TO SYLVANUS URBAN: The Author, EDWARD, Lord Thurlow. NOW Spring has danc'd upon the bud. ding meads, [quires, And full-blown Summer led the graceful Vine-crowned Autumn tun'd the joyous reeds, [fires. And limping Winter lights our house-hold What grateful custom asks, we gladly pay, And follow Johnson * in his Latian song: If yet the Latian Muses keep away, To English toil let English Verse belong. Verse, that can nourish Children's budding hope, [road, Instruct the flowering Youth in Virtue's Teach Manhood with disastrous fate to cope, [its load. year, And please the honour'd Age, and light Such Verse, as is to Urban justly dear; Urban, who follows Phœbus in his course; Who wakes the rising, charms the closing [its source. With knowledge, that from truth derives Urban, who holds the keys of Learning's And duly opes, with each succeeding moon, The sacred temple; never found too late, And never judg'd by thirsty minds too gate, * Dr. Samuel Johnson, the glory of the last age, who wrote an Alcaick Ode, in honour of Sylvanus Urban, which may be seen among his Latin Poems in vol. I. of his works. See also the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. VIII. p. 156, or vol. LIV. p. 11. PREFACE TO THE 1 SECOND PART OF THE EIGHTY-SIXTH VOLUME. "Duc me, Parens, celsique dominator Poli, Quocunque placuit-nulla parendi mora est, W As the word " Equality" was the howl of the Demagogues of France, so is "Reform" the popular catchword of our Modern Patriots. We also are staunch and avowed Advocates for Reform; but not of that proposed Political alteration in a Constitution, which has remained for ages, like the Pyramids of Egypt, fiom on its base, unshaken and uninjured by the War of Elements, and the Scythe of Time. We would commence, as more consistent with our habits and compatible with our views, with a Reform in Literature. We would not have the Press, which has so long constituted the great Palladium of Britons, prostituted to base and unworthy purposes. We would not have it used to disseminate sedition, to make the poor discontented with the stations allotted to them by Providence, envious of their superiors, and ripe for perpetration of crimes. - We would not have it employed to mislead the credulous, and impose upon the ignorant, by inclining them to believe that the temporary distresses to which all alike must bow, are occasioned, not by the interposition of Providence, but by the ambition, or the avarice, or the misconduct of their Rulers. We would not have this powerful and useful engine perverted from its design, by impressing the erroneous persuasion, that the benevolent spirit of the day, demonstrating itself by unparalleled effusions of the most public and most generous charity that ever distinguished any Nation of the world, originates in selfish 20644 and 1 and unworthy motives, tending to no ultimate good, and deserving no gra titude or praise. For a reformation of such glaring and destructive abuses, and many more might be enumerated, we are, and ever have been, strenuous advocates; and that we are so, we soberly adduce our continued series of Volumes as a test. It has been our endeavour to speak truth, not to misrepresent or deform it; to recommend that plain and well-beaten track, which by long experience, has been proved to lead to repose, security, and honour; but not to recommend new, untried and unknown ways, of difficult access, dangerous experiment, and uncertain termination. It has been our maxin to render honour where honour is due, and not Spargere voces In vulgum ambiguas. There are other reforms also, to which we would most willingly contri bute our assistance, and promote by our example. That individual Reform which must begin at home, in every man's own bosom, which, by moderating his desires and regulating his appetites, teaches him to view the actions of his neighbour with complacency and candour, to submit to the ordinances of his Country with humble acquiescence, and to regard the persons of his Rulers with deference and honour. We could also specify other instances which we deem so important and so necessary, that we would anxiously and zealously lend our aid to their effectual accomplishment. We would, among other things, assist in rooting up the noxious weeds, the nettles, the thistles, and the thorns, which obstruct the avenues to, and involve in shades the pure light of, our venerable Church. We would demonstrate our fervent indignation against the sacrilegious hands, which, with a sort of fanatical enthusiasm, are endeavouring to undermine its columns, and contaminate its chaste simplicity. -In this respect, again we proudly challenge the strictest investigation of our Principles and Conduct. Friends to the Ecclesiastical Establishment of our Country, convinced at heart that both will endure or perish together; we have uniformly and consistently demonstrated our unshaken adherence to this branch of our Constitution. To fair and reasonable and moderate argument, where the object is the discovery or confirmation of Truth, we can have no possible objection. But we oppose with all our powers the false lights of Fanaticism, the overweening zeal of arrogant Enthusiasm, the cant of Hypocrisy, and the pride of acknowledged Heresy. This subject of Reform is exceedingly specious, and multiplies itself into numerous branches, upon many of which we could yet expatiate with considerable satisfaction. Enough perhaps may have been said to designate such Reforins as we would zealouly support and advocate. We now turn round to our Correspondents of every denomination, with a complacency arising from the consciousness of having to the best of our ability, discharged our duty to them and to our Country. To those, and there are many such, who for a long extended period, have honoured us with their confidence and correspondence, we offer our cordial thanks and acknowledgments. Professions of our Principles, or avowal of our future objects, would to them be entirely superfluous. They who may hereafter be induced to unite with us in the cause of Literature, or in the promotion of the common good, from a slight inspection of our former labours may form an adequate judgment of our impartiality, and from a careful examination of this annual Address may easily determine how far our Religious and Political Creed is in harmony with their own. We take our leave with universal good-will to each and all of our Countrymen; recommending, under the present temporary gloom, patient and pious confidence in that Power who can alone finally preserve us. " Sed quoniam renovata lues turbare salutem mplicity, Meteorological Diaries for May & July, 2, 94 ith, we ers the Mode of Teaching in Modern Athens...10 sm, the Sir E. Brydges's Edit. of Collins's Peerage..12 Means of Escape from Fire.-Insolvent Act.14 If into The Speeches at Rugby School Anniversary.16 nsider Roman Hypocaust at Duncton; Roads, &c.17 ch Re One Cause of the Increase of Poor Rates...20 und to Intended Review and Sham Fight of Clergy.21 arising Sir C. Hedges? - The Name of Cambridge..23 d our Subscription for a Church in Dean Forest...24 who Dr. Pinckard on the Emancipation of Slaves. 25 Slave Trade, since the Abolition Treaty..... 27 Observations relating to the Tower of Babel,28 ssions Scarce, Poetry Inscription to Liberty......32 mbe On the Monumental Bust of Shakspeare....33 with Great Malvern Abbey 35.-Antient Sport...36 good, Toddington Church. - Buckler's Cathedrals. 37 udg. Thoughts on Ecclesiastical Residence........38 nual Release of Captives. - Spectator, No. 159...40 Creed 100F our Cient Jersey2.Guern.2. Review of New Publications. ...61 62-64 Historical Chronicle. Embellished with a View of the Romantic Scene of PONT Y GLYN, near Corwen, and a Plan of the Remains of a ROMAN HYPOCAUST at DUNCTON, in Sussex. By SYLVANUS URBAN GENT Printed by NICHOLS, SON, and BENTLEY, at CICERO'S HEAD, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-str. London; where all Letters to the Editor are particularly desired to be addressed, POST-PAID, |