What is meant by the empiric as distinguished from the rational formula of a substance? Illustrate each by means of acetic acid. Describe the chemical changes involved in the process called the vinous fermentation. The analyst employs sulphuretted hydrogen to separate metals from each other. Into what groups does he thus divide them, and what principles are involved in the separation? A solution contains lead, tin, nickel, iron, zinc, magnesia, potash, with hydrochloric and nitric acids. Give in detail the process of analysing (qualitatively) such a solution. Give a series of illustrations (1) from minerals, (2) from the products of the laboratory, of isomorphism, dimorphism, allotropism, and isomerism. NATURAL SCIENCE. For the Office of the COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, [N.B.-In this Examination Natural Science is not prescribed, but may be selected by any candidate who has "made it his especial study," with the view of displaying his industry and intelligence.] Enumerate the various kinds of levers, and state the general relation between the power and weight, when balanced on a lever. Explain fully the principle of the graduation in the common and in the Danish steelyard. What are the three laws of motion in dynamics, and how is their truth established? Explain the construction and use of a common barometer and its vernier. Show also how a self-registering thermometer may be constructed. Define specific gravity, and give a method by which the specific gravity of a body lighter than the fluid in which it is weighed may be found. A piece of metal whose weight in water is 12 ounces is attached to a piece of wood which weighs 16 ounces in vacuo, and the weight of the two in water is 8 ounces; find the specific gravity of the wood. Explain the following terms: equator, ecliptic, zenith, solstice, meridian, meridian line, nadir, horizon, perihelion, solstitial colure, magnetic variation, compression of the earth. Explain how it is that in sailing round the world a day is either lost or gained. Explain the following phenomena : (1) The changes of the seasons. (2) The different lengths of day and night. (3) The comparative absence of twilight in the tropics. (4) The trade winds. (5) The harvest moon. (6) The phases of the moon. State concisely the principal arguments by which it may be proved (1) that the earth moves round its own axis; (2) that it moves round the sun. Explain fully why the clock is sometimes before and sometimes behind the sun. How often are they together? What is this phenomenon called? On 31st January-when it is 3.15 P.M. at Dublin, Lat. 53-20, Long. 6·15— what is the hour and season at Rio Janeiro, S. Lat. 239, W. Long, 43° ? Describe the common astronomical telescope, and show how its magnifying power may be measured. How is a telescope made achromatic? What are the various effects produced on bodies by heat? What exception is there to the law that the bulk of bodies increases with their temperature? What result would follow if this exception did not exist? What hypotheses have been framed as to the formation of coal? Which do you prefer? Give your reasons. Explain the principle of the mechanical power known as the wheel and axle. How is the principle practically employed for obtaining large mechanical advantage? Illustrate by reference to the inclined plane and the screw the saying, “What is gained in power is lost in time." What are the requisites of a good balance? Explain popularly the means practically employed for securing them. Enunciate the first and second laws of motion, and state some considerations which suggest their truth. How is their truth finally established? Explain the nature of impact between two elastic bodies. If one billiard ball moving at the rate of 4 feet per second overtakes another similar ball moving at the rate of 1 foot per second, determine their motions after impact, their elasticity being. Describe and explain the principle of Bramah's press, and for any given machine, calculate the mechanical advantage. Explain by a figure or otherwise how the length of the day at a place varies, and how it is that the sun does not always rise and set at the same points of the horizon. Give an explanation of the tides, and account for spring and neap tides. Can you mention any local tidal peculiarities? How would the present arrangement of the seasons be affected if the earth's axis (1) Were perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic? (2) Retaining its parallelism, were in the plane of the ecliptic? (3) Pointed always towards the sun? Explain what is meant by the term refraction. What effect does it produce upon (1) The apparent position of a star? (2) The horizontal diameter of the sun or moon? (3) The vertical diameter ? When light is incident on glass, into what portions is it divided? State the laws of reflection and refraction. Can you give any account of the two great hypotheses which have been framed to account for the phenomena of light? Describe Herschel's telescope, and explain its advantages and disadvantages. Trace the course of a pencil of rays through it from an external point to the eye. Coal has sometimes been accounted for as the result of drift by water of masses of vegetable matter, sometimes as an accumulation of such matter by growth in situ. What hypotheses do these views involve, and what circumstances lend probability to each view? What are the usual characteristics of a mineral vein? How far is its wealth found to depend on the rock it traverses? Describe the methods adopted by the practical miner for the discovery of a lode. State the law of multiple proportions, and illustrate it by means of the oxides of (1) sulphur, (2) carbon, (3) iron. Show how to test a solution for silver, soda, and arsenic. State the three laws of motion. Are they to be deduced from experiment, or from à priori principles ? Define centre of gravity, and find the centre of gravity of any triangle. Explain some of the methods by which the sphericity of the earth is demon strated. Describe the transit instrument, and the mode in which accuracy in its position is attained. Explain the terms tropical, anomalistic, and sidereal year, lunar cycle, indiction. Give as accurate an account as you can of lunar eclipses. State Kepler's laws. Explain the general objects of a kalendar, and state the Gregorian rule. Mention any explanations that have been suggested of the origin of solar heat, and the arguments by which they have been