Dishonor, and be wrong'd without redress. Haste then, and wheel away a shatter'd world, Ye slow-revolving seasons! we would see (A sight to which our eyes are strangers yet) A world, that does not dread and hate his laws, And suffer for its crime; would learn how fair The creature is, that God pronounces good, How pleasant in itself what pleases him. Here ev'ry drop of honey hides a sting; Worms wind themselves into our sweetest flow'rs; And ev'n the joy, that haply some poor heart Derives from Heav'n, pure as the fountain is, Is sullied in the stream, taking a taint From touch of human lips, at best impure. O for a world in principle as chaste As this is gross and selfish! over which Custom and prejudice shall bear no sway, That govern all things here, should'ring aside The meek and modest Truth, and forcing her To seek a refuge from the tongue of Strife In nooks obscure, far from the ways of men; Where Violence shall never lift the sword, Nor Cunning justify the proud man's wrong, Leaving the poor no remedy but tears: Where he, that fills an office, shall esteem Th' occasion it presents of doing good
To wand'ring sheep, resolv'd to follow none. Two gods divide them all-Pleasure and Gain: For these they live, they sacrifice to these, And in their service wage perpetual war With Conscience and with thee. Lust in their hearts, And mischief in their hands, they roam the Earth, To prey upon each other: stubborn, fierce, High-minded, foaming out their own disgrace. 'Thy prophets speak of such; and, noting down The features of the last degen'rate times, Exhibit ev'ry lineament of these
Come then, and, added to thy many crowns, Receive yet one, as radiant as the rest, Due to thy last and most effectual work, Thy word fulfill'd, the conquest of a world!
He is the happy man, whose life e'en now Shows somewhat of that happier life to come; Who, doom'd to an obscure but tranquil state, Is pleas'd with it, and, were he free to choose, Would make his fate his choice; whom peace, the
Of virtue, and whom virtue, fruit of faith, Prepare for happiness; bespeak him one Content indeed to sojourn while he must Below the skies, but having there his home. The World o'erlooks him in her busy search
More than the perquisite: where Law shall speak Of objects, more illustrious in her view;
Seldom, and never but as Wisdom prompts
And, occupied as earnestly as she,
And Equity; not jealous more to guard
A worthless form, than to decide aright.
Where Fashion shall not sanctify abuse, Nor smooth Good-breeding (supplemental grace) With lean performance ape the work of Love!
Come then, and, added to thy many crowns, Receive yet one, the crown of all the Earth, Thou who alone art worthy! It was thine By ancient covenant, ere Nature's birth; And thou hast made it thine by purchase since, And overpaid its value with thy blood. Thy saints proclaim thee King; and in their hearts Thy title is engraven with a pen
Dipp'd in the fountain of eternal love.
Thy saints proclaim thee King; and thy delay Gives courage to their foes, who, could they see The dawn of thy last advent, long desir'd, Would creep into the bowels of the hills,
ازم And flee for safety to the falling rocks. The very spirit of the world is tir'd Of its own taunting question, ask'd so long, "Where is the promise of your Lord's approach?" The infidel has shot his bolts away,
Till, his exhausted quiver yielding none, He gleans the blunted shafts, that have recoil'd, And aims them at the shield of Truth again.
The veil is rent, rent, too, by priestly hands,
Though more sublimely, he o'erlooks the World. She scorns his pleasures, for she knows them not; He seeks not hers, for he has prov'd them vain; He cannot skim the ground like summer birds Pursuing gilded flies; and such he deems Her honors, her emoluments, her joys. Therefore in contemplation is his bliss, Whose pow'r is such, that whom she lifts from Earth She makes familiar with a Heav'n unseen, And shows him glories yet to be reveal'd. Not slothful he, though seeming unemploy'd, And censur'd oft as useless. Stillest streams Oft water fairest meadows, and the bird
That flutters least, is longest on the wing. Ask him, indeed, what trophies he has rais'd, Or what achievements of immortal fame He purposes, and he shall answer-None. His warfare is within. There, unfatigu'd, His fervent spirit labors. There he fights, And there obtains fresh triumphs o'er himself, And never-with'ring wreaths, compar'd with which The laurels that a Cæsar reaps are weeds. Perhaps the self-approving haughty World, That as she sweeps him with her whistling silks Scarce deigns to notice him, or, if she see, Deems him a cipher in the works of God, Receives advantage from his noiseless hours, Of what she little dreams. Perhaps she owes Her sunshine and her rain, her blooming spring And plenteous harvest, to the pray'r he makes, When, Isaac-like, the solitary saint
That hides divinity from mortal eyes; And all the mysteries to faith propos'd,
Insulted and traduc'd, are cast aside,
As useless, to the moles and to the bats.
