IX. LET the faid Confuls chuse such Procurators of Hospitals, as are Zealous for the Service of God, who shall take care that the Hospitaler Monks and Nuns perform reciprocally the Articles specify'd in the Contracts of Establishment, that are confirm'd by the General Council of the Cities, requiring them to give a Yearly Account of their Adminiftration to the Auditors nominated by the Committee. X. LET them be careful to remedy the Disorders which are committed in the night by those who ramble about the Streets, forbidding any one to walk about the Streets at that time, after the Taptow is beat, at a certain hour that shall be fix'd; after which they shall cause all those to be Punish'd, who are found there without a Flambeau, Lanthorn or other Light. XI. LET them be careful to Establish for a Guard of the City Gates faithful and honest Porters, who may hinder Ramblers, Rogues and Vagabonds from coming into it. Let them forbid them to give Cards to play there on Sundays and Holidays during Divine Service, and in case of Contravening, let them take care to Punish them severely. Let them likewise hinder any one from playing in the Markets and Pub lick places on the said Sundays and Holydays in the time of Divine Service. AND as upon the Festivals of those Saints which the several Trades have taken for their Patrons, Debauches are committed which give great Scandal to the Publick, and tend to the great Dishonour of God, contrary to the true End of the Institution of Festivals, they are exprefly commanded to hinder fuch Debauches and Scandals. ده I 2 XIII. 1 : XIII. THEY shall carefully see to the Execution of the King's Ordinance against the Captains of the Youth, and Thall hinder them from chusing any more. And in case the Youth of the faid City should contravene, they ought to be feverely Punish'd. XIV. WHEN the Levying of the Taille has been adjudg'd, they shall hinder the Overplus requisite to make up the twenty-pence per Livre, from being impos'd, but let it remain for the advantage of the Publick. XV. WHEN the Troops pass thro or fojourn in the City, they shall order their Quarters more exactly than their Predecessors have hitherto done; fo that the Troopers may not remain in the Streets great part of the Night, as it has often happen'd, and that there may be no Disorders betwixt them and the Inhabitants. XVI. 1 XVI. THEY shall take care likewise not to burden the Poor in quartering the Soldiers, but to distribute them to every one with Equality, so that each may have his Share of the Inconvenience in his Turn, excepting those who are exempted by their Character, or by their Office; and they shall carefully look to the Registring of the Billets which they give XVII. ABOVE all things, they shall cause the Blafphemers of the Holy Name of God, to be punished according to the Rigour of the Ordinances. XVIII. AND in fine, they shall take care in general to remedy all the Faults and Abuses which they know to be already establish'd, or to be daily gaining ground in the City; and shall oppose them with all their Authority. Given For the Commissioner who is sent to the Synods of the Reform'd Religion. T HE Commiffioner shall come to--on the Day affign'd, and he shall give those who compose the Synod to understand, that as it is the King's Intention, that his Subjects of the pretended Reform'd Religion should livein Peace and Quietness conformably to the Edicts which have been granted them, fo he does not intend that they should attempt to make any Innovation; but that they should submit with respect to the Orders which shall be given them from his Majesty. J II. TT is his Majesty's Defire, that he should fee that the Synod last but eight Days, not fuffering it after the faid time is pass'd, to remain assembled without having a particular Permission for it from his Majesty, or from the Governour of the Province. III, / |