ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, EVANGELICAL, DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL. ADAPTED TO THE PROMOTION OF CHRISTIAN PIETY, FAMILY RELIGION, AND YOUTHFUL VIRTUE. BY JOSEPH LATHROP, D. D. PUBLISHED AT WORCESTER : BY ISAIAH THOMAS, JUN. SOLD AT HIS RESPECTIVE BOOKSTORES IN BOSTON AND WORCESTER. ISAAC STURTEVANT, PRINTER.....1810. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Author takes this opportunity to thank the public for the liberality with which they have patronized, and the candor with which they have received his former publications. He had not intended to make any farther trial of their goodness in this way. But the opinion of some friends whose judgment he values, that another volume would be useful, and the request of several gentlemen, that certain discourses on particular subjects, might see the light, either by themselves, or as a part of a volume, have induced him again to presume on the public candor. He has the rather been willing to comply with the advice of friends, as knowing that his time is short.An argument this, which they have pressed, and which he has felt. For this volume he has selected subjects which he thought highly important in themselves, and not unseasonable at the present time. He has aimed to treat them with perspicuity, and wishes they may merit the approbation of such as shall patronize them, and contribute to confirm the Faith and promote the Piety of all who may read them. |