صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

At what rate per cent. will 1,303l. 6s. 8d. amount to 1,8841. 18s. 11d. in 7

years at simple interest?

A person who has 1,475l. in the 3 per cents. at 754 transfers it to the 5

per cents. at 110g: what is the alteration in his income?

Explain the difference between interest and discount, and find the present

worth of 1,2151. due 4 years hence at 50 per cent.?

By selling an article for 91. 10s. the seller loses 5 per cent. on his outlay; what would be his loss or gain ain per cent. if he sold it for 111. 17s. 6d?

If I buy 14 oxen for 167l. 5s. 10d., and sell 6 of them at 7l. 4s. each, for what must the remainder be sold that I may gain 4 per cent. on the whole?

(Time allowed, 3 hours.)


Reduce 17 tons, 13 cwt., 1 lb. to oz. Averdupois.
In 537,086 inches, how many miles, furlongs, &c.?


Find the income tax on 17,030l. 5s. at 7d. in the pound.

What is the tax on a house rented at 327l. 12s. 6d., if the tax on a house

rented at 35 guineas is 6l. 8s. 7d.?


Find the value of 3,546 pieces of cloth, each piece being worth 11. 6s. 72d.

What must be given for a gold snuff-box weighing 11 oz., 19 dwts., 16 grs., at

the rate of 41. 3s. 9d. per oz.?


What is the simple interest on 2,245l. for 5 years at 4 per cent.?

Find the amount of 8,600l. in 4 years at 5 per cent. compound interest.

[blocks in formation]

Add together 701046, 701, 6, 16, and 7.304.
Subtract 87130563 from 352.61.

Multiply 1342 by 2057.

Divide 916 by 893161 to 4 places of decimals.

Divide 43.2 by 0351 to 3 places of decimals.

Reduce 3.45 of half a guinea to the decimal of half-a-crown.


if you have time (after finishing those on the preceding page) it will be well
for you to do as many as you can, selecting the most difficult which you can

What number, added to 141, 26, 32, 24, will make the sum total 10?
If 1 of 4 of 14 of a ton is worth 41. 10s., what is the value of ths of it?
If 3 men can mow 14 acres of grass in 5 days of 9 hours each, in how many

days of 10 hours each will 5 men mow 35 acres?

If 23 lbs. of tea cost 9s. 6d. what will of a lb. cost? (Solve by decimals.) How many yards of matting, 7.3 feet broad, will cover a floor that is 27.3 feet long and 10.083 feet broad?

[blocks in formation]

At what rate per cent. will 1,303l. 6s. 8d. amount to 1,687l. 14s. 10d. in 10

years at simple interest ?

A person invests 9,075l. in the 3 per cents. at 901, and on their rising to 91 transfers it to the 34 per cents. at 934; how is his annual income affected?

If oranges be bought at the rate of 20 for a shilling, how many should be sold for 21. 8s. in order to gain 40 per cent upon the outlay?

Explain the difference between interest and discount, and find the true present

worth of 5531. 15s. due 2 years hence at 50 per cent.

A portion sells out of the 3 per cents at 98, and invests his money in railway 5 per cent stock at par; find how much per cent his income is increased or diminished.

(Time allowed, 31⁄2 hours.)

In 32,391 ounces (avoirdupois) of sugar how many tons, &c.?

Reduce 3 weeks, 4 days, 5 hours, 54 minutes to seconds.


Find the income-tax on 7,980l. 10s. at 7d. in the pound.

If by working 9 hours a-day I can finish a piece of work in 12 weeks, how

long shall I take to finish it if I work 8 hours a-day?


Find the value of 6,943 sheep, each sheep being worth 1l. 13s. 45α.

Find the cost of 7 cwt., 3 qrs., 20 lbs. at 3l. 2s. 5d. per cwt.


Find the simple interest on 588l. 6s. 8d. at 34 per cent. for 5 years.

How much will 500l. amount to in 3 years at 44 per cent. compound interest?

[blocks in formation]

Add together 27.03, 452.0091, 37, 1873592, and 83.

Subtract 42379283 from 1857.23.

Multiply 50103 by 6.503.

Divide 845 by 3936.2 to 4 places of decimals.

Divide 5664 by 0107 to 3 places of decimals.

Reduce 3285 of 6s. 8d. to the decimal of a guinea.

