Marks of Devotion and Reverence SERM. which appeared upon them in their VII. publick Affemblies. They reforted to the House of God with the fame holy Awe and Reverence, as if they were really to meet, and to converfe with him there: They continued, during the Time of Divine Service, immoveably fixed to their Duty, without the least Sign or Token of a wandring, or alienated Mind. They contented not themselves with the ordinary Postures of Devotion, fuch as Genuflection, the Bowing of the Head, or the Body, but did (as one of the Ancients speaks) proftrate themselves on the Pavement, cover it with their Bodies, and wash it with Tears of devout Joy. God grant, that if these Heights of Devotion be too exalted for an Age fo degenerate as this, in which Iniquity abounds and the Love of many is waxen cold, yet, at least, that so much of the Life and Spirit of Primitive Piety may be kept up among us, as may render our Behaviour fober and compofed in the Ufe SERM. Ufe of holy Things, and take away VII. from wicked Men an Occafion to blaf pheme! Now to God the Father, &c. External External Worship, Shewn to be of no Efficacy, unless accompany'd with Internal Devotion: Together with the excellent Contrivance of the Church of England Service to promote the latter. 2 II External Worship not sufficient alone. A SERMON Preached at St. JAMES's Chapel. LAMENT. iii. 41. Let us lift up our Hearts, with our Hands, unto God in the Heavens. HESE are the Words of SERM. &tual in the outward Ceremonies and |