صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


THE Qualifications requifite for Baptifm, or (in those who have from the beginning been educated in the Knowledge of Chrift) for the publick and worthy Profeffion of Chrift's Religion; are Faith and Repentance. Repentance towards God, and Faith towards our Lord Jefus Chrift: Repentance from dead works, and Faith Heb.vi. 1. towards God: A fincere Defire of amending all paft Faults, and a firm Refolution of Obedience for the future. Hence Baptifm is styled The Baptifm of Repent- Luke iii.3? ance for the remiffion of Sins; the Washing Actsii 38. of Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

Tit. iii. 5.

THE Effect and Confequence of this Regeneration, the Scripture always fuppoles to be True Virtue and Holiness of life for the future. We are buried with Chrift Rom.vi.g? by Baptifm into Death; that, like as Chrift was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo We also fhould walk in newness of Life.

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To Apoftates who totally renounce this Baptism of Regeneration, the Effect and Benefit of it is made void. The One Sacrifice of Chrift, being rejected by them Heb x.26. and defpifed; there remains no new Sacrifice for Sins.

2 Pet. ii. 21, 22.


4, 5.

IN those who do not totally apostatize from religion, but yet (contrary to their Profeffion) fall into any Great or Habitual Vice; their Sins, after the Knowledge of the Truth, muft of neceffity be more inexcufable; their Hearts, more hardened; their Repentance, more difficult; their Hopes, more broken. They are like the Sow, that was washed, turning again to her wallowing in the Mire. And it had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto them.

NEVERTHELESS, fuch perfons as These, are still through the Goodness and Forbearance and Long-fuffering of God continually invited to Repentance; and exhorted, that they do not by Hardness


and an impenitent Heart treasure up unto themfelves Wrath against the day of Wrath, and revelation of the righteous Judgment of God. Such perfons are to be rebuked Tit, i. 13. Sharply, but not driven to Despair. That Heb. xii. which is Lame, is not to be turned out of 13. the way,

but that it rather be healed. St Paul delivered a Great Sinner to Satan 1 Cor. v.5. for the deftruction of the Flesh, that the Spirit might be faved in the day of the Lord Jefus: And, upon his true Repentance, gave an exhortation to comfort him, 2Cor.ii.7. left perhaps fuch a one should be swallowed

up with overmuch Sorrow. He fpeaks also



James v.

of Others that had finned already, 2 Cor. xii. even in the Inftances of Great Crimes; and complains of them feverely, for that they had not repented. St James likewise declares: Brethren, if any of you do err from the Truth, and one convert him; let 19. him know, that he which converteth the Sinner from the Errour of his way, shall fave a Soul from Death, and shall hide a multitude of Sins. St Jude alfo, speaking of different kinds of Sinners; Of Jude 22. Some, fays he, have compaffion, making a differ

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Rev. ii.

22, 23.

difference; and Others fave with Fear, pulling them out of the Fire. And our Saviour himself, threatning fome very Great Corrupters of his Religion, that he would caft them into a Bed of Sickness, and kill their children with Death; yet adds, even concerning these Great Sinners, except they repent of their Deeds.

IN case of these Great Sins, the Repentance must indeed be alfo Great and Rev.xi. Exemplary, fo as to give Glory to the God 2 Cor. vii. of Heaven. It must be a Repentance not

13 xvi.9.


to be repented of: A Repentance proceed

ing from a true Senfe of the Evil of Sin, and producing a real and effectual Change and Reformation of Life. But for the fmaller Failings, Infirmities, and Surprizes, incident to fincere and virtuous perfons in the whole course of their Lives i for the continual Forgiveness of These, there is mo evidently provision made through the whole Tenour of the Gospel, Our Saviour directs us to pray daily for the forgiveness of Such Trefpaffes, upon condition of our being ready to forgive


our Trespasses against each other. And by commanding us to forgive one another, not only until Seven times, but until fe- Matt.xviii. venty times feven; he plainly declares that we may hope for proportionable Compaffion at the hands of God.


THE Church of Rome, by their Do&trines concerning Confeffion and Abfolution, concerning Contrition and superstitious Penances, concerning Indulgences and the Power of the Keys; have greatly confounded the Doctrine of the Gospel concerning the Forgiveness of Sins, with corruptions introduced merely by the Vanity and Ambition of Men. For the Texts upon which they ground their pretended Powers, do plainly mean, not to appoint men to fit in God's Seat of Judgment, but to authorize them from God to preach and to affure unto men the Terms or Conditions, upon which alone their Sins fhall be forgiven them. Whofe foever Sins ye remit, not according to your own Will and Pleasure, but whofe foever John xx. Sins 23..

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