PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. 173 and the cause of missions, and to establish a branch of the Evangelical Alliance as far as may be practicable at each station. "From Tocat we traversed the bold and rugged mountains, constantly viewing picturesque and beautiful scenery, and in two days came to Sivas, a second missionary station of the American Board. We were somewhat alarmed by the reported attacks of robbers by the way, but through the good providence of God, arrived in safety. The missionaries and native brethren came out on horseback, two hours in advance, to give us a cordial welcome. Indeed, our whole journey seems more like Pilgrim's Progress than any I have ever yet made. The land is beautiful, and the climate most delightful. Though there are occasional perils and dangers in the way, yet all is 'the King's country,' and must one day be converted to Christ. At each station, too, we hold such sweet communion and fellowship with our Christian brethren in this far off land, as can only dwell in kindred hearts. We are entertained in the palace called Beautiful' and sleep in the 'chamber of Peace,' as at times we repose two or three days from the fatigues of our journey. Here, in Sivas, we administered the communion of the Lord's supper to the little church gathered in the name of Christ, and we did indeed sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with His elect ones in this Moslem land. On the morrow we went on our way, escorted by our good friends some distance on the plain, where we parted, commending each other to the blessing of Heaven in all our labours. In six days, over mountains, through winding valleys and extended plains, we reached the missionary station of Arabkir, in the borders of the ancient Cappadocia. It is a city of gardens in the midst of the mountains, and exceedingly beautiful for situation. Here we were received again by warm Christian hearts, and rejoiced to witness their good work, and cheer them in their arduous labours. "We also joined in celebrating the communion with them and their native church, and much enjoyed the season. The hearts of the native converts are overflowing with love and gratitude to those who have sent to them the Bible and missionaries of the gospel of Christ. They crowd around us, and shake our hands with tears in their eyes. Again we pursued our journey, and at the close of the day came down to the river Euphrates, one of the four rivers that flowed from the garden of Eden. It runs here with a swift current, through a narrow gorge in the mountains a broad and noble stream. And inspiring indeed were my first impressions in looking upon this ancient river that flowed from the paradise of our first parents. "Crossing the Euphrates, we spent the night at the town of Maden, on the opposite bank. Here also we joined in a social prayer-meeting with the little Protestant church that has received the pure faith of the gospel through the labours of the American missionaries. They were delighted to be assured that we in England and America believed the same Bible and gospel with them, and that we could hold fellowship together in the name of a common Saviour. "The next morning we rode on our journey, (we travel entirely on horseback in this land; there are no roads for carriages, only mountain, foot, and bridle paths,) and came to Kharpoot, situated on a fortress rock that commands a splendid view over a wide extended plain. This is one of the more recent missionary stations, and no church had yet been formed. Our visit was considered a favourable occasion for organising a church, and we were glad to assist in examining the candidates, and admitting them as members of the Church of Christ. One of them was the father of a family, with his young daughter, and another a converted Armenian priest, who seemed to receive the truth anew with full simplicity and sincerity of heart. "The next day we continued our journey over the plain, and across the rugged mountains, and in three days reached Diarbekir, a large walled city, situated at the head waters of the Tigris, on the borders of the plains of Mesopotamia. We spent another delightful Sabbath with the native and missionary brethren here, and held sweet communion and fellowship together. One of the latter was an old friend of mine in college, and we enjoyed much our visit in the recollection of former scenes, and in relating our various experience since we separated. "The climate is mild and genial at this season, and the scenery varied and picturesque. Through the kindness of the American ambassador at Constantinople, I have a large firman from the Sultan, bearing his great seal, which secures us the particular attention and entertainment of all the pashas and governors on the way, so that we are exceedingly enjoying the tour. In addition to this, we are cheered in our visit, and encouraged in our labours at each station, and thus go forward rejoicing in the Lord, and giving thanks at the remembrance of His holiness. 'On the following day we took our departure for Mosul. We are now mounted on a raft of a hundred inflated goat skins, and glide beautifully down the Tigris, the Hiddekel of the Scriptures, another of the four rivers that flowed from the garden of Eden, 'that is it which goeth toward the East of Assyria.' A neat little house of poplar poles covered with wax-cloth, to protect us from the sun and rain, and fitted up with poplomans and lined within for our comfort. A guard of soldiers have volunteered to accompany us, free of expense, and sleep round us at night. Thus we float on with the current. It is the perfection of travelling, without the rattling of wheels, without dust, without steam even. The stream floats us on night and day, and at intervals we whirl past rocks, and dash swiftly down the rapids. The mountains and rocks rise in grandeur and sublimity on either side, as the noble river winds its way through. "We spent the Sabbath at Hassankeefa, a city hewn out in the solid rocks, like Petra in the land of Edom. It is now crumbling to ruins, and the miserable population live in the tombs of the former dwellers in the rock. Yesterday we passed the river Chabur, the ancient Chebar, that comes down from the mountains of Chaldea, and flows into the Tigris. Here the prophet Ezekiel saw his sublime visions in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Chebar, when the heavens were opened, and Jehovah manifested to him His peculiar presence and glory. I enjoyed anew these spiritual scenes as we gazed long upon the banks of that ancient river. "NOVEMBER 9.-To-day at noon we are in sight of the walls and minarets of Mosul, and Nebby Jonas, the tomb of the prophet Jonah, that covers the ruins of the ancient Nineveh, 'that great city of three days journey.' "Thus the Lord has protected and prospered us on our way, and followed us with goodness in all our journey. In the words of the Psalmist we would exclaim, 'Bless the Below are given some of the incidents of the journey, communicated to the American Bible Society : "As we left Tocat, Hagop Agha, the head of the Protestant community, and all the students of the seminary, in a body, accompanied us on our way to a hillside that overlooks the city. They then gathered around us in a circle, and we commended them to God, and the Bible as their rule of faith, and the guide of their lives, and exhorted them to shew forth the light of the gospel of Christ in this dark land, and be faithful unto death, that they might receive the crown of life at His right hand. One of their number, in return, thanked us cordially for our visit, and our societies for sending them the Bible and the gospel of salvation, and prayed that the peace of God might abide with us on the journey, and the blessing of Heaven rest upon all our labours in the East. We then traversed a rugged, mountainous region, and in two days reached Sivas, a second missionary station of the American Board. The brethren, as before, came out on horseback, one hour in advance, to welcome us in the name of Christ. The city is beautifully situated upon an elevated plain between two ranges of limestone hills, with a stream of pure water flowing through. It contains a population of nearly 50,000; of whom 36,000 are Turks, 12,000 Armenians, and 300 Greeks. The Scriptures are kept publicly for sale at four different points in the city, and a new depository is about to be opened in front of the principal bazaar. There have been sold M |