They now are deem'd the faithful, and are prais'd, Walks forth to meditate at eventide,
Who, constant only in rejecting thee,
Deny thy Godhead with a martyr's zeal,
And quit their office for their error's sake.
And think on her, who thinks not for herself Forgive him then, thou bustler in concerns Of little worth, an idler in the best,
Blind, and in love with darkness! yet ev'n these
Worthy, compar'd with sycophants, who kneel Thy name adoring, and then preach thee man! So fares thy church. But how thy church may fare, 'The world takes little thought. Who will may preach,
And what they will. All pastors are alike
If, author of no mischief and some good, He seeks his proper happiness by means, That may advance, but cannot hinder, thine. Nor, though he tread the secret path of life, Engage no notice, and enjoy much ease, Account him an encumbrance on the state, Receiving benefits, and rend'ring none.
His sphere though humble, if that humble sphere Shine with his fair example, and though small His influence, if that influence all be spent In soothing sorrow, and in quenching strife, In aiding helpless indigence, in works, From which at least a grateful few derive Some taste of comfort in a world of woe; Then let the supercilious great confess He serves his country, recompenses well The state, beneath the shadow of whose vine He sits secure, and in the scale of life Holds no ignoble, though a slighted, place. The man, whose virtues are more felt than seen, Must drop indeed the hope of public praise; But, he may boast, what few that win it can, That, if his country stand not by his skill, At least his follies have not wrought her fall. Polite Refinement offers him in vain Her golden tube, through which a sensual World Draws gross impurity, and likes it well, The neat conveyance hiding all the offence. Not that he peevishly rejects a mode, Because that World adopts it. If it bear The stamp and clear impression of good sense, And be not costly more than of true worth, He puts it on, and for decorum sake Can wear it e'en as gracefully as she. She judges of refinement by the eye, He, by the test of conscience, and a heart Not soon deceiv'd; aware, that what is base No polish can make sterling; and that vice, Though well perfum'd and elegantly dress'd, Like an unburied carcass trick'd with flow'rs, Is but a garnish'd nuisance, fitter far For cleanly riddance, than for fair attire. So life glides smoothly and by stealth away, More golden than that age of fabled gold Renown'd in ancient song; not vex'd with care Or stain'd with guilt, beneficent, approv'd Of God and man, and peaceful in its end. So glide my life away! and so at last, My share of duties decently fulfill'd, May some disease, not tardy to perform Its destin'd office, yet with gentle stroke, Dismiss me weary to a safe retreat, Beneath the turf, that I have often trod.
Κεφαλαιον δη παιδειας ορθη τροφη.-Plato. Αρχη πολιτείας απασης νεων τροφα-Diog. Lam
It is not from his form, in which we trace Strength join'd with beauty, dignity with grace, That man, the master of this globe, derives His right of empire over all that lives. That form, indeed, th' associate of a mind Vast in its powers, ethereal in its kind, That form, the labor of Almighty skill, Fram'd for the service of a free-born will, Asserts precedence, and bespeaks control, But borrows all its grandeur from the soul Hers is the state, the splendor, and the throne An intellectual kingdom, all her own. For her the Mem'ry fills her ample page With truths pour'd down from ev'ry distant age; For her amasses an unbounded store, The wisdom of great nations, now no more; Though laden, not encumber'd with her spoil; Laborious, yet unconscious of her toil; When, copiously supplied, then most enlarg'd; Still to be fed, and not to be surcharg'd. For her the Fancy, roving unconfin'd, The present muse of ev'ry pensive mind, Works magic wonders, adds a brighter bue To Nature's scenes than Nature ever knew. At her command winds rise, and waters rost, Again she lays them slumb'ring on the shore; With flow'r and fruit the wilderness supplies. Or bids the rocks in ruder pomp arise. For her the Judgment, umpire in the strife, That Grace and Nature have to wage through li Quick-sighted arbiter of good and ill. Appointed sage preceptor to the Will. Condemns, approves, and with a faithful voice Guides the decision of a doubtful choice.