N.B. You are not required to answer any of the following questions; but, if you have time, it will be well for you to do as many as you can, selecting the most difficult which you can do.

What number added to 33, 12, 213, 115, will make the sum total 12?

If 5 of 33, of 7, of 54, of 22 lbs. of sugar cost 84d., how much will 1 ton 11

cwt. 3 qrs. cost?

If I pay 2s. for 14 lbs. of bread when corn is worth 6s. per bushel, what must

I pay for 31 lbs. when corn is at 4s. the bushel?

If 3 lbs. of tea cost 15s. 3d., how many pounds can I buy for 4l. 3s. 10d.? (Solve by decimals.)


A room is 42 feet long, 28 feet broad, and 12 feet high, what will be the cost
of covering the walls with a paper 2 feet 3 inches wide, at 9d. per yard ?
Extract the square root of 33
Extract the cube root of 12,167.

In what time will 5271. 10s. amount to 6021. 13s. 4 d. at 44 per cent. simple


If the 3 per cents. be at 91, how much must I invest in them in order to have a yearly income of 932l. after paying 7d. in the pound income-tax? Explain the difference between interest and discount, and find the present

worth of 2,674l. 6s. due 3 years hence at 40 per cent.

A grocer buys 3 cwt. of sugar at 5d. per pound, and 7 cwt. at 62d.: he sells 5 cwt. at 5d. per pound, at what rate per pound must he sell the remainder in order to make 50 per cent. on his whole outlay?

A tobacconist mixes together 80 lbs. of tobacco at 14d. per lb., 100 lbs. at 20d., 60 lbs. at 4s. 10d., and 20 lbs. at 2s. 10d. per lb., what will be the value of 3 oz. of this mixture?

(Time allowed, 31⁄2 hours)


In 86,754 oz. (avoirdupois) how many tons, &c, ?
Reduce 6 miles, 5 furlongs, 7 poles, 2 yards, to feet.


Find the income-tax on 8,3131. 5s. at 7d. in the pound.

If a bar of gold weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. 14 dwts. is worth 257l. 2s., what is that

per oz?


Find the cost of 14 cwt. 3 qrs. 19 lbs. at 5l. 16s. 8d. per cwt.

If a person's estate is worth 1,3847. 16s. per annum, and the rent charges upon it amount to 14s. 9 d. in the pound, what is his net annual income?


Find the simple interest on 1,2481 12s. at 30 per cent. for 3 years.

How much will 8,000l. amount to in 4 years at 34 per cent. compound


[blocks in formation]

Add together 140 17,6432,07042, and 3.12.

Subtract 83450392 from 1210.3.

Multiply 8046 by 00392.

Divide 3752 by 28713 to 4 places of decimals.
Divide 50797 by 0023 to 4 places of decimals.

Reduce 7 guineas to the decimal of 1,000/.

N.B. You are not required to answer any of the following questions; but, if you

have time, it will be well for you to do as many as you can.

Add together of a pound, of 6s. 8d., 4 of a crown, and 1 of a penny. If of 3 of 7 of 4 of 36 lbs. of sugar cost 12s. 6d. how much will 17 tons 17 cwt.cost?

If twelve men can dig a trench 15 yards long and 4 broad in 3 days of 12 hours each, in how many days of 9 hours each can 8 men dig a trench 20 yards long and 8 broad?

What will be the cost of painting the walls of a room at 1s. 7d. per square yard, the length being 19 feet 104 inches, the breadth 16 feet 12 inches, and the height 10 feet 3 inches? (Solve by decimals.)

A cistern has two pipes, by one of which it may be filled in 20 minutes, and by the other in 25 minutes; it has also a discharging pipe by which it might be emptied in 18. If all three were open together, in what time would the cistern be filled?

Extract the square root of 514.
Extract the cube root of 228099131.

At what rate (simple interest) will 2,063l. 15s. amount to 2,249l. 9s. 9d. in

2 years?

A person invests 9,075l. in the 3 per cents, at 90, and on their rising to 91 transfers it to the 35 per cents. at 975, what increase does he make thereby in his annual income?

A person buys teas at 3s. and 4s. the lb., and mixes them in the proportion of 4 to 7, what will he gain per cent. by selling the mixture at 4s. 2d. per lb.?


(Time allowed, 3 hours.)

