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النشر الإلكتروني

cret attacks. Socinians wish to have it thought, that orthodoxy and practical religion are necessarily disconnected and opposed to each other; and that of course, the advocates of orthodoxy are enemies to practical religion, or at least, regard it with indifference and neglect. Socinians wish to have it thought a great excellence in a minister of the gospel, that he carefully avoids every thing in his preaching, upon which people are not agreed, and preaches those points only about which there is little or no contention. They wish to have that man thought the best minister, who succeeds best in pleasing all classes of his hearers; and so preaches, that there are no dissensions, no difficulties, no disputes among his people.

Socinians well know, that the prevalence of such sentiments and maxims will break down all those barriers which oppose their pro


gress. They cheerfully hail, fellow-labourers in the same cause with themselves, all, of every naine, who lend them their aid in propagating such maxims. They are willing to accord to them the name of Liberal Christians;" and are eager to "extend" to them “the hand of brotherhood."


I shall not now attempt to show why the above mentioned sentiments and maxims are wrong. My object, for the present, is merely to show those among us who entertain and propagate such sentiments, how well they harmonize in these things with the Socinians of New-England, and how effectually they are doing the work of the enemy. I know they do not mean it;-neither did those who began Let the work in New-England. them pause and think what they are doing.

Utica Christ. Repos.

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to feel irritable, impatient and dis- quence of a fall from an apple tree. contented. But, I am not willing My cattle often die of disease, or to own that this is owing altogether founder in the mire. I have lost to my natural temper. My condi- by bad debts, what would be a littion and circumstances in life, are tle estate to a poor man; and once enough to fret and vex any man, I have been burnt out of house and who has any feeling. While I see home. In addition to all this, I others around me living in ease and have the mortification to be treated plenty, I am obliged to labour dai- with slight and neglect, by some ly with my hands, for a scanty whom I once thought my friends, subsistence. And while the rich and whose only title to conseof my acquaintance generally have quence, is their pelf; while my but few heirs, I am burdened with enemies think they have a right, the poor man's blessing, as it is because they have the power, to called, a numerous and increasing insult and abuse me with impunity. family, whom I am at my wit's end-Such are my circumstances and to maintain. My constitution is feelings. slender, and I am often subject to rheumatick and other pains; and I have an uncommon share of sickness in my family. Besides, it seems as if twice as many accidents happen to my family and property, as to those of other men. One of my children lost her reason by having fits in her infancy; another became a cripple, in conse

Now the wise man says, that "a contented mind is a continual feast." But, what is contentment? And how is it to be had, in such a condition as mine? This, Sir, is what I much want to know, and what I desire you, or some one else, to tell me; and so oblige your unfortunate friend and servant, QUERULOUS.

Religious Antelligence.

REVIVAL OF RELIGION. The following narrative of a revival of Religion, in Ghatham (Conn.) was communicated to the Editor of the Evangelist, in a letter from the Rev. Hervey Talcott, Pastor of the church in that town, January 28, 1824.

The first Church in Chatham was formed in 1721, and has, ever since, with but short interruptions, been favoured with the administration of Divine ordinances. But we have no evidence that there ever was, in the place, what is usually denominated a revival of Religion, till the last year. The accessions to the church were at no time large only a few were added in any year, and some years none. During the seven years

preceding the last, thirty persons were admitted by profession. At consisted of eighteen males, and the beginning of 1823, the church about sixty females. Several of the members were quite advanced in years.

Some of them have since died. Scarcely one, who might be called a youth, was seen at the table of the Lord. The younger part of the Society were mostly inattentive to the concerns of the soul, and devoted to earthly follies. Comparatively few were the families, in which there was any united acknowledgment of God, by family devotion. Alarming instances of sickness and death had repeatedly occurred. But the

ing to all. Many found themselves possessing views and feelings, in respect to divine and eternal realities, such as they had never known before. In all religious meetings it was evident that a special divine influence was present. The as

warnings of Providence, as well as the awakening truths of Scripture, seemed to be, in a great measure, unheeded. Anxious enquiry, on the subject of salvation, had been rarely known for a long time. The state of vital religion, even among professing Christians, waspect of things in many families acknowledged to be very low.There were those, however, who could not but "weep when they remembered Zion"-when they considered the spiritual desolations around them, and thought of immortal souls, of the dying love of Christ, and the danger of the impenitent.

was quite changed. An unusual solemnity was spread over the place. From week to week, and almost from day to day, sinners were brought, as they supposed, to submit to God, to trust in the Saviour, and devote themselves to his service. Some weeks, as many as eight or ten were brought to hope and rejoice in Christ. The scene was indescribably interesting and affecting, and can never be effaced from remembrance. The work continued, in a degree, during the months of July and August; and since that time there have been a few instances of apparent submission to God.

It is of course impossible to tell how many have really "passed from death unto life," in this revival. Since the first of May, sixty persons have been added to the church by profession. In connexion with the work, more than seventy have expressed hope of their reconciliation to God. The society embraces about eighty families.

