صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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* In examinations which are not competitive, the exercises in Languages are restricted to translation.

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Candidates failing to satisfy the Civil Service Commissioners upon each of these subjects, will not be permitted to proceed further with the examination.


1. Languages and Literature of Greece and Rome.

2. Languages and Literature of France, Germany, and Italy.

3. Modern History, including that of the British Colonies and Possessions. Exercises in

English Composition, design

ed to test purity and accuracy of style.

4. Elements of: Constitutional and International Law. Elements of Political Economy.

5. Pure and mixed Mathematics, not including the highest branches. Accounts and Book-keeping.

Of the five classes of subjects thus defined, Candidates are at liberty to select any number not exceeding three in which they desire to be examined.


Writers in Ceylon.
1. Exercises designed to test Hand-
writing and Orthography.

2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar
and Decimal Fractions).

3. The preparation of a Précis, or Abstract of Official Papers.

4. Geography, particularly that of British India and its Dependencies.

5. Translation from one of the following Languages—Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, and Italian-the selection being left to the Candidate.

Candidates failing to satisfy the Civil Service Commissioners upon each of these subjects, will not be permitted to proceed further with the examination


1. Languages and Literature of Greece and Rome.

2. Modern History, including that
of the British Colonies and
Possessions. Exercises in

English Composition designed
to test purity and accuracy of

3. Elements of Constitutional and International Law. Elements of Political Economy. 4. Pure and mixed Mathematics, not including the highest branches. Accounts and Bookkeeping.

5. Geology, Chemistry, and Civil Engineering.

Of the five classes of subjects thus defined. Candidates are at liberty to select any number not exceeding three in which they desire to be examined.

Gentlemen appointed to Writerships are required, after their arrival at Ceylon, to pass an examination in the Cingalese and Tamul languages before being appointed on the Civil Establishment of the Island; and a further examination, proving a thorough knowledge of those languages, is required for promotion.

Temporary Clerks.

Permanent Clerks.

1. Writing.

2. Arithmetic (includ Vulgar and Decimal Fractions).

3. Précis.

1. Exercises designed to test Hand-
writing and Orthography.

2. Elementary Arithmetic.
3. Correspondence.


1. Exercises designed to test Handwriting and Orthography.

2. Making fair copies from rough

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4. Calculation of per-centages. 5. Book-keeping.

6. Précis and digest of forms into summaries.

*In competitions there is a further examination, the above being then merely preliminary. The subjects which may be taken in the second examination are-(1) English Composition; (2) Geography; (3) Modern History; (4) Mathematics; (5) Natural Science; (6) Languages.


1. Exercises designed to test Hand

writing and Orthography.


2. The power of accurate parison of Copies with Originals.

3. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions).


4. English Composition.

5. History of England, and of the Constitution.

6. Latin and French. †

7. (For Committee Clerks.) The Elements of the Law of Evidence.

+In examinations which are not competitive, the exercises in Languages are restricted to translation.

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+ All Candidates for the Office of Landing Waiter will be required to exhibit somewhat greater proficiency in the above subjects than that which will be deemed sufficient in the case of Clerks, Extra Clerks, &c., and those nominated to the office of Landing Waiter at Newhaven, Dover, and Folkestone must show some proficiency in French.


Nothing fixed.


(The same as for "Supplementary Clerks" in the Board of Trade.)

Nothing fixed.


1. Exercises designed to test Handwriting and Orthography.

2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions).

3. English Composition.

4. Précis.
5. Geography.
6. History.

7. Latin.*

8. French, or one other Language.*

* In examinations which are not competitive, the exercises in Languages are restricted to translation.

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* In examinations which are not competitive, the exercises in Languages are restricted to translation.

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+Any vacancy which may hereafter occur will be filled up by competition. When two or more candidates have severally displayed sufficient ability in the subjects above mentioned, they will each be examined in German also.

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1. Exercises designed to test Handwriting and Orthography.

2. Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions).

3. English Composition.

4. Geography.
5. English History.

6. Latin.*

7. French.*

* In examinations which are not competitive, the exercises in Languages are restricted to trans- : lation.

INDIA CIVIL SERVICE.-For Examination Papers, see Contents.

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+For the Departments of the Accountant-General or Auditor, the "Elements of Book-keeping" may be substituted for Précis-writing.

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"The examination, as regards history, geography, correspondence, and the other heads, would extend much further than is thought necessary in the case of clerks in offices of account and receipt, and would be such as to ascertain whether or not the person had received such an education as would qualify him, after experience in the various business of the office, to be employed in duties of a superior description."

§ For clerks in the Solicitor's offices, Dublin and Edinburgh, the examination is the same as that for the Secretary's office, with the addition of Latin.


(The same as for "Supplementary Clerks" in the Board of Trade.)

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