The Bible in the Levant, Or, The Life and Letters of the Rev. C.N. Righter: Agent of the American Bible Society in the LevantSampson Low, Son, 1859 - 260 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 11
الصفحة 120
... Sepulchre , and the Mount of Ascen- sion , where the heavens were opened , and the Saviour received into glory , quicken one's faith and zeal in the service of his Divine Master , as no other influence can , save the movings of the ...
... Sepulchre , and the Mount of Ascen- sion , where the heavens were opened , and the Saviour received into glory , quicken one's faith and zeal in the service of his Divine Master , as no other influence can , save the movings of the ...
الصفحة 124
... save thyself . If thou be the Son of God , come down from the cross . ' " The high road to Huathoth runs near this place . And just across this little valley , on the slope of Olivet , the THE SEPULCHRE . 125 And many women may have stood.
... save thyself . If thou be the Son of God , come down from the cross . ' " The high road to Huathoth runs near this place . And just across this little valley , on the slope of Olivet , the THE SEPULCHRE . 125 And many women may have stood.
الصفحة 125
... sepulchre , wherein was never man yet laid . There laid they Jesus therefore , because of the Jews ' preparation day ; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand . ' " Here , then , our Saviour suffered on the cross and made atonement for the ...
... sepulchre , wherein was never man yet laid . There laid they Jesus therefore , because of the Jews ' preparation day ; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand . ' " Here , then , our Saviour suffered on the cross and made atonement for the ...
الصفحة 127
... Sepulchre ; while the Moslem minarets , rising at in- tervals between , tell us that the followers of the false pro- phet still bear sway in the Holy City . It was indeed a lovely view , when we remember the divine glory mani- fested ...
... Sepulchre ; while the Moslem minarets , rising at in- tervals between , tell us that the followers of the false pro- phet still bear sway in the Holy City . It was indeed a lovely view , when we remember the divine glory mani- fested ...
الصفحة 130
... Sepulchre , flooding the streets with golden light , falling upon Gihon and the mountains of Judea beyond , and filling the entire landscape with new life and beauty . The moon was just sinking in the west as the sun was rising in the ...
... Sepulchre , flooding the streets with golden light , falling upon Gihon and the mountains of Judea beyond , and filling the entire landscape with new life and beauty . The moon was just sinking in the west as the sun was rising in the ...
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