صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

from pleas drawn from my various connexions in life, and, above all, from the great and inceffant demands the discharge of my facred Function makes upon my time and labour; but I fhall decline any further enlargements, and directing myself to Students and young Gentlemen, to whom these papers may be peculiarly ferviceable, conclude with the words of DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS to his friend RUFUS. "You will "receive my present, which will turn to good account, " provided you are willing induftriously to peruse, and "daily exercise yourself in it, as a matter that may "greatly promote your improvement; for the precepts " of art can by no means form eloquent speakers with

out attention and practice; and your future application and laborious ftudies are abfolutely needful to "crown my directions with fuccefs *.

Τεθ' εξεις δωρον ημέτερον, ω Ρεφε, πολλών ανταξιών άλλων, ει βεληθείης εν ταις χερσι τε αυτα συνεχως, ωσπερ τι και αλλά των πανυ χρησίμων, έχειν, και συνασκειν αυλαις καθ' ημέραν γυμνασιαις. Ου γαρ αυταρκη τα παρα{γελμαία των τεχνων επι δείνους ανταγωνιςας ποιησαι τις βουλομενους διχα μελέλης τε και γυμνασιας αλλ' επι τοις πονειν και κακοπαθειν κείται η σπε δαια είναι τα παραγγελμαία και λογο αξία, η φαύλα και axensa. DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENS. de Compofit. Verb. vol. ii. p. 60. edit. HUDSON.

LONDON, 087.22, 1767.




With a Mark upon the feveral Tropes and Figures,
to direct the Reader on what fyllable

the accent fhould be laid.

[blocks in formation]

Chap. 1. The general Nature of Figures, 119---127

Chap.2. An Ecphonésis, or Exclamation,

[blocks in formation]






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