PUBLISHED BY GEORGE PHILIP AND SON. SERIES OF SCHOOL ATLASES, EDITED BY WILLIAM HUGHES, F.R.G.S. 1. PHILIPS' PREPARATORY ATLAS, containing 16 Maps. Crown 4to., Full Coloured, in neat cover s. d. O 6 2. PHILIPS' PREPARATORY OUTLINE ATLAS. 16 Maps. Crown 4to., printed on fine cream-wove paper, in neat cover ... 3. PHILIPS' PREPARATORY ATLAS OF BLANK ... on fine cream-wove paper, in neat cover 4. PHILIPS' ELEMENTARY ATLAS FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. 16 Maps, Full Coloured. Small 4to., in neat cover 5. PHILIPS' ELEMENTARY OUTLINE ATLAS. paper, in neat cover 6. PHILIPS' INITIATORY ATLAS FOR YOUNG LEARNERS, 12 Maps. 16mo., 3d. plain, Maps colored ... .. ... 7. PHILIPS' FIRST SCHOOL ATLAS. New and 8. The Same Book. Bound in cloth, gilt lettered 10. PHILIPS' ATLAS FOR BEGINNERS. New and 12. George Philip and Son, Publishers, London and Liverpool. SERIES OF SCHOOL ATLASES--Continued. 13. PHILIPS' SELECT SCHOOL ATLAS. 24 Maps, with Consulting Index. New and improved edition. Imperial 8vo., bound in cloth ... 14. PHILIPS STUDENT'S ATLAS. Containing 36 Maps, with Index. Imperial 8vo., strongly bound in cloth ... s. d. 5 0 ... 7 6 15. PHILIPS' COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL ATLAS, containing 37 Modern and 7 Ancient Maps, with Index. Imp. 8vo., strongly half-bound, cloth sides 10 6 16. PHILIPS' PHYSICAL ATLAS FOR BEGINNERS, 12 Maps. Crown 4to., in stiff cover 17. The same Book, bound in cloth, lettered ... I 0 I 6 1Ο 6 18. PHILIPS' SCHOOL ATLAS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 12 Maps. Crown 4to., stiff cover I 21. The same Book, bound in cloth, lettered 22. PHILIPS' SMALLER SCRIPTURE ATLAS, 12 Maps, illustrated cover 23. The same Book, cloth, lettered I 6 ... 0 6 I С 24. PHILIPS' SCHOOL ATLAS OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 18 Maps, with Consulting Index of Ancient and Modern Names. Medium 4to., cloth... 5 25. PHILIPS' SCHOOL ATLAS OF AUSTRALIA. Crown quarto, bound in cloth ... ... 26. PHILIPS' SCHOOL ATLAS OF NEW ZEA- 29. PHILIPS' OUTLINE ATLAS FOR BEGINNERS. Two Series, each containing 12 Maps, neat cover, each I O 30. PHILIPS' BLANK PROJECTIONS FOR BEGIN NERS. Two Series, each containing 12 Maps, cover I O George Philip and Son, Publishers, London and Liverpool. OF VOCAL MUSIC FOR USE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. BY JOHN TAYLOR, AUTHOR OF A FEW WORDS ON THE ANGLICAN CHANT," ETC. LONDON: GEORGE PHILIP AND SON, 32 FLEET STREET; AND 49 AND 51 SOUTH CASTLE STREET. 1872. [Entered at Stationers' Hall.] 174. f. 11. NOTE.-Article 32 (d.) of the new Educational Code of 1872 provides that the annual grant made to elementary schools shall be reduced" by one shilling per scholar, according to the average number in attendance throughout the year, unless vocal music forms a part of the ordinary course of instruction." |