صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


TAKE from me all evil imaginations, all impurity of thought, all inclinations to lust, all envy, pride, and hypocrisy; all falsehood, deceit, and irregularity of life; all covetousness, vain glory, and sloth; all malice, anger, and wrath; all remembrance of injuries, every thing contrary to thy will, O most Holy God.

May I never hear with pleasure, nor ever repeat such things, as may dishonor God, or injure my neighbour or my own character.

Love of God, &c.

Bless me, O God, with the love of Thee, and of my neighbour. Give me peace of conscience, the command of my affections; and for the rest, Thy will be done.

O King of peace, give us thy peace, keep us in love and charity.

Make thyself, O God, absolute master of my heart.

They, that be whole, need not a physician. It belongs to Thee, O Sovereign Physician, to make us sensible of our maladies, and to make us go to Thee for help. O say unto my soul this word of salvation, Behold, thou art made whole.

Without me ye can do nothing. Miserable indeed is he, who pretends to walk without Thee, O give me light to see, a heart to embrace, and a power to do thy will. From thy Spirit I hope to receive these graces.

John xin. 26. If any man serve me, let him follow me; and him will my Father honor.

Let me never flatter myself, that I serve Thee, my Saviour, unless I follow thy example at the expense of every thing I love or fear beside. Ο keep my heart fixed upon that honor, which God has prepared for those, that follow Thee.

O divine Spirit, render me worthy of thy presence and consolation. Fill my heart with holy dread of thy judgments. Give me a true sense and knowledge of the danger and evil of sin; and may I, with prudent moderation only, be concerned for temporal things.

Jesus Christ is always in his temple, and near you, (if your soul be fit for him to dwell in) to Him apply on all occasions.

As your Master; for grace to study, to love, and to follow his instructions. He requires nothing, but what he first practised himself.

As your Lord; that you may love and serve him faithfully, and fulfil all his commands. As your Pattern; that you may follow his example, and imitate his virtues.

As your Saviour; that he may be your refuge and confidence, your strength and support, your peace and consolation, your Saviour now and at the hour of death.

As your King; that he may give laws to your

soul, and that you may surrender yourself to his commands; and never rebel, nor resist his authority.

As your Shepherd. Keep me in thy flock by thy almighty grace; I am one of the lost sheep, which Thou camest to seek. Take me under thy care, and restore me to thy fold. Increase thy flock for the honor of thy name.

Wilful Sin.

Let me rather choose to die, than to sin against my conscience.

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I am ashamed to come before Thee; but I must come, or perish. I know that Thou art angry with me for my sins; but I know too that Thou pitiest me, or why do I yet live ? Make me full of sorrow for my sin, and full of hope of thy mercy and pardon. Look upon the infirmities of thy servant, and consider his weakness. Sensible of my own sad condition, weak and miserable, sinful and ignorant, liable to eternal death, I prostrate myself before Thee, imploring thy help and pardon.

Gracious God, never abandon me to the opposition, I shall at any time make to thy grace. Blessed be God, that he has so often prevented me, and not left me to the desires of my own heart.


Put a stop to the torrent of wickedness and profaneness, which carries all before it.

I confess my sins to Thee, O God; do Thou hide them from the world.

Eternity. Lord, imprint on my heart a lively idea of eternity, that the sorrowful passages of this life, which are so uneasy and frightful to nature, may vanish, or be borne with patience.

Example. Pardon my sin, and forgive all such, as have been misled by an evil example of mine. Matth. v. 48. Be ye perfect, even as your Father, who is in Heaven, is perfect.

O divine repairer of our corrupt nature, may thy allpowerful grace make me as perfect, as Thou hast commanded me to be!



O God, who hast called me to holiness, give me firm faith in thy power, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that by his assistance I may get the mastery of all my sins and corruptions; that I may be redeemed from all iniquity; that I may be holy, as He, who has called me, is holy.

Possess my soul with earnest desire of pleasing
Thee, and with holy fear of offending Thee.
Let me be ever ready to forgive injuries, and
backward to offer any.

Give me, O Lord, faith and patience, that I may neither murmur at thy appointments, nor be angry against the instruments of thy justice.


Deliver me from the errors and vices of the present age; from infidelity, wicked principles, from profaneness, heresies, and schism.

I most heartily thank Thee, O God, for thy perpetual care of me, for all thy mercies, bestowed on me, for the blessings of nature and of grace, Grant, O God, that I may never receive thy grace in vain; but that I may live, like one, who believes and hopes for the joys of Heaven.

Let me ever be sorry for my sins, thankful for thy blessings, fear thy judgments, love thy mercies, and remember thy presence.

Give me a humble mind, godly fear, and a qui. et conscience...

Weaken, O Lord, the power of Satan in'this place, and the tyranny of his ministers,

In time of pestilence or danger.

Set thy saving mark upon our houses, and give order to the destroyer not to hurt us.

John xvi. 23. Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

Upon this promise, blessed Lord, I depend; beseeching Thee, O heavenly Father, for thy dear Son's sake, to give me the graces, I most



After prayers.

Vouchsafe us those graces and blessings, which

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