the Regiment is quarter'd, if there are any Quarrels among the Subaltern Officers, and let him immediately reconcile them, declaring from the Governour of the Province to those who fall again into thefe Faults, that he shall be oblig❜d to inform him of them, and that he will infallibly break them if they do not alter their Conduct. Let him reconcile those which are among the Soldiers of the Regiment, and let him punish, with all the Severity requir'd by the King's Orders, thofe who have fought with one another. V. LET him not make any Agreement for the Regiment in one or more Places where he is in Garrifon. Let him ex. act nothing beyond what is imply'd in the King's Order, neither let him fuffer any of the other Officers to do it for his Company in particular, on pain of making Reftitution himself of what fhall have been taken or exacted, in cafe he does not advertise the Gover nour of the Province of it. LET him take care that the Officers follow the King's Regulations for the Duty and the Refidence of the Captains, as they fhall be prefcrib'd by the Orders which are sent to the Regiment for that End. And that the Soldiers may not commit any Violence at their Landlords, and do not mifufe them either by beating them, or hindring them from Attending their Work or their Business. Every one of the Captains are order'd to leave at least one Subaltern Officer in each Company to answer in his own Name for the Disorders which are done in it, and by Deduction and Retrenchment of his Allowance for Winter Quarters, if he has not taken care of it as foon as the Disorder happen'd. VII. LET the fame Commander give order that no Soldier go out of his Quarters without leave from his Officer, which may eafily be done, whether the Reigment is Quarter'd in one place or in in feveral; fince there is always an Officer who commands them. Let him alfo make the Tapton be beat every Night betwixt eight and nine à Clock, and let him make known to the Soldiers that those who are found rambling about the Streets after the Taptow is beat, shall be Punish'd VIII. IF the Company is Diftributed by fmall Numbers into Divers Places, he fhall give order that the Officer who Commands the Company go and inform himself from time to time of the Manner in which the Soldiers of his Com pany live, and whether they pay at their Landlords for the Provifions they have there, that he may oblige them to do it if they have fail'd in it. In default of doing which he must answer for it in his own Name: IX. ON any Change of Quarters which happen by Order from the King, of the Lieutenants General,or of the Intendants of the Province, each Commander of the the faid Quarters fhall be oblig❜d to write to the Governour of the Province, the Place where he is, the Strength and Condition of the faid Place, in what Diftrict it is, and how far from fome known and confiderable Town; toge, ther with the Regulations which have been given him by the King, by the Governour, or by the Intendant, for the Subfiftance and Maintenance of his Soldiers: X. EACH of the faid Commanders hall fend every two Months an ac count of the Review of the Companies under his Command, and fhall let him know if the Soldiers behave themselves conformably to his Majefties Orders, if there is no Disorder in their Quarters, if there has happen'd no Murders, Duels, Affaffinations or Violences, fince the laft news he fent of them, and in Cafe any have happen'd, and that the Governour hear of it from other hands than from the faid Commanders, they fhall anfwer for it in their own Name. XI. IN fine let the faid Commander and the other Officers do in general al that they can to prevent any Disorder, and let them follow exactly the King's Orders, not doing any thing contrary to them. ORDER For the Officers appointed to fee to the Execution of the Orders of Justice upon Raifing the Gabelle, and to oppofe any Tricking or Fraud. TH I. HE Officer fhall take care that the Brigadiers and Troopers who are under his Conduct do not lead a loofe and fcandalous Life, that they do not Swear and Blafpheme they Holy Name of God, and that they do not commit any Disorder in the Places where |