Why did the fiat of a God give birth To yon fair Sun, and his attendant Earth! And, when descending he resigns the skies,
It shall not grieve me then, that once when call'd Why takes the gentler Moon her turn to rise,
To dress a Sofa with the flow'rs of verse,
I play'd awhile, obedient to the fair, With that light task; but soon, to please her more, Whom flow'rs alone I knew would little please, Let fall th' unfinish'd wreath, and rov'd for fruit; Rov'd far, and gather'd much: some harsh, 'tis true, Pick'd from the thorns and briers of reproof, But wholesome, well-digested; grateful some To palates, that can taste immortal truth; Insipid else, and sure to be despis'd. But all is in his hand, whose praise I seek. In vain the poet sings, and the world hears, If he regard not, though divine the theme. 'Tis not in artful measures, in the chime And idle tinkling of a minstrel's lyre, To charm his ear, whose eye is on the heart; Whose frown can disappoint the proudest strain, Whose approbation-prosper even mine.
Whom Ocean feels through all his countless was And owns her pow'r on ev'ry shore he laves! Why do the seasons still enrich the year, Fruitful and young as in their first career! Spring hangs her infant blossoms on the trees, Rock'd in the cradle of the western breeze ; Summer in haste the thriving charge receives Beneath the shade of her expanded leaves, Till Autumn's fiercer heats and plenteous dewa Dye them at last in all their glowing hues- 'T were wild profusion all, and bootless waste, Pow'r misemploy'd, munificence misplac'd, Had not its author dignified the plan. And crown'd it with the majesty of man. Thus form'd, thus plac'd, intelligent, and taught Look where he will, the wonders God has wrought The wildest scorner of his Maker's laws Finds in a sober moment time to pause, To press th' important question on his heart, "Why form'd at all, and wherefore as thou art!" If man be what he seems, this hour a slave, The next mere dust and ashes in the grave;
Endu'd with reason only to descry His crimes and follies with an aching eye; With passions, just that he may prove, with pain, The force he spends against their fury vain; And if, soon after having burnt, by turns, With ev'ry lust, with which frail Nature burns, His being end, where death dissolves the bond, The tomb take all, and all be blank beyond; Then he, of all that Nature has brought forth, Stands self-impeach'd the creature of least worth, And useless while he lives and when he dies, Brings into doubt the wisdom of the skies.
Truths, that the learn'd pursue with eager thought, Are not important always as dear bought, Proving at last, though told in pompous strains, A childish waste of philosophic pains; But truths, on which depends our main concern, That 'tis our shame and mis'ry not to learn, Shine by the side of ev'ry path we tread With such a lustre, he that runs may read. 'Tis true that, if to trifle life away Down to the sun-set of their latest day, Then perish on futurity's wide shore Like fleeting exhalations, found no more, Were all that Heav'n requir'd of human-kind, And all the plan their destiny design'd,
What none could rev'rence all might justly blame, And man would breathe but for his Maker's shame.
But reason heard, and Nature well perus'd, At once the dreaming mind is disabus'd. If all we find possessing earth, sea, air, Reflect his attributes, who plac'd them there, Fulfil the purpose, and appear design'd
Proofs of the wisdom of th' all-seeing mind, "Tis plain the creature, whom he chose t'invest With kingship and dominion o'er the rest, Receiv'd his nobler nature, and was made Fit for the power, in which he stands array'd; That first, or last, hereafter, if not here, He, too, might make his author's wisdom clear, Praise him on Earth, or, obstinately dumb, Suffer his justice in a world to come. This once believ'd, 'twere logic misapplied, To prove a consequence by none denied, That we are bound to cast the minds of youth Betimes into the mould of heav'nly truth, That taught of God they may indeed be wise, Nor, ignorantly wand'ring, miss the skies. In early days the conscience has in most A quickness, which in later life is lost: Preserv'd from guilt by salutary fears, Or, guilty, soon relenting into tears.
