CAR ARACTACUS (Mafoni) Græco Carmine redditus cum Ver fione Latina. A Georgio Henrico Glaffe, A. B. Page 1 Warwick's Abelard to Eloifa, Elements of Jurifprudence, Adams's (George) Effay on Electricity, Dr. Hamilton's Out-lines of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery, Dr. Swedia'r's Obfervations on Venereal Complaints,. 15 17 Henry's Tranflation of Lavoifier's Effays on the Effects produced by various Proceffes on Atmospheric Air, The Herald of Literature, The Sad Shepherd. By Ben Jonfon, Dr. Watson's Hiftory of Philip III. King of Spain, Dr. Priestley's Letters to Dr. Horfley, Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African, 20 24 26 34 38 The proper Limits of Government's Interference with the Af- Major Scott's Narrative of the Tranfactions in Bengal, Adams's (John) History of the Difpute with America, Letter from an American to a Member of Parliament, Letter to a Country Gentleman, The Contraft; or an Eftimate of the Coalition Miniftry, 62 ibid. 64 65 68 69 Inftructions to a Statesman, Secret Influence public Ruin, Dobbs's Letter to Lord North and Mr. Fox, 74 Serious Addrefs, concerning the Tax on Receipts, ibid. Bofwell's Letter to the People of Scotland, ibid. Dr. Jebb's Letters to the Volunteers of Ireland, Dialogue between an Unitarian Christian and an Athanafian, ib. Dr.Priestley's View of the Argument for the Unity with God,&c. 79 Course of Lectures for Sunday Evenings, 78 ibid. Dr. Trufler's Poetic Endings; or, a Dictionary of Rhimes, ibid. Letters on Wit and Humour, ibid. Soulés's Grammar of the French Language, &c. 80 Letters from a Peeress of England to her eldest Son, ibid. ibid. Philofophical Tranfactions, Vol. LXXIII. Part I. 8 L Biographical History of Sir William Blackstone, Richardfon's Effays on Shakspeare's Dramatic Characters, 101 Gale's Effay on the Nature and Principles of Public Credit, 107 Poems, on Subjects arifing in England and the West Indies, 110 113, 187 Levi's Account of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Jews, 125 Tranfactions of the Society at London, for the Encouragement Jo. Phyfiophili Specimen Monochologia Methodo Linnæano, 132 Second Letter to a Country Gentleman, Mr. Burke's Speech on Mr. Fox's East India Bill, Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt, A short commercial and political Letter from Mr. Jofeph Price Obfervations on the Principles and Tendency of the East India Bills propofed by Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt, Confiderations on the prefent Situation of Great Britain and the A Letter in Defence of the Lords and Earl Temple, Sir G. O. Paul's Confiderations on the Defects of Prifons, 150 The Heads of a Plan for raising the Money for maintaining Pau- Burnby's Summer Amusements, or Mifcellaneous Poems, 156 A ferious and friendly Addrefs on the dangerous Confequences ibid. White's Enquiry into the Nature and Caufes of that Swelling in the Lower Extremities which happens to Lying-in Women, 157 The Clergyman's Companion in vifiting the Sick, Bishop of Landaff's Sermon before the Houfe of Lords, 158 A familiar Addrefs to the Curious in English Poetry, D. Junii Juvenalis & A. Perfii Flacci Satire expurgatæ, ibid. Varietés Dramatiques; ou Recueil de Comedies & Tragedies, 160 Andrew's Reparation, a Comedy, Letters to Honoria and Marianne, Stanhope's Genuine Memoirs of Afiaticus, 160 Letter to Philip Thickneffe, Efq. Williamfon's Argument for the Chriftian Religion, 177, 286 184 Obfervations on the prefent State of Denmark, Ruffia, &c. 194 Mrs. Cowley's Bold Stroke for a Hufband, a Comedy, 201 205 209 211 Letter to the Right Hon. William Pitt, upon the Nature of parliamentary Representation, 223 The true State of the Queffion, ibid. Edwards's Thoughts on the late Proceedings of Government refpecting the Trade of the Weit India Iflands with the United States of North America, Some Obfervations on the fecond Edition of The Effects to be expected from the Eaft India Bill,' ibid. The Source of the Evil: or the System Displayed, ibid. Chartered Rights, ibid. A fhort Addrefs to the chartered Companies of England, 227 A Speech intended to have been fpoken in the House of Commons, Feb. 2, A clear and candid Expofition of the State of the feveral Loans made to Mahomet Ally Cawn, Nabob of Arcot, ibid. ibid. Labilliere's Letters to the Majefty of the People, ibid. Proceedings of a General Court of Froprietors of Eaft India Stock, Nov. 7, 1783, ibid. Parker's Thoughts on opening the Trade to the East Indies, 228 ibid. ibid. ibid. 229 ibid. Detail of the Debates in the Houfe of Commons on the Eaft India Bill, &c. ibid. Account of the Debates in the Houfe of Commons, &c. ibid. Brockwell's Practical Expofition of the Lord's Prayer, ibid. Obfervations on One of the Names of God in Scripture, 239 Elucidation of the Unity of God, 231 Directions for the Student in Theology, ibid. Dr. Priestley's Remarks on the Monthly Review of the Letters to Dr. Horfley, The Temple of Wit, and the Temple of Folly, ibid. 232 Poems |