صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


summoned away from this world of trial, to appear before the judgment-seat of Christ. Humility, that constant and inseparable concomitant of a true faith, is excited in the soul, together with an ardent desire to practise those comprehensive charities, so strongly recommended, and so clearly expounded, by the Apostle. Those good resolutions, which a growing faith, and a sense of our own unworthiness, have induced us to make, acquire a progressive accession of strength. Our minds are prepared for the assaults of Satan, our eyes kept open to his artifices, and our hearts preserved in a constant state of watchfulness. And under all the difficulties and sorrows of life, we are sustained by the power of the Spirit of God, and cheered with the delightful hope, that, when this scene of trial shall have passed away, we shall, through the Merits and Intercession of Christ, be rewarded, for having remained true to our Baptismal Vow, with the full pardon of our sins, and with the enjoyment of everlasting peace,

I have now examined into the Institu.

tion, Nature, and End and Design of the Holy Communion, and shown you the Benefits, which accrue to us from partaking of it worthily. What is required of those who come to it, together with the consideration of certain Objections and Scruples, which many have erroneously imbíbed, I shall lay before you the next opportunity.

May the God of truth and mercy be with you; may he illumine your understandings, sanctify your hearts, and fill you with all knowledge, and holiness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, and finally bring you unto the mansions of Heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen,

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THE last two points, which I proposed to consider, relating to the Holy Communion, are now to be examined.

First, What is required of those who come to it?

Our obligation, as I before observed, to receive the Sacrament, arises from its being the appointment and command of Christ himself. This is a matter that should be seriously weighed, and kept constantly in our memories; for it is no light sin to disregard any positive Ordinance of God, no trivial offence to refuse to remember Christ, in the manner which he himself appointed. If the Holy Communion be not an act necessary to be performed, why was it instituted? If it be, why is it neglected? Had it not been a necessary act, Christ, who was the Son

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