supported. Explain the reason why objects reflected in a mirror appear to lie behind it. The laws of reflection and refraction: Mention any natural phenomena which are explained by the latter. What would be the optical effect of placing one's self between two mirrors inclined at an angle of 45°? Describe in detail the optical arrangements of any one kind of telescope. Define specific gravity, and explain how by means of a hydrometer the specific gravity of a fluid may be ascertained. Find how much lead, whose specific gravity is 11.4, will just sink a cubic foot of cork whose specific gravity is 2 in water; the weight of a cubic foot of water being 1000 oz. Explain the method of graduating thermometers. Explain the Leyden Jar. What is meant by the variation of the needle ?" What are the principal sedimentary strata ? What arguments do Geology and Astronomy furnish in favour of internal heat in the earth? CIVIL ENGINEERING. For Voluntary Examinations. Describe what is meant by parallel motion in machinery. Explain the principle upon which Nasmyth's steam hammer is designed. Explain the principles of the construction of a Cornish engine. What is Tredgold's rule for the dimensions of safety-valves in low-pressure engines? The diameter of the cylinder of a locomotive engine is 16 inches, the length of stroke 21 inches, the driving wheel is 6 feet in diameter. What would be the force applied at the circumference of the wheel when worked to a pressure of 100 lbs. per square inch? State the object of the variable cut off, and of the link motion in highpressure engines. Describe Daniel's constant battery and a Smee's battery. What is an amalgamated zinc plate, and how is it prepared? Show the general expression for the force of a voltaic current in a circuit in terms of the electro-motive power of each element, the No. of elements, the resistance of the liquid, the distance between the plates, and their sectional area, the length of the connecting wire, and its sectional area. (Olam's law.) Describe the principles upon which Cook's and Wheatstone's needle instrument is founded. Describe the principles upon which Morse's instrument is founded. To Candidates for the ADMIRALTY, who being required to show some proficiency in a subject comprised under one at least of the following heads: (1.) Latin, or a modern language. (2.) The leading points of English or modern history. (3.) Algebra, Euclid, or any branch of mathematics or science," elect to be examined in Civil Engineering as a branch of science. A beam of white pine timber, 14 in. deep, is placed on two supports 14 feet apart. A weight of 6 tons is applied at the centre. What should be the breadth of the beam to allow a deflection of th of an inch to the foot? N.B. The constant for white pine being 0125. What is the meaning of the term "horse-power?" And explain what is meant by the "duty" of a steam engine. What is the use of the indicator card, and how is it applied? What are the principles which guide engineers in designing furnaces adapted to consume smoke? Describe the several indices which are in use for exhibiting pressure in boilers. What is meant by parallel motion? A cylindrical boiler is required to be constructed 3 ft. 6 in. in diameter, capable of resisting 100 lbs. pressure per square inch. Assuming the tenacity of iron to be 5 tons per square inch, what should be the thickness of the plates? (The ends need not be considered.) GREEK. PASSAGES GIVEN TO BE TRANSLATED FROM GREEK INTO ENGLISH. Translation from Greek may be selected as a branch of examination by Candidates for the Department of Science and Art. PASSAGES GIVEN TO BE TRANSLATED INTO GREEK. Translation into Greek is not prescribed for any office, but is introduced in those competitive examinations of which Greek forms a part. The chief reason that induced me to enter upon this subject is the observation I have made, of the many fallacies and circumventions in the world, especially in servants towards their masters; and I have always found that proud and stately princes who will hear but few are more liable to be imposed on, than those who are open and accessible; but of all the princes that I ever had the honour to know, the wisest and most dexterous to extricate himself out of any danger or difficulties in time of adversity was our king [Louis XI.J. He was the humblest in his conversation and habit, and the most painful and indefatigable to win over any man to his side, that he thought capable of doing him either much mischief or good: though he was often refused, he would never give over a man that he once undertook, but still pressed and continued his insinuations, promising him largely, and presenting him with such sums and pensions as he knew would satisfy his ambition; and for such as he had discarded in the time of peace and prosperity, he paid dear (when he had occasion for them) to recover them again; but when he had once reconciled them, he retained no pique to them for what had passed, but employed them freely for the future. He was naturally kind and indulgent to persons of indifferent condition, and morose to such as he thought had no need of him.-Philip de Commines. Among the savage nations of hunters and fishers, every individual who is able to work is more or less employed in useful labour, and endeavours to provide, as well as he can, the necessaries and conveniences of life for himself, or such of his family or tribe as are either too old, or too young, or too infirm, to go a hunting and fishing. Such nations, however, are so miserably poor, that from mere want they are frequently reduced, or at least think themselves reduced, to the necessity sometimes of directly destroying and sometimes of abandoning their infants, their old people, and those afflicted with lingering diseases, to perish with hunger, or to be devoured by wild beasts. Among civilized and thriving nations, on the contrary, though a great number of people do not labour at all, many of whom consume the produce of ten times, frequently of a hundred times, more labour than the greater part of those who work; yet the produce of the whole labour of the society is so great, that all are often abundantly supplied; and a workman, even of the lowest and poorest order, if he is frugal and industrious, may enjoy a greater share of the necessaries and conveniencies of life than it is possible for any savage to acquire.-Adam Smith. (For Iambics.) Shelley.-Prometheus unbound. the shape of death." "Then Prometheus...... |