Points, which, unless the Scripture made them plair The wisest heads might agitate in vain. O thou, whom, borne on fancy's eager wing Back to the season of life's happy spring, I pleas'd remember, and, while Mem'ry yet Holds fast her office here, can ne'er forget; Ingenious dreamer, in whose well-told tale Sweet fiction and sweet truth alike prevail; Whose hum'rous vein, strong sense, and simple style, May teach the gayest, make the gravest smile; Witty, and well-employ'd, and, like thy Lord, Speaking in parables his slighted word; I name thee not, lest so despis'd a name Should move a sneer at thy deserved fame; Yet ev'n in transitory life's late day, That mingles all my brown with sober grey, Revere the man, whose PILGRIM marks the road, And guides the PROGRESS of the soul to God. "Twere well with most, if books, that could engage Their childhood, pleas'd them at a riper age; The man, approving what had charm'd the boy, Would die at last in comfort, peace, and joy; And not with curses on his heart, who stole The gem of truth from his unguarded soul. The stamp of artless piety impress'd By kind tuition on his yielding breast, The youth now bearded, and yet pert and raw, Regards with scorn, though once receiv'd with awe; And, warp'd into the labyrinth of lies, That babblers, call'd philosophers, devise, Blasphemes his creed, as founded on a plan, Replete with dreams, unworthy of a man. Touch but his nature in its ailing part, Assert the native evil of his heart,
His pride resents the charge, although the proof Rise in his forehead, and seem rank enough: Point to the cure, describe a Savior's cross As God's expedient to retrieve his loss, The young apostate sickens at the view, And hates it with the malice of a Jew.
How weak the barrier of mere Nature proves, Oppos'd against the pleasures Nature loves! While self-betray'd, and wilfully undone, She longs to yield, no sooner woo'd than won. Try now the merits of this blest exchange Of modest truth for wit's eccentric range. Time was, he clos'd as he began the day, With decent duty, not asham'd to pray: The practice was a bond upon his heart, A pledge he gave for a consistent part; Nor could he dare presumptuously displease A pow'r, confess'd so lately on his knees. But now, farewell all legendary tales, The shadows fly, philosophy prevails;
Too careless often, as our years proceed,
What friends we sort with, or what books we read, Pray'r to the winds, and caution to the waves;
Which children use, and parsons-when they Whose only care, might Truth presume to speak,
Lisping our syllables, we scrarable next
Through moral narrative, or sacred text;
And learn with wonder how this world began,
Is not to find what they profess to seek. And thus, well-tutor'd only while we share A mother's lectures and a nurse's care; And taught at schools much mythologic stuff,
Who made, who marr'd, and who has ransom'd, man. But sound religion sparingly enough;
Our early notices of truth, disgrac'd, Soon lose their credit, and are all effac'd.
Would you your son should be a sot or dunce, Lascivious, headstrong, or all these at once; That in good time the stripling's finish'd taste For loose expense, and fashionable waste, Should prove your ruin, and his own at last; Train him in public with a mob of boys, Childish in mischief only and in noise, Else of a mannish growth, and five in ten In infidelity and lewdness men. There shall he learn, ere sixteen winters old, That authors are most useful pawn'd or sold; That pedantry is all that schools impart, But taverns teach the knowledge of the heart; There waiter Dick, with Bacchanalian lays, Shall win his heart, and have his drunken praise, His counsellor and bosom-friend shall prove, And some street-pacing harlot his first love. Schools, unless discipline were doubly strong, Detain their adolescent charge too long; The management of tyroes of eighteen Is difficult, their punishment obscene. The stout tall captain, whose superior size The minor heroes view with envious eyes, Becomes their pattern, upon whom they fix Their whole attention, and ape all his tricks. His pride, that scorns t' obey or to submit, With them is courage; his effront'ry, wit. His wild excursions, window-breaking feats, Robb'ry of gardens, quarrels in the streets, His hairbreadth 'scapes, and all his daring schemes, Transport them, and are made their fav'rite themes. In little bosoms such achievements strike A kindred spark: they burn to do the like. Thus, half-accomplish'd ere he yét begin To show the peeping down upon his chin; And, as maturity of years comes on, Made just th' adept that you design'd your son; T' insure the perseverance of his course, And give your monstrous project all its force, Send him to college. If he there be tam'd, Or in one article of vice reclaim'd, Where no regard of ord'nances is shown Or look'd for now, the fault must be his own. Some sneaking virtue lurks in him, no doubt, Where neither strumpets' charms, nor drinking
Elisha's eye, that, when Gehazi stray'd. Went with him, and saw all the game he playst Yes-ye are conscious; and on all the shelves Your pupils strike upon, have struck yourselves Or if, by nature sober, ye had then, Boys as ye were, the gravity of men; Ye knew at least, by constant proofs address'd To ears and eyes, the vices of the rest. But ye connive at what ye cannot cure, And evils, not to be endur'd, endure, Lest pow'r exerted, but without success, Should make the little ye retain still less. Ye once were justly fam'd for bringing forth Undoubted scholarship and genuine worth; And in the firmament of fame still shines A glory, bright as that of all the signs, Of poets rais'd by you, and statesmen, and driss Peace to them all! those brilliant times are fed, And no such lights are kindling in their stesd: Our striplings shine indeed, but with such mys As set the midnight riot in a blaze; And seem, if judg'd by their expressive looks, Deeper in none than in their surgeons' books.
