snake charmers, 328 snare, 745 sojourner, 207, 708 Solomon, Psalms of, xlviii, 653, 670, 734 'Songs of Degrees,' xxviii, 733 ff. soul, 14, 59, 129, 217, 229, 353, 505 spirit of God, 292, 787 Stainer quoted, 833 Stanley quoted, xcviii, 478, 486, 520, 535,791 statutes, 704 stork, 610 stranger, 207 strophical divisions of Psalms, lxiii Succoth, 341, 649 suffering, relation of to sin, lxxxviii, 203, Swete referred to, lxviii ff. symbolism, character of Hebrew, 90 synagogues, 445 Syriac Version, lxx, and notes passim Taberalı, 469 Tabernacles, Feast of kept by Nehemiah, Tabor, 535 Talmud quoted, 242, 390 Targum, lxx; Messianic references in, Tarshish, 265, 421 Temple, references to, lxxxvi, 141; dication of, 571, 575; significance of the restored, 393; night services in, 772 Tennyson quoted, lii, 711 'terrible things,' 363 testimonies, 104, 134, 565, 704 'theocratic Psalms,' 563 Theodotion, version of, lxxi, and notes Theology of the Psalms, lxxxv ff.; rela- Theophany, description of a, 89, 277 f. Tiqqünë Şöpherim, 629 Tisri, 489 titles of Psalms, xviii ff.; referring to tongue, sins of the, 62, 297, 336, 359, 654, torah law, 3, 104, 700, 703 from Babylon, 742, 748, 761 trumpet, 583 unicorn, 120 'universalism' of the Psalms, lxxxiv, 185, usury, 72 Uzziah, 268, 524 'vale of tears,' 507 vales, 365 Vergil quoted, 643 Versions, Ancient, lxv ff., and notes Versions, English, lxxii ff., and notes vindictiveness, apparent spirit of, vine as an emblem of Israel, 486 vintage songs, 321 Von Gerlach quoted, 742, 750 Vulgate, lxxii, and notes passim watches of the night, 355, 550, 728 wealth, impotence of, 267 week, Psalms for days of, xxvii Wellhausen on the date of the Psalms, Westcott, Bp, quoted, 36, 248, 505, 607, wicked, meaning of Heb. word for, 2 'Wisdom of Israel, xi; Psalms con- nected with, 267 f., 432 wise, 271 wonders, 533 'wondrous works, of God, 413 word of Jehovah, 166, 642, 824; in Ps. worship, relation of Psalms to ordinances Wright's Bible Word-Book quoted, 334. Wycliffe quoted, 349 Yinnon, 417 Zalmon, 385 Zalmunna, 502 Zebah, 502 Zebulun, tribe of, 392 Zechariah, 377, 510, 671, 783, 786, 818, 821 Zechariah ix-xi, 483 Zeeb, 502 Zion, 10, 15, 47; the city of God, 256; Zurich Bible, Ixxiii, 621, 646, 731, 736, CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, |