صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Sam. ii. 1. Job xiii. 16. Psalm xxvii. 1; 16; 1.23; lxv. 5; lxvii. 3; lxx. 43; lxxi. ; xcvi. 2; xcviii. 2,3; cxviii. 14; cxix. 81, 3, 166, 174. Isa. xii. 2; xlv. 8; xlvi. 13; 10; lxi. 10; lxii. 1, 11. Hab. iii. 18. Luke 6, the Salvation of God, (τὸ σωτήριον τῦ Θεῖ.) 12. The Rock of our Salvation. 2 Sam. xxii. 3. Psalm xviii. 2.

13. The Fountain of Salvation.

Isa. xii. 3,

14. A Fountain opened to preserve from Sin

d from Uncleanness. Zech. xiii. 1.

15. The Horn of our Salvation. 2 Sam. xxii. 3.

alm xviii. 2. Luke i. 69.

16. The Rock of our Salvation. Ps. xcv. 1. 17. The Salvation of the Daughter of Zion. a. lxii. 11.

18. The Saviour. Ps. xvii. 7. Isa. xix. 20; v. 15, 21. Zeph. iii. 17. Luke ii. 11. Acts 31. Phil. iii. 20. 2 Pet. i. 1; ii. 20; iii. 2. 19. Our Saviour. Psalm cvi. 21. Isa. xliii. 11; xlix. 26; lxiii. 8. Ezek. xi. 16. Luke 47. 2 Tim. i. 10. Tit. i. 4; ii. 13; iii. 6. 20. The Saviour of the World. 1 Jo. iv. 14. 21. The Saviour of his Body, the Church. ph. v. 23.

23. A Deliverer. Matt. i. 21.

24. The Afflicted, whose affliction God doth not despise, nor abhor. Ps. xxii. 24.

25. Our best Friend. John xv. 13 to 15.

26. The Righteous, by his knowledge justifying many, and bearing their iniquity. Isa.liii. 11. 27. The good Shepherd that giveth his Life for the Sheep. John x. 11.

1. 19.

38. Th


nine tim

39. T

40. M

41. Ο

42. T

28. The great Shepherd, brought again from the dead, through the blood of the everlasting Covenant. Heb. xiii. 20.

xv. 26.

43. Th

the Grav

29. The true Redeemer, or near Kinsman, who redeems his poor Brethren. Levit. xxv. 25, &c. Compare Ruth iii. 12; iv. 1, &c. Gen. xlviii. 16.

44. L

45. E

46. T

47. T

30. He that hath mercy on us. Isa. xlix. 10. 31. Our Redeemer. Job xix. 25. Isa. liv. 5. 32. Christ crucified. 1 Cor. i. 23, 24; ii. 2. Mark xvi. 6.

33. An Altar. Heb. xiii. 10. Isa. lx.7.

34. An Offering, and a Sacrifice to God, for a sweet-smelling savour. Ephes. v. 2. Gen. viii. 20, 21.

35. The Gift of God. John iv. 10.

36. The Lamb of God which taketh away

the Sins of the World. John i. 29.

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38. The Lamb slain. Rev. v. 12. (In the velation Christ is called the Lamb twentyne times.)

39. The Passover sacrificed for us. 1 Cor. v. 7. Gal. iii. 13.

40. Made a Curse for us.

41. Our Peace. Ephes. ii. 14.

42. The Physician. Matt. ix. 12. Exod.

. 26.

43. The Plague of Death, and Destruction of

e Grave. Hos. xiii. 14.

44. Life. John i. 14; xi. 25; xiv. 6.

45. Eternal Life. 1 John i. 2; ch. v. 20.

46. The Tree of Life. Rev. ii. 7; xxii. 14. 47. The Bread of Life. John vi. 48.

48. The Bread of God which came down from eaven, and giveth Life unto the World. John


49. The spiritual Rock of which the Israelites ank. 1 Cor. x. 4.

50. The Body, of which the Ceremonies and gures of the Old Testament were but Shadows.

ol. ii. 17.

51. The End of the Law. Rom. x. 4.

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of Christ.

1. The Lord's Christ. Luke ii. 26; ix. 20. 2. The Lord's Anointed. Ps. ii. 2. 1 Sam.

ii. 10.

3. A King. John xviii. 37.

4. The King's Son. Ps. lxxii. 1. Matt. xxii. 2. 5. A great King above all Gods. Ps. xcv. 3.

6. The Prince of the Kings of the Earth.

Rev. i. 5.

Zech. ix.

19. G xlvii. 2,

20. L

21. T

upon hi

22. A


23. C

7. The Lamb, who is Lord of Lords, and

25. Isa.

King of Kings. Rev. xvii. 14; xix. 16.

24. T

8. God's First-born, higher than the Kings of

25. A

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11. The King of Israel. John i. 49.

12. He that reigns over the House of Jacob for ever. Luke i. 33.

13. He that is born King of the Jews. Matt. ii. 2.

14. The King set upon God's holy Hill of Sion. Psalm ii. 6.


xiv. 9.



15. King David. Hos. iii. 5. Jer. xxx. 9. 16. The King of whom David sings. Psalm

xlv.; xlvii.; xciii.; xciv. to c. and cxlv.

30. Power, and Ho

27. C

their K


19. God and King over all the Earth. Psalm vii. 2, 9.

20. Lord of all. Acts x. 36.

21. The Lord of all, rich unto all that call

pon him. Rom. x. 12.

22. A Governor, that shall rule his People srael. Matt. ii. 6. Mic. v. 2.

23. Christ or Messiah, the Prince. Dan. ix. 5. Isa. lv. 4. Matt. ii. 6.

24. The Prince of Life. Acts iii. 15.

25. A Leader and Commander to the People. sa. lv. 4.

26. Captain or Prince of the Host of the Lord. Josh. v. 14. (who is called Jehovah the Lord;) vi. 2.

27. One Shepherd, David, who was to be meir King and Prince. Ezek. xxxiv. 23, 24; xxvii. 24.

28. Lord of the Dead and Living. Rom. iv. 9.

29. The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Psalm xxiv. 8.

30. The Lamb that is worthy to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, nd Honour, and Glory, and Blessing. Rev. v. 12.

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