Early in the year 1825, a few minds were impressed with a sense of sin, and of the vast importance of religion; and there appeared to be an increased tenderness and anxiety in regard to spiritual concerns among professed Christians, and more of a spirit of humiliation and prayer. Some solitary instances of apparent conversion took place. But still there seemed to be great obstacles in the way of a revival; and we feared that, as at some former seasons, the promising tokens would die away, and that we should be left without a gracious visitation of the Holy Spirit, which was so much to be desired. The church held special meetings weekly for conference and prayer; and it is believed, that from the hearts of some at least, ascended daily the earnest cry, "Oh, that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou wouldst One of the earliest subcome down, that the mountains jects was a female eighty-six years might flow down at thy presence." old, who now, we trust, beholds It was in the latter part of April, the face of her Redeemer in Heavthat the power of the convincing en. Her views of divine things, Spirit became strikingly visible; after her conversion, were remarkand several soon began to rejoice in ably clear, and her love to the hope. During the months of May Saviour, strong and ardent. She and June, numbers were "pricked had, for several years, been unain heart," and oppressed with a ble to attend public worship. She sense of guilt. The work progressed spoke, in melting language, of the with a rapidity, which was surpris-mercy of God, by which her life

Less than one half of the subjects of the work, are males; and more than one half are heads of families. Some are considerably advanced in years.

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children of men; and who "turneth them whithersoever He will." One event after another constrain

had been so long spared, and she at last, plucked as a brand from the fire. The revival has evidently pro-ed beholders to exclaim, "What duced a considerable effect on the state of society among us. All, who are acquainted with facts, in regard to the case, must admit, that the Sabbath has been more


hath God wrought!" From the commencement of this gracious work, and through every stage of its progress, it appeared as though the Divine Being intended to give strictly kept than before-that pub- all around complete evidence of lic worship has been more general- His special interposition, and thus ly, and more seriously, and de- to leave, without the shadow of voutly attended-that there has excuse, any who might oppose or been more of an observance of fam- revile the work, or who should ily worship that there has been refuse to give Him glory on acan increased regard to the name, count of it. We cannot but say, the word, and the ordinances of "The Lord hath done great things God, and an increased attachment for us, whereof we are glad." to the cause and kingdom of Christ He has, we trust, shown saving —that there is, in many, more so- mercy to many individuals, who briety, and more regularity of con- were wandering in sin," purduct that there is less devoted-suing the downward path, afar off ness to vain and sinful amuse- from God and true happiness, hasments that there is more domes- tening to eternity, unprepared. tic and social order, and comfort, He has bestowed his best blesand more vital godliness and bro sings on many families. He has therly love in the church. The manifested wonderful kindness to number of those, who surround the church and the community. the table of the Lord, on sacra- He has "remembered us in our mental occasions, is about double low estate; for his mercy endurto what it formerly was; and we eth forever." have now the happiness of seeing there, a number who are in the morning of life. We have, indeed, cause for deep sorrow, that reformation, in religion and morals, has not been more extensive among us, and that many are still left, having "no hope, and without God in the world." We see much reason for praying continually, "O Lord, revive thy work.

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Special exertions, of various kinds, were made for the promotion of this work; and, they were attended with evident success.But it was carried on in such a way, as to render the hand of the Sovereign Author visible. It was continually manifest, that no human efforts could be of any avail, without the merciful aid of Him, in whose hand are the hearts of the

CHEROKEE MISSION, Extract of a letter from a lady, who is a member of the mission family at Mayhew, dated January

17, 1824.

"I am happy in finding, in this mission family, much union in sentiment and feeling. All appear happy and contented, in doing any thing required of them. The cares are very great, in feeding and clothing nearly eighty persons (in the family) besides visiters. The children at this school are indeed

interesting. They are intelligent and affectionate. We may easily teach them to work; but what will this avail, if they love not the Lord Jesus Christ? O that dear Christian friends, in a Christian land, would plead more earnestly

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Installed at Newport, N. H. Rev. John Woods, as Pastor of the Congregational Church in that town. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Cooke, of Ackworth.

1824. February 14th. Ordained, in Solon, Me. Rev. James W. Fargo, over the first Congregational Church and Society in that town. Sermon by the Rev. Professor Smith, of Bangor.

1824. February 25th. Ordained, over the Second Ecclesiastical Society in Hartford, Con. the Rev. Joel H. Lindsley. Sermon by Rev. Professor Fitch, of Yale College, from Colos. i. 28.

1824. March 10th. Installed Pastor of the First Church in Middleborough Mass. Rev. WILLIAM EATON. Rev. Jacob Ide, of Medway, offered the Introductory Prayer. Rev. Warren Fay. of Charlestown, preached the Sermon, from Acts xiv. 1. Rev. Oliver Cobb, of Rochester, offered the Installing Prayer. Rev. Ebenezer Gay, of South-Bridgewater, gave the Right Hand of Fellowship. Rev. Sylvester Holmes, of New-Bedford, addressed the Church and People. And Rev. Mr. Spring, of Abington, offered the Concluding Prayer.

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