صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

held out by long established companies, of advantage to the revenue, from indulging them in a monopoly. They may offer to pay a sum of money, like farmers general, and other monopolists, for the exclusive privilege of circulating their paper. But such baits are only fit to catch despots, and their ministers. It is to be hoped our parliament is too faithful to its trusts to deliver a country into the merciless paws of monopolists, of any kind, for the sake of a little additional revenue. In this country

our resources arise from general taxes, imposed on all as a just return for general liberty, equally and impartially diffused and communicated to all.

We may reasonably hope to see this competition among bankers, if the trade be left free, produce a reduction in the rate of their discounts. The circumstances of the country would now probably admit of our banks granting cash accounts, and especially of discounting good bills, at fourpence halfpenny per cent. How important would such a reduction be to all who carry on trade with borrowed money? And when would a bank, pofsefsed of the exclusive privi lege of circulating its paper, make such a diminution of all profits in favour of commerce? If it did, it must be an act of pure generosity and benevolence, principles which cannot enter into trade. But in a free country, benefits derived from competition may certainly justly be accepted. I am




Translated from lonel
The French

abbé Blanchet*.

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THE dean of the cathedral of Badajoz possessed more learning than all the doctors of Salamanca, Alcala, and Coimbra united. He was master of every language living or dead. He knew all sciences, divine as well as human; but unfortunately he was ignorant of magic, and was inconsolable for it. He was told of a most famous, magician, who resided in the suburbs of Toledo, called Don Torribio; he ordered his mule to be saddled, set out for Toledo, and alighted at the door of a miserable house, where this great man lodged. Sir magician, said he, as he came up to him, I am dean of Badajoz. The learned of Spain do me the honour to call me their master, I come to you to request a more glorious title, that of becoming your disciple: Be kind enough to initiate me in the mysteries of your art, and reckon that my gratitude will be deserving such kindness.

Don Torribio was not very polite, though he piqued himself on living with the best company in hell. He told the dean he might seek another master of magic; that for him he was quite tired of a trade where he gained only compliments and promises, and that he would no longer disgrace the occult sciences by prostituting them upon ingrati

* The abbé Blanchet took the idea of this tale from an old book much esteemed in Spain, called El Conde Lucanor. The Editor has been favoured with a life of this singular person, by the ingenious tran slator of this tale, which will be published as soon as the head can be gat properly engraved.

Feb. 8. tude. "How," cried the dean, "can it be pofsible, signior Don Torribio, that you have met with ungrateful persons? I hope you will do me more justice than to confound me with such monsters." He then detailed a long string of maxims and apothegms on gratitude; he harangued with the kindest voice, and with all the appearance of truth, every thing his memory could supply him with; in fhort he spoke so well, that the sorcerer, after a moment's pause, owned he could refuse nothing to one who knew so many fine quotations. "Jacintha,' says he to his housekeeper, "put two partridges to the fire; I hope the dean will do me the honour to sup here to-night." He then led him into his study, where, after having touched his forehead, he repeated these mystical words, which the reader is intreated not to forget, ortobolan, pitstafier, onagrion; then, without further preparation, he began to explain to him the prologomenas of magic,

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The new disciple was listening with an attention that scarce permitted him to breathe, when Jacintha entered hastily, followed by a little man, booted to his middle, and dirty to his fhoulders, who wifhed to speak to the dean on a matter of the greatest importance. He was a courier that his uncle, the bishop of Badajoz, had sent after him, to inform him that a few hours after his departure his lordship had been seized with an apoplectic fit, that he was very ill, and that the most alarming consequences were to be apprehended. The dean cursed heartily to himself, and without scandal, the apoplexy, the bishop, and the courier, who all three had so badly chosen

the time to interrupt him. He got rid of the courier by ordering him to return directly to Badajoz, and telling him he would be there as soon as himself, and then returned to his lefson as if neither uncle nor apoplexy had existed.

Some days afterwards, more news came from Badajoz; but this was scarce worth attending to. The high chanter, and two of the oldest canons came, and notified to the dean that his uncle, the most reverend bishop, was gone to receive the recompence of his virtue in heaven, and that the chapter, legally assembled, had elected him to fill the vacant seat; and they begged of him to come and console the church of Badajoz his new spouse.. Don Torribio was present at the harangue of the deputies, and took advantage of it like a clever fellow He called the new bishop aside, and after a proper compliment on the occasion, told him he had a son, named Don Benjamin, who, with much wit and good inclinations, had not the smallest taste or talent for the occult sciences; that he meant him for the church, and, thanks to heaven, he had succeeded in the pious design; for he had the satisfaction of hearing that his son acted as one of the most deserving of the clergy of Toledo; therefore he most humbly intreated his highness, that he would resign to Don Benjamin his deanery of Badajoz, which he could not hold with the bishoprick. "Alas!" replied the prelate, with some confusion, "I fhall ever be most happy when I can do any thing you request; but I must inform you I have a very old relation, whose heir I am, and who is fit only to be a dean: Now if I do not give it him, I shall have a quarrel with my

whole family, of which I am fond even to a degree of weakness; but," added he, "don't you intend to come to Badajoz? You will not have the cruelty to leave me when I am beginning to be of service to you? Believe me, my dear master, let us set out together, and only think of insructing your pupil; for I will take upon me the establishment of Don Benjamin, and will do more for him than his father now requires. A paltry deanery in Estramadura is not a proper benefice for the son of a man like you."

The civilians would say, that such a bargain was simony which the prelate proposed to the sorcerer, nevertheless, it is certain, that these two illustrious persons concluded it without feeling any scruples. Don Torribio followed his disciple to Badajoz, he had handsome apartments in the episcopal palace, and saw himself respected as the favourite of his lordship, and as a kind of vicar general. Under the conduct of sa able a master, the bishop made very rapid improvements in the hidden sciences; he gave himself up to it at first, with an intemperate ardour, but by degrees he moderated his pafsion, so that it did not interfere with the duties of his see. He was per

fectly convinced of the truth of a maxim, very necefsary for all bishop-sorcerers, philosophers, or men of letters, that it is not merely sufficient to attend the nocturnal meetings of the spirits, that their minds fhould be adorned with what human science has made most intricate and curious, but that they ought to point out to others the proper road to heaven, and to instil into the souls of the faithful wholesome doctrines and good behaviour. It was by fol

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