You are requested to write your name at the top of each of your papers, and to

send up the working as well as the answers.


Reduce 3 tons 9 cwts. 2 qrs. 4 lbs. 6 oz. to oz.

How many miles, furlongs, &c. are there in 174,082 inches?

How many lbs., oz., &c. are there in 228,908 grains of gold ?

Reduce 3 acres, 20 poles, to square feet.


Find the income tax on 7,530l. 14s. 44d. at 16d. in the pound.

If 17 cwt. 3 qrs. 14 lbs. of barley cost 8l. 18s. 9d. how much may be bought

for 5l. 12s. 6d.?

How much will a creditor lose on a debt of 5,342l. 5s. when a bankrupt can

only pay 13s. 6d. in the pound ?

A man working 64 hours a day does a piece of work in 6 days; how many

hours a day must he work in order to do it in 5 days?


Find the value of 3,107 sheep, each sheep being worth 11. 14s. 7 d.

Find the dividend on 3,762l. 10s. at 8s. 2d. in the pound.

Find the value of 14 oz. 8 dwt. 20 grs. of gold at 31. 17s. 6d. per oz.

What will the painting of a room cost at 2s. 3d. the square yard whose

height is 10 feet, width 15 feet, and length 19 feet?

(Time allowed, 3 hours.)

Reduce 1 ton 4 cwts. 3 qrs. 2 lbs. 3 oz. to oz.

How many miles, furlongs, &c., are there in 348,164 inches?
How many lbs., oz., &c., are there in 114,454 grains of gold ?

Reduce 4 acres, 20 poles, to square feet.


Find the income tax on 6,030l. 14s. 44d. at 16d. in the pound.
If 17 cwt. 3 qrs. 14 lbs. of barley cost 8l. 18s. 9d., how much may be bought

for 21. 16s, 3d.

How much will a creditor lose on a debt of 2,342l. 5s. when a bankrupt can

only pay 13s. 6d. in the pound?

A man working 64 hours a day does a piece of work in 12 days; how many

hours a day must he work in order to do it in 7 days?


Find the value of 6,214 sheep, each sheep being worth 1l. 14s. 7d.
Find the dividend on 3,854l. 10s. at 8s. 2 d. in the pound.

Find the value of 16 oz. 6 dwt. 20 grs. of gold at 3l. 17s. 6d. per oz.

What will the painting of a room cost at 2s. 3d. the square yard, whose

height is 15 feet, width 16 feet, and length 18 feet.

(Time allowed, 3 hours.)


Reduce 4 miles 3 furlongs, 4 poles, 5 yards, to inches.

In 327,471 ounces, how many tons, cwts., &c.?

Reduce 42 weeks, 84 hours, 15 minutes, 5 seconds, to seconds.

In 767,914 square inches, how many yards, feet, and inches ?


Find the income tax on 2,3821. 7s. 6d. at 16d. in the pound.

If 12 men can mow a field of grass in 5 days, in how many days could 8

men mow the same?

How many yards of carpet, 2 feet 6 inches broad, will cover a room which is

32 feet long and 15 feet broad?

If the 4d. loaf weighs 24 oz. when wheat is at 56s. per quarter, what is the

price of wheat when the 6d. loaf weighs 30 oz.?


Find the price of 3 qrs. 20 lbs. 12 oz. at 111. 13s. 4d. per cwt.
What is the rent of 245 acres 3 roods 30 perches of land at 21. 14s. per acre?
A bankrupt, whose liabilities are 3,2361. 17s. 6d., can pay 13s. 10d. in the

pound; what are his assets?

Find the value of 6 qrs. 3 bushels 14 pecks of wheat, at 3l. 18s. 8d. per



What is the simple interest on 652l. 14s. 2d. for 3 years, at 6 per cent.? Find the amount of 2,800l. in three years, at 45 per cent. compound interest. At what rate of simple interest will 1,245l., amount to 2,5751. 11s. 10 d. in 15


In what time will 2,000l. amount to 2,857l. 10s., at 5 per cent. simple


Add together,,, and

Subtract 17 from 47.

Multiply 2 by 54.

Divide 5 by 33.


Add together of a pound, 3% of a shilling, and of a penny.

Find the difference between of of a mile, and of of 2 of a furlong.


Add together 62·7, 2·30073, 450, and 923.

btract 5.74 from 121-0239.

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