Say, Muse, (for education made the song, No Muse can hesitate, or linger long.) What causes move us, knowing as we must That these menageries all fail their trust, To send our sons to scout and scamper there. While colts and puppies cost us so much care'
Be it a weakness, it deserves some praise, We love the play-place of our early days; The scene is touching, and the heart is stone. That feels not at that sight, and feels at none. The wall on which we tried our graving s The very name we carv'd subsisting still; The bench on which we sat while deep empin Though mangled, hack'd, and hew'd, not yet cestroy The little ones, unbutton'd, glowing hot, Playing our games, and on the very spot; As happy as we once, to kneel and draw The chalky ring, and knuckle down at taw; To pitch the ball into the grounded hat. Or drive it devious with a dextrous pat; The pleasing spectacle at once excites Such recollection of our own delights, That, viewing it, we seem almost t' obtain Our innocent sweet simple years again. This fond attachment to the well-known place Whence first we started into life's long race, Maintains its hold with such unfailing sway. We feel it ev'n in age, and at our latest day.
Nor gambling practices, can find it out.
Such youths of spirit, and that spirit too, Ye nurs'ries of our boys, we owe to you:
Though from ourselves the mischief more proceeds, Hark! how the sire of chits, whose future share
For public schools 'tis public folly feeds.
The slaves of custom and establish'd mode,
With pack-horse constancy we keep the road, Crooked or straight, through quags or thorny dells, True to the jingling of our leader's bells. To follow foolish precedents, and wink With both our eyes, is easier than to think: And such an age as ours balks no expense, Except of caution, and of common sense; Else, sure, notorious fact, and proof so plain, Would turn our steps into a wiser train. I blame not those, who, with what care they can, O'erwatch the num'rous and unruly clan; Or, if I blame, 'tis only that they dare Promise a work, of which they must despair. Have ye, ye sage intendants of the whole, A ubiquarian presence and control,
Of classic food begins to be his care, With his own likeness plac'd on either knee, Indulges all a father's heart-felt glee; And tells them, as he strokes their silver locks. That they must soon learn Latin, and to bex; Then turning he regales his list'ning wife With all th' adventures of his early life: His skill in coachmanship, or driving chaise, In bilking tavern-bills, and spouting plays; What shifts he us'd, detected in a scrape, How he was flogg'd, or had the luck t'escape; What sums he lost at play, and how he sold Watch, seals, and all till all his pranks are told Retracing thus his frolics, ('tis a name That palliates deeds of folly and of shame.) He gives the local bias all its sway; Resolves that, where he play'd, his sons shall play,
1. And destines their bright genius to be shown Just in the scene, where he display'd his own. The meek and bashful boy will soon be taught, To be as bold and forward as he ought; The rude will scuffle through with ease enough, Great schools suit best the sturdy and the rough. Ah happy designation, prudent choice, • Th' event is sure; expect it, and rejoice! Soon see your wish fulfill'd in either child, The pert made perter, and the tame made wild.
![[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]](,460,17,435)
The great, indeed, by titles, riches, birth, Excus'd th' encumbrance of more solid worth, Are best dispos'd of where, with most success They may acquire that confident address, Those habits of profuse and lewd expense, That scorn of all delights but those of sense, Which, though in plain plebeians we condemn,
With so much reason all expect from them
But families of less illustrious fame,
Whose chief distinction is their spotless name, Whose heirs, their honors none, their income small, Must shine by true desert, or not at all,
What dream they of, that with so little care
They risk their hopes, their dearest treasure, there? They dream of little Charles or William grac'd
With wig prolix, down flowing to his waist;
They see th' attentive crowds his talents draw,
They hear him speak the oracle of law.
