"Marefchals of France, of us, and of "the Lieutenants for the King in the "faid Province, to bring before him "thofe who have a Quarrel touching "the Point of Honour, to hear "and to judge, them with full Power, "according to the King's Edicts, and "the Regulations made by the faid "Marefchals on the 22th of Auguft "1653. And to look to the Execution "of our Order for hindring fuch Per"fons to bear Arms who are not of the "Quality requir'd, or who have not ડ a Permiffion for it from us, or from "the King's Lieutenants in our Ab"fence. Enjoyning all Gentlemen "and others Profeffing Arms, to ac"knowledge the faid Sieur N.. in this Quality, and to obey him touching "and concerning the above faid Cafes, on pain of the Punishments exprefs'd " in the King's Edicts; commanding "all Provofts, Bailiffs, their Lieute nants, Exempts, Greffiers and Archers "punctually to Execute all the Orders "of which the faid Sieur N... fhall "give, to hinder the Confequences of thofe Quarrels which happen in his "Diftrict; and to make all the requir'd and neceffary Significations to "to feize on those who difobey the "King's Edicts, when they are order'd "fo to do by the faid Sieur N.. for the "Execution of our faid Order, and of "that against bearing Arms; and in 66 general, to do all neceffary Acts for "the Execution of the faid Commif"fion; which we command the Sene"fchal or Bailiff of.. or his Lieutenant "in the faid Court to register, "that they may have recourse to it " in Cafe of need. Given at........., the day and year. INSTRUCTION For the Captain of the Guards. H I. E ought to look on his Employment in a Christian Spirit, and confider upon this, that it is the chief Means which GOD will make use of for his Sanctification; and that to work out his Salvation, he ought likewife to labour for that of thofe Perfons who are fubjected to him. To this he ought to give all his Application, and not to content himself with prefcribing good Orders for his Company, but he must alfo make them be put in Execution; and an Acount be given to him from Week to Week, and even from Day to Day, on Occafions where it may be neceffary; for otherwise all Regulations ferve only to the Condemnation of those who make them, if they neglect to have them executed. II. HE must not receive any Trooper who is not a Catholick, for any Confi deration whatsoever; and before he gives the Bandoleer to thofe who are prefented to him, he muft inform himfelf as well as he can of their Manners, that he may not receive any notoriously Vicious. But efpecially he muft never receive any one of those who defire to enter themselves in the Troop only to escape Juftice, and fhun the Punishment of their Crimes. For this he ought to inform himfelf before he takes a new Trooper, whether there is any Judg ment or Decree against him, in which Cafe he shall not receive him, unless it first appear that he has clear'd himself. And if he discovers that the faid Troo per has not told him the Truth, he Thall immediately cafhier him. Neither fhould he receive any of those Knaves who only feek the Refuge of the Troop, that they may not be forc'd to pay their Creditors. HE fhall not fuffer any Swearers, or Blafphemers, or any Perfons convicted of Debauchery with Women, or any who are given to Quarrelling or Fighting; fo that those who after their Reception are convicted of having any Commerce of Impurity, or of having fought a Duel, fhall be Cashier'd without Remiffion; and as to Swearers and Drunkards, he fhall chastise them with fome Punishment for the first time (as retrenching fome part of their Pay, which he fhall beftow on the Poor but when he perceives they make a a Habit of it, he fhall cashier them. IV. H.E fhall carefully take heed that every one live upon his Pay, and that they do no Violence either in executing their Orders, or at their Inns; and if any one is convicted of it, he fhall immediately oblige him to make Reftitution of what he has taken, and then he shall cashier him. |