صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Grace of Jefus Christ had joyn'd to his Illustrious Birth a more solid Piety; and that Piety was truly according to Knowledg, since it was illuminated by that Divine Light which he had drawn from the holy Scriptures, the Councils and Fathers. The Example of his Life and the Remembrance of his Virtues, ought to induce not only the Great of the world, but likewife those who are below their condition, to follow the same Maxims which this Prince prescribed himself for his own Conduct. It is therefore our opinion that this Treatise is not only conformable to the Rules of the Catholick and Apoftolick Church, but that it will be fo much the more useful, that it teaches a most pure and most holy Morality, which may serve for the Instruction of all forts of Persons.

At Sorbon, September 1st 1666.

De Breda Boileau, Ribeyran Malet, De Graville Drubec


The Approbation of Monfieur le Tellier, Doctor in Theology of the Faculty of Paris, of the House and Society of Sorbon, Abbot of St. Benigne de Dijon, and Grand Master of the Chappel Royal, &c.


Have read and examin'd the Book entitled, The Duties of the Great ; composed by the late Prince of Conti. The Illustrious Birth and the extraordinary Merit of that Great Prince, places this Book above all the Elogies that I could give it. It is most conformable to the Rules of the Holy Apoftolick Catholick Religion, and may ferve for the Instruction of the Faithful of all Ranks. In Testimony whereof, I have figned this present Approbation, at Paris, the 3d. of September 1666.

Le Tellier.




Several Tracts.


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Memoirs concerning the Obligations of

a Governour of a Province. E.

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