The father, who designs his babe a priest,
Dreams him episcopally such at least; And, while the playful jockey scours the room Briskly, astride upon the parlor broom, In fancy sees him more superbly ride
In coach with purple lin'd, and mitres on its side. Events improbable and strange as these, Which only a parental eye foresees,
A public school shall bring to pass with ease. But how? resides such virtue in that air, As must create an appetite for pray'r? And will it breathe into him all the zeal, That candidates for such a prize should feel, To take the lead and be the foremost still In all true worth and literary skill?
"Ah blind to bright futurity, untaught The knowledge of the world, and dull of thought! Church-ladders are not always mounted best By learned clerks, and Latinists profess'd. The exalted prize demands an upward look, Not to be found by poring on a book: Small skill in Latin, and still less in Greek, Is more than adequate to all I seek. Let erudition grace him, or not grace, I give the bauble but the second place; His wealth, fame, honors, all that I intend, Subsist and centre in one point-a friend. A friend, whate'er he studies or neglects, Shall give him consequence, heal all defects. His intercourse with peers and sons of peers- There dawns the splendor of his future years: In that bright quarter his propitious skies Shall blush betimes, and there his glory rise. Your Lordship, and Your Grace! what school can teach A rhet'ric equal to those parts of speech? What need of Homer's verse, or Tully's prose, Sweet interjections! if he learn but those? Let rev'rend churls his ignorance rebuke, Who starve upon a dog's-ear'd Pentateuch, The parson knows enough, who knows a duke." Egregious purpose! worthily begun
In barb'rous prostitution of your son;
Press'd on his part by means, that would disgrace A scriv'ner's clerk, or footman out of place, And ending, if at last its end be gain'd, In sacrilege, in God's own house profan'd. It may succeed; and, if his sins should call For more than common punishment, it shall; The wretch shall rise, and be the thing on Earth Least qualified in honor, learning, worth, To occupy a sacred, awful post,
In which the best and worthiest tremble most. The royal letters are a thing of course, A king, that would, might recommend his horse; And deans, no doubt, and chapters, with one voice As bound in duty, would confirm the choice. Behold your bishop! well he plays his part, Christian in name, and intidel in heart, Ghostly in office, earthly in his plan, A slave at court, elsewhere a lady's man; Dumb as a senator, and as a priest
A piece of mere church-furniture at best; To live estrang'd from God his total scope, And his end sure, without one glimpse of hope. But fair although and feasible it seem,
Depend not much upon your golden dream; For Providence, that seems concern'd t' exempt The hallow'd bench from absolute contempt, In spite of all the wrigglers into place, Still keeps a seat or two for worth and grace; And therefore 'tis, that, though the sight be rare, We sometimes see a Lowth or Bagot there. Besides, school-friendships are not always found, Though fair in promise, permanent and sound; The most disint'rested and virtuous minds, In early years connected, time unbinds; New situations give a diffrent east Of habit, inclination, temper, taste; And he, that seem'd our counterpart at first, Soon shows the strong similitude revers'd.
Young heads are giddy, and young hearts are warm And make mistakes for manhood to reform. Boys are at best but pretty buds unblown, Whose scent and hues are rather guess'd than known Each dreams that each is just what he appears, But learns his error in maturer years, When disposition, like a sail unfurl'd, Shows all its rents and patches to the world. If, therefore, ev'n when honest in design, A boyish friendship may so soon decline, "Twere wiser, sure, t' inspire a little heart With just abhorrence of so mean a part, Than set your son to work at a vile trade, For wages so unlikely to be paid.
Our public hives of puerile resort, That are of chief and most approv'd report, To such base hopes, in many a sordid soul, Owe their repute in part, but not the whole. A principle, whose proud pretensions pass Unquestion'd, though the jewel be but glass- That with a world, not often over-nice, Ranks as a virtue, and is yet a vice; Or rather a gross compound, justly tried, Of envy, hatred, jealousy, and pride- Contributes most, perhaps, t' enhance their fame And emulation is its specious name. Boys, once on fire with that contentious zeal, Feel all the rage, that female rivals feel; The prize of beauty in a woman's eyes Not brighter than in theirs, the scholar's prize The spirit of that competition burns With all varieties of ill by turns;
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