Instructions for the Stewards and Officers of bis Lands. K. p. 17 General Rules to be obferv'd in his House. Rules for the Pages. Rules for the Footmen. Rules for the Coachmen, A Second Treatife against Plays and Shews, with a Preface. P. p. 1 Tract Tract VII. Decrees of the Councils concerning Plays and Publick Shews, with a Preface. The Sentiments of the Fathers, relating to Plays and Publick Shews, with a Preface. Collected by the Prince. Tract IX, U. p. ! The Opinion of St. Francis de Sales concerning Balls, Plays, Games, &c. with Remarks upon it. B b. p. t Tract X. A Difcourfe of Chriftian Perfection, written to a Perfon of great Note. By the Archbishop of Cambray. Cc. P.I THE THE DUTIES OF THE GREAT. G vern them. I. REATNESS is an Exterior Favour which GOD bestows on some Persons, whom he raises above others, in order to Go This Greatness is not given for their fakes who are poffefs'd of it, but is entirely on the account of others, being only a Means which GOD makes use of, to draw the People to that Respect and Submiffion for the Great, which is neceffary, that they may execute with more Facility and Authority the FunB 2 Єtions |