DECIMALS. Multiply 3.05 by 25, and 32 by -231. Divide 721-42 by 21.9, to 4 places of decimals. Reduce to a decimal. Reduce to a decimal, giving the whole of the circulating period. Multiply 3 by 2, and express the product as a circulating decimal. For Competitive Examinations. Reduce 344612 ounces avoirdupois to cwts., qrs., &c., and 13 lbs. 9 oz. 15 dwts., 13 grains troy, to grains. How many feet are there in 5 miles, 3 furlongs, 4 poles, 3 yards? The side of a cube is 17 inches; find its content in solid yards, feet, and inches. The sides of a rectangular plot are 57 ft. 7 in. and 43 ft. 5 in.; find its area in square yards, feet, and inches. If A invests 33,0751, in the purchase of 31. per cent at 874, and B. invests the same sum in the purchase of 47. per cent at 941, what will be the difference in their net incomes, after deducting income tax at 16d. in the pound? If 13 of a cwt be worth 71. 3s., what will be the value of of a ton? If the shares of a railway are at 76 when consols are at 931, what should be their price when consols are at 894 ? Find by the method of "Practice: " (a) the price of 9 tons 11 cwt. 2 qrs. 21 lbs. at 107. 11s. 4d. per cwt.; (b) the price of 17 acres 3 roods 15 poles at 607. 4d. per acre. If 780 men on full rations consume 221 quarters of wheat in 119 days, how many on half rations will consume 437 quarters in 57 days? [Explain the method by which you proceed.] If 10 lbs. 3 oz. of tea at 4s. 8d. per pound be mixed with 23 lbs. 3 oz. at 5s. 4d., and 17 lbs. 11 oz. at 6s. 8d., and the mixture be sold at 6s. 1d. per pound, what will be the gain or loss? and what the gain or loss per cent. on the cost price? Find the interest at 43 per cent on 9247. 12s. 8d. lent on the 18th March and repaid on the 11th August, the former day being excluded and the latter included. What principal lent at 3 per cent. simple interest, will amount in 5 years to 1,8841. 19s. 101d.? What will be the amount of 8251. at the end of 2 years at 41. per cent. per annum compound interest accruing due half yearly? Reduce to their simplest forms the expressions Explain the rules for the multiplication and division of decimals. Divide 015 by 00005, and 313 24 by 249975; showing in the latter case the whole of the circulating portion. Express 378216 as a vulgar fraction in its lowest terms. Express 78. 10d. as the decimal of a pound, and find the value of ⚫03234 of a guinea. Extract the square root of 4966029; also that of 70032 to four places of decimals. Find by any rule with which you are acquainted the sum which paid one year hence will be an equivalent for 2007. due now, and 6007. due at the end of two years, the rate of interest being 5l. per cent. Reduce to their simplest form the expressions (a) x + y + - - (b) (x-3y)(x + y) − (x − 2 y) (x + 3 y) + (x − y) x+5y) x 2 ÷ 2 y2. Find the greatest common measure of x + x 3 y — 2 x 2 y 2 + xy 3 Write down the expansion of (x + y). expansion of (x + y) 100 ? and x yt, 2 6 x 2 y llxy 6 y 3. How many terms are there in the Extract the square roots of 14 +6 √√ 5 and 1 + 4 √ — 3. Solve the equations X 3 (a) + = 4. 11 17 5 8 x A traveller sets out to walk from A to B at 4 miles an hour. another traveller sets out from B towards A at 3 when they meet the first has walked 6 miles more than the second. Find the distance from A to B. Sum the arithmetical progression 1+5+9+ geometric progression 1++233 + to n terms and ad infinitum. ... PAPERS SET BY OFFICERS OF CUSTOMS, EXCISE, AND POST OFFICE, FOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS, Conducted under the Authority of the Civil Service Commissioners. For an EXTRA CLERK OF CUSTOMS. SINGLE PROPORTION DIRECT. A wedge of gold weighing 14 lbs. 3 oz. 8 dwts. cost 5147. 4s., required the rate per ounce ? Required, the cost of 17 hogsheads of tobacco, each weighing 11 cwt. 2 qrs 19 lbs., at 197. 8s. per cwt.? SINGLE PROPORTION INVERSE. If a pasture can maintain 7 horses 6 weeks, how long can it maintain 33 horses? If 100%. gain 10%. in 12 months, how much will gain the same in 9 months? DOUBLE PROPORTION. If 100%. in 12 months gain 77. interest, what is the interest of 5711. for 6 years? If 939 men consume 351 quarters of wheat in 168 days, how many will consume 1404 quarters in 56 days? PROFIT AND LOSS. By selling cloth at the rate of 12s. per yard, 157. per cent. was gained, what per cent. would be gained when it was sold at the rate of 10s. 6d. per yard? Silk sold at 12s. 6d. per yard gained 77. 10s. per cent., what did it cost per yard? DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Add the following, and bring them to their proper value : £ 4785-321 547.9 .643.198 .599.97 654.099 : Tons. 745.879 Multiply the following and bring them to their proper values: £54.32 by 4.7. 5987 cwts. by 99. Divide the following and bring them to their proper values: £880.7643 by 5'48. 476.532 tons by 60. For the OFFICE of TIDE-WAITER. Add 367,443; 52421; 1671; 2596; 924; 34853; 684; 24835; 87; and 72 together. Add 4911. 16s. 9d.; 2721. 15s. 64d.; 8897. 178. 10d.; 6477. 19s. 23d.; 3981 168. 7d.; 5631. 16s. 104d.; 770l. Os. 52d.; 9451. 17s. 7d.; 2401. 13s. 94d.; and 150l. 10s. together. Subtract 868704368 from 7648200069. Subtract 169 lbs. 6 oz. 14 dwts. 17 grs. from 187 lbs. 9 oz. 12 dwts. 20 grs. Multiply four millions, forty-nine thousand and three, by thirty-six thousand and twenty-nine, Multiply 49 tons 13 cwt. 2 qrs. 26 lbs. 10 oz. 7 dwts. by 9. Divide 5946784379 by 492. Divide 467 tons 3 hhds 26 galls. 2 qrts. 1 pint by 5. In 34 lbs. 10 oz. 12 dwts. 16 grs. troy, how many grains? In 2,160,000 cubic inches, how many loads of hewn timber? Reduce 159 quarters of corn to quarts. In 4005 deals, how many great hundreds? In 150,000 eggs, how many gross? In 50 acres, how many square inches ? For the OFFICE of TIDE-WAITER and BOATMAN. £ S. D. 912 17 8 ADDITION. Tons. cwt. qr. lb. 84 16 3 18 |