Three Discourles; One on the PARABLE of Dives and Lazarus, The Second on that of The Unjust Steward, And the Third, on that of the Ten VIRGINS. By the Reverend Mr. CLEMENT ELLIS, RECTOR of Kirkby, and PREBENDARY With a PREFACE, Giving Some Account of the Author's WRI- LONDON: Printed for Nevil Simmons, and to be Sold by Tho. Parkhurst To the Reverend CLERG Y, 71 Especially those of Nottinghamshire. Reverend Gentlemen, T HE Generous Incourage ment which many of you were pleas'd to give, to the Proposal I lately made of publishing my Father's Posthumous Works, by fo freely SubScribing thereunto, obliges me to take this Opportunity of Acknowledging that Favour, and crave leave to commit to your Patronage and Protection this Volume, which : |