DIARY 59856 OF SOME RELIGIOUS EXERCISES AND EXPERIENCE ог : SAMUEL SCOTT, 11 LATE OF HARTFORD, DECEASED. Go set a Watchman, let him declare what he seeth. Isaiah xxi, 6. Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing John vi. 12. And what thou see'st write in a Book. Revelations i. 11. LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY WILLIAM PHILLIPS, INTRODUCTION. The Testimony of Hartford Monthly Meeting, CONCERNING OUR DECEASED FRIEND, THIS our beloved friend was born in Gracechurch-street, London, on the 21st of the third month, 1719; and, as appears by an account left in writing by himself, was, in the seventeenth year of his age, remarkably favoured with a divine visitation; by which his understanding was enlightened, and the great beauty, heavenly order and economy of a truly religious life, at seasons even ravished his ul:' and having walked in conformity thereto till about the thirty-fourth year of his age, he then came forth in the work of the ministry, in which his gift was truly edifying and convincing; tending much to awaken the attention of the careless and formal professor, to the weighty concerns of truth and righteousness. He was a man fearing God and hating covetousness, deep in divine things, of a humble mind and benevolent disposition, extensive in Christian charity, and unfeigned love to the brethren; very useful in the discipline of the church among us, for which he was well qualified; yet very diffident of himself, ready to forgive, and seek forgiveness even of the meanest. During the latter part of his life, we were frequently deprived of his company at our meetings, especially those for discipline, by reason of the prevalence of a disorder which had attended him for several years; notwithstanding which, he was often in deep travail of soul for the restoration of inward rectitude, not only among us, but mankind in general; as also for himself, that he might find a place of rest and peace. A few days before his decease, being in a tender frame of mind, he expressed himself to a friend that visited him, in these words, I have done with all things but one, and that is, working out my soul's salvation with fear and trembling, through Him that worketh in me, both to will and to do of his own good pleasure.' His removal was rather sudden; which, considering his anxious concern respecting that awful event, was, we believe, to him a favour: and we doubt not he is entered into that rest which his soul so ardently longed for. He departed this life on the 20th day of the eleventh month, 1788, and was interred the 30th of the same in Friends burial ground at Hartford, |