to be yet published, viz. his three first volumes; and have perused it with that attention which the importance of the subject demands, and which is more |