THE INDEPENDENT WHIG: OR, A DEFENCE OF Primitive Christianity, And of our Ecclefiaftical Establishment, AGAINST The Exorbitant CLAIMS and THE FIFTH EDITION. VOL. II. LONDON: Printed for J. PEELE, at Locke's Head in English Sanders 10-20-31 24664 THE INDEPENDENT WHIG. NUMBER XXXIII. Wednesday, August 31. 1720. The Ignorance of the High-Church Vulgar, and its Causes. I Have always thought the best constituted Church in the World to be that, which forms and produces the most religious and most rational Members. Churches are Places where Men are, or should be, taught the Love of God, and of Virtue; and when People have been long used to perform divine Discipline, and, as they imagine, receive Instruction in Moral and Evangelical Duties, in these stately VOL. II. A 2 Fa |