Nucleus; or, "Christ the Sum and Substance of all the holy Scriptures." Sect. Ixiv. " You will make no small progress in the Knowledge of Christ, if you attend to the various names by which he is distinguished in the holy Scriptures; for which purpose you will find them here collected together in some order. He is called, then, I. According to his Divine Nature. 1. Jesus. Luke ii. 21; i. 31. Matt.i. 21. 2. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Heb. xiii. 8; i. 12. 3. Jehova, the Lord, the Lord of Hosts. Isa. liv. 5. 4. The Lord our Righteousness. Jer. xxiii. 6. 5. The Lord who spoke with Abraham. Gen. xviii. 1, 13, 17. 6. God and Man, wrestling with Jacob, and in whom Jacob saw God with his eyes. Gen. xxxii. 25, 29, 31. Hos. xii. 5. 7. He that appeared and dwelt in the bush, whose good-will and blessing was to have come upon the head of Joseph. Exod. iii. 2. Deut. xxxiii. 16. 11. God over all, blessed for ever. Rom. ix. 5. 12. God who is in the Heavens. Ps. cxv. 3. 13. The true God and Eternal Life. 1 John v. 20. 14. He that is called, the God of the whole Earth. Isa. liv. 5. 15. The mighty God. Isa. ix. 6. 16. The everlasting Father. Isa. ix. 6. 17. A Man next to God, (English translation, His Fellow). Zech. xiii. 7. Matt. xxvi. 31. 18. A Worker, or one brought up with Him. Prov. viii. 30, 31. 19. God's own Son. Rom. viii. 32. 20. God's dear Son, Υἱὸς τῆς ἀγάπης αὐτῶ. Col. i. 13.; or the beloved Son, in whom the Father is well pleased. Matt. iii. 17. Jedidiah. 2 Sam. xii. 25. 21. The only-begotten Son of God, full of grace and truth. John i. 14. John i 26. TE 27. T The Wo 28. T 29. T ἐξ ὕψες. 30: ΤΙ press Ima 31. T i. 15. 32. T from of 33. T Rev. iii. 34. T і. 15. 35. T of God 36. T Lord. I 37. T 22. The Son, who is in the bosom of the 38. T Father. John i. 18. 39. Th John ix. 35. Matt. xvi. 16. Mark v. 7. 23. The Son of the most high and living God. GX. 5. 26. The Son of the Father. 2 John 3. 27. The Word of God. he Word of the Lord. Rev. i. 2; xix. 13. Psalm xxxiii. 6. 28. The Word. Johni. 1. 29. The Day-spring from on High, ̓Ανατολὴ ὕψος. Luke i. 78. 30: The Brightness of his Glory, and the ex ess Image of his Person. Heb. i. 3. 31. The Image of the invisible God. Col. 15. 32. The Ruler, whose goings-forth have been om of old, from everlasting. Micah v. 2. 33. The Beginning of the Creation of God. ev. iii. 14. 34. The First-born of every Creature. Col. 15. 35. The First-begotten, whom all the angels God worship. Heb. i. 6. 36. The Angel, in whom is the Name of the ord. Exod. xxiii. 31. 37. The God of Glory. Acts vii. 2. 38. The Lord of Glory. 1 Cor. ii. 8. 39. The Lord at the right hand of God. Ps. . 5. 40. Our Lord and our God. John xx. 28. tures do worship. Psalm xcvii. 7. Heb. i. 6. Rev. v. 13. 43. God, whose throne is for ever and ever. Psalm xlv. 7. Heb. i. 8, 9. 44. God, who laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of his hands. Ps. cii. 25. Heb. i. 10, 11. Col. i. 16, 17. 58. 45. Who is, before Abraham was. John viii. 46. Wisdom, which the Lord possessed in the beginning of his way. Prov. viii. 22 to 25. 47. The Lord of the Sabbath. Matt. xii. 8. Mark ii. 28. 48. The Lord of David. Psalm cx. i. Matt. xxii. 43. 49. The Holy of Holies, the Holy One of Israel. Dan. ix. 24. Isa. liv. 5. John xvii. 19. 1 John ii. 20. 50. The Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. Rev. i. 11. Isa. xli. 4; xliv. 6; xlviii. 12. 51. Who is, and who was, and who is to come. Rev. i. 4. שדי Gen. xv אדני xviii. 2 most effectual Testimony to his Divine Nature and Majesty. The chief of which are as follow: אל The Almighty God. Gen. xvii. 1. Isa. κ. 6. אלה or אלהים God, to be worshipped. Ps. lv. 6, 7. (Heb. i. 8.) Ps. xlvii. 6; lxviii. 18, 19. Ephes. iv. 8.) יהוה צבאות The Lord God of Hosts. Isa. iii. 13. (1 Pet. ii. 8.) Isa. liv. 5. Psalm xlvii. 3. עליון The Highest. He that אשר יהיה or אהיה אשר אהיה hall be, who is to come. 18. Exod. iii. 14. Rev. The Glorious God. Psalm lxviii. 5.19. יהוה The essential, subsisting God. Exod. vii. 2. Numb. xiv. 22. (1 Cor. x. 9.) Isa. i. 1. (John xii. 41.) Isa. viii. 13, 14. (Luke . 34. 1 Pet. ii. 8.) Isa. xlv. 21 to 23. (Rom. iv. 11.) Jer. xxiii. 6; xxxiii. 16. The supreme Being. שדי God, Self-sufficient, or Omnipotent. Gen. xvii. 1; xxviii. 3; xxxv. 11. Exod. vi. 3. אדני God, the Protector of all things. Gen. viii. 27, 30. Judg. vi. 15. |