THE Chap. 2. That there is no Neceffity of im- mediate Revelation in order to a saving Chriftian Faith, arifing from the Nature Chap. 3. That there is no Neceffity of im- Chap. 9. Diverse Arguments for the Neceffity of immediate Revelation anfwered. P. 95 Chap. 10. A brief Account of what the Quakers mean by the Univerfal Light within, and of what they teach concerning it. P. III Chap. 11. That there is no fuch Universal Light within, as the Quakers pretend. P. 126 Chap. 12. Diverse Texts explained. p.136 Chap. 13. Reflections upon Diver Je Quaker Doctrines. p. 154 Chap. 14. Reflections upon what the Quakers teach concerning Man's Union with God, and their Notion of a Church. P. 170 Chap. 15. Reflections upon Diverse other Quaker Doctrines. P. 182 Chap. 16, Of the Rule of Faith. p. 193 Chap. 17. Of the Judge of Controverfies, and an infallible Judgment in things Neceffary to Salvation. P. 213 Chap. 18. Of Baptifm with the Holy Ghost. P. 218 Chap. 19. 1 Cor. 12. 13, explained. p. 234 Chap. 20. 1 Cor. 12. paraphrafed. p. 255 Chap. Chap. 21. Of Baptifm with Fire, and Baptifm with Afflictions. P. 266 Chap. 22. The State of the Question concerning the Neceffity of Water-Baptifm. p. 270 P. 272 Chap. 23. That God has commanded us to be baptized with Water, proved from John 3.5. and Eph. 4. 5. Chap. 24. That God has commanded us to be baptized with Water, proved from Matt. 28.19. and from what the Scriptures attribute to Water-Baptifm. p. 285 Chap. 25. Objections answered. p. 298 Chap. 26. Of the Lord's-Supper. P. 311 E R : ERRAT A. THE HE Running Title of the Nine first Chapters fhould have been, of the Neceffity of immediate Revelation. p. 22. 1.11. befeeches. p. 75. 1.9. the Law. p. 104. 1.14. the Gospel. p.107. 1. 20. is what. p. 109. 1. 30. perception. p. 110. p. 20. on our. P.113. 1.20. Man-Chrift. p. 126. 1.6. by the Light's ftirring, moving and enabling. p. 149. 1. 20. that is, it is. p.150. l. 16. it had. p. 170. 1. 14. Water Baptifm. p. 179. 1.8, 10. So baptized. p. 185. 1. 35. Neceffity of the Spirit of Difcerning for p.194. 1.27. a rule. p. 197. 1. 19. that Her. p. 198. 1. 29. by him. p.199. 1. 30. d. makes. and read which makes. p. 210, 1. 12. believes. p. 231. 1. 2. import. P. 232. 1. 29. extend this. P. 235. 1. 11. d. Holy. p. 270. 1. 2. d. Of. p. 282. 1. 24. par took. A CONFUTATION OF QUAKERISM, &c. CHAP. I. The State of the Queftion concerning the Neceflity of immediate Revelation in order to a faving Chriftian Faith. HE Controverfies between us of the Established Church of England, and the People called Quakers, are not only many in Number, but of very great Importance. I fhall therefore endevor in the following Papers to state and determine the Principal of them. Now the first Point about which we differ, is concerning the Neceffity of immediate Revelation in order to a faving Chriftian Faith. With this therefore I fhall begin. And that my difcourfe upon this Head may be the better understood, I think it necessary for me to premise a few things. |