The working of the following is to be shown up :— Multiply 60538067 by 94. Multiply 64059008 by 807609. Multiply 6,8147. 17s. 3 d. by 8. Multiply 4,0167. 11s. 2 d. by 93. Divide 327840937575 by 589. Divide 8,0527. 16s. 6d. by 22. Divide 1,068,0917. 12s. 11d. by 1316. (1) Sixty thousand and forty. (2) Four million five hundred and five. The working of the following questions as well as the answers is to be shown up. Multiply 46054 by 78. Multiply 247003 by 6020. Multiply 9,0431. 5s. 114d. by 6. Divide 7461968 by 9. Divide 2370056 by 79. Multiply 4017. 11s. 94d. by 34. Divide 13,005l. 2s. 3d. by 8. Divide 40,0127. 12s. 24d. by 86. The working of the following questions as well as the answers is to be shown up : Divide 40,0127. 12s. 2 d. by 67. Write down in figures (1) Ten millions twenty thousand and one. (2) Four hundred millions four thousand and forty. *The examination of Letter-carriers and Mail Guards is now restricted to addition and subtraction. (For all Candidates who are required to show a knowledge of "Arithmetic, including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions.") (Time allowed, 3 hours.) YOU ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE YOUR NAME AT THE TOP OF EACH OF YOUR PAPERS, TO PUT THE NUMBER TO EACH QUESTION, AND TO SEND UP THE WORKING AS WELL AS THE ANSWERS. REDUCTION. In 23,221 grains of gold how many pounds, ounces, &c.? PROPORTION. Find the income tax on 6,1507. 10s. at 7d. in the pound. What weight of sugar may be bought for 937. 12s. when the cost of 6 cwt. 2 qrs. is 277. 14s. 8d. ? PRACTICE. Find the value of 6,723 pieces of cloth, each piece being worth 17. 8s. 81d. Find the cost of 4 cwt. 3 qrs. 22 lbs. at 17. 9s. 2d. per cwt. INTEREST. Find the simple interest on 2917. 13s. 4d. at 3 per cent. for 6 years. Add together, 4, 14, 23. Subtract 5 from 8. Multiply 9 by 3. Divide 6 by 94. DECIMALS. "Add together 501 1306, 96, 6·401302, and 72. Subtract 901 53629 from 3064048. Multiply 12 403 by ⚫3016. Divide 914 by 90204 to 4 places of decimals. Divide 437 by 0104 to 3 places of decimals. Reduce 185 of 3s. 4d. to the decimal of a guinea. MISCELLANEOUS. N.B. You are not required to answer any of the following questions; but if you have time (after finishing those on the preceding page) it will be well for you to do as many as you can, selecting the most difficult which you can do. What number, added to 1, 3, 26, 4, will make the sum total 10? If of of 24 of 40lbs. of beef cost 1d., how many pounds may be bought for 11. 6s. 6d. ? If 3 men can mow 7 acres of grass in 5 days of 9 hours each, in how many days of 8 hours each will 5 men mow 35 acres? If 22 lbs. of tea cost 12s. 9d., what will of a lb. cost? (Solve by decimals.) How many yards of matting, 4.8 feet broad, will cover a floor that is 27.3 feet long and 20.16 feet broad? Extract the square root of 5.3. |