MEMOIRS Concerning the OBLIGATIONS OF A Governour of a Province. It must be obferv'd that there are fe- LL the Obligations of a ple and his own Advancement in Vir- E 2 家 with these Views, they may be reduc'd to the following Heads. I. To keep the People in theFear of GOD and in Loyalty to the King; Therefore he ought never to fuffer them to fail in it, but carefully to prevent what ever Defign might be form'd against his Service. To take care that Juftice be adminifter'd; and therefore he fhould di ligently inform himfelf of the Manners and Capacity of the Chief Juftices,and of the King's Attorneys; fo that if there be any thing amifs in theirConduct he may advertise them of it, and procure a Remedy by the King's Authority, or by the Parliaments to which they are Subjected. HE To take care that the King's Taxes be levy'd without any Couzenage; that no more be impos'd in the Affeffment of the Land Taxes than is laid on by the General General States; that the Officers of the Dioceses be elected for their Worthynefs, and not by Cabal. IV. To retrench as much as is poffible for him the Abuses which are committed in the States. To hinder all intriguing for Places, the Venality of Deputations, and other Knaveries; fo that if poffible, there may be no Perfons in thofe Employments capable of being corrupted; and that thus the Province may be the more eas'd and the King the more faithfully ferv'd. V. To procure as much as may be a Re trenchment of the Expences which do not go directly into the King's Coffers, or to a clear and manifest Advantage of the Province. VI. To fee that the Revenues of the Province be employ'd to the defraying the Publick Expences, and that they be not pillag'd or diverted to other Ufes; that the Accounts be made in due time, and before E3 |