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النشر الإلكتروني





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In the life before you will be seen what can nowhere else be found-unlimited power without pride; unrivalled beauty without vanity; unbounded benevolence without ostentation; love without selfishness; fortitude without repining; purity without a stain; and a sun without a spot.

You open this volume, not to gaze on a picture of fallen greatness; not to view the trophies gained; not to behold the mind of an archangel, either in its lofty aspirings, or in its ruins; but to admire intellect and power, wisdom and goodness combined, in the production of results the most happy and glorious; to cherish a taste for mental and moral beauty, and a love for whatsoever things are lovely.

The life of Jesus Christ is the philosophy of true religion. It is perfect excellence personified in miniature, that the little mind of man may grasp it, and be changed into the same image from glory to glory. On the whole, it is believed, that the pious reader will come to the perusal of the Life of Christ, as he would have welcomed an invitation to the marriage-feast at Cana of Galilee; and as he drinks into its spirit, and is satistied, will bo constrained to acknowledge that the best what has been kept even until now. Whatever is pure in purpose, praiseworthy in conduct, or excellent in character, will here be found shining like so many burnished orbs attending the sun on his brilliant career. To the saint, whether on earth or in heaven, Christ is the chief among ten thousand, and the one altogether lovely. Here his principal happiness consists in seeing Him through a glass darkly-there in beholding him face to face.

But the perfection of bliss is in bearing his image, and sharing his glory. Who then will not echo back the poet's prayer,

"Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far
Let evening blush to own a star."

And in view of a glorious departure, would we sing

"Jesus we bless thy Father's name;
Thy God and ours is one, the same."

Let, then, his example infuse itself more entirely into our lives: let us, like him, banish all hatred, loving all men as our brethren, embrace what is lovely and of good report, and the earth shall echo back the immortal strains of glory to God and the Lamb for ever and ever.

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