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the noble Earl for consigning them to his second table. There we could readily have Mr. W. entertaining the butler with the scorn that he assures us (p. 99) academic degrees are looked upon in this enlightened age, at the very moment when the joint-stock company of literature moved heaven and earth to obtain the power of granting them for the London University; and if the notes of his singing bird should reach the first table at Downton, we shall not be sorry for his Lordship having a memento that "The people soon will scorn those titled things," under such tuition. But we must claim justice for a body which we think entitled to some small portion of Mr. W.'s respect-the members of the church of England, who would ask for their sons, together with the learning of this world, that which will make them wise unto salvation. They ask for this bread from heaven; but the liberal reformers would give them stone. Such is, and such of necessity must be, their system. We had it avowed in the reports of the London University. "Mr. Thirlwall clearly proved that theology, as an academic study, neither did exist [in his lecture room] nor ought to exist, (p. 24,) according to his plan. And, in Mr. Walsh's seven triposes, and we presume, in what he tells us "is called by the gods, the previous examination," there is not a hint of anything that could give umbrage to Jews, Turks, infidels, or heretics. We put it, then, to those who would have their sons go forth able to give an answer to every man who asketh a reason of the hope that is in him, whether they can approve of the subversion which has been the object of Mr. Walsh's labours? The British Magazine, in a former number, gave Mr. Evans's statement, that there were lecture rooms in Trinity College where theology did exist as an academic study, and his indisputable proofs of the effects which the lectures, though compulsory on his class, had produced at the college examinations. Such a system then does, and, as we contend, ought to exist in those two great English seminaries, which, we trust, will still be blest as the means of furnishing men fit to serve God in church and state. And though we certainly do not think that the minds of human beings in England are differently constituted to those of similar beings in other countries, we hold that circumstances are not similar; accordingly, we deny Mr. W.'s minor, when he says, in his own lucid and beautiful manner (p. 72), "we are compelled to allow that the antecedents being the same, the consequents must also necessarily correspond." We add, that "the husband of Domus" must not sit down content, "like the wife of Cæsar, free from the shadow of superstition." He is answerable to God and his country for the education of her sons; and we cannot assent to Mr. W.'s scheme for splitting up this responsibility into nine parts. If the liberals, as we see it is avowed, would cut off theology as an academic study, sure we are that they ought not to be trusted with the tuition, whatever their merits may be in other respects.

Notes Abroad and Rhapsodies at Home. By a Veteran Traveller. In 2 vols. 8vo. London: Longman and Co.

THE Veteran Traveller is evidently a writer of some standing, and indeed, although these volumes are published anonymously, there can

not be any hesitation in ascribing them to the author of some travels in Italy, which gave a peculiarly unfavourable portraiture of catholicism in that quarter. It appears from the introduction, and from several passages throughout the work, that the author complains of the criticisms on his former productions; and, certainly, if he is not visited with tenfold severity in regard to the present one, he will have bestowed a considerable portion of labour in vain. He has spared none of those who have been severe on him. With this part of his volumes, however, no one has any concern but the author and his critics, except as far as they affect the work itself. Of the justice of Mr. W.'s remarks upon these critics, the writer of the present notice can be no judge, not having read a line of them; but the necessity, or the supposed necessity, of punishing these obnoxious personages, has occasionally, by introducing too much of personal matter, rendered the book less generally interesting than the author's talents and attainments might have made it. He is a man of considerable powers and much attainment, with a turn for satire; and it cannot be denied that, while there is much truth in his satirical remarks, even those very remarks which are destined to lash flagrant vices would be perhaps more effective if more refined in expression and manner. The little satire on nervousness (vol. ii. p. 275) is amusing enough, but even that is written too much in the style of the clever things in clever newspapers. There are some, however, of the author's rhapsodies where he touches on higher ground; and every friend to pure morality must feel indebted to him for his manly protest against some of the abominations of the style of opera dancing; though, even here, some of the remarks might have been omitted, or touched with a finer pencil, with advantage. Having given these hints, it is but fair to acknowledge that there is much amusement to be found in these volumes. The author is fond of entering on the subject of the arts, and many of the discussions into which he enters are interesting enough. He appears to have no love for Palladio, and does not spare his admirers. But Mr. Pugin appears to be the particular orvynua of this author. With the architectural question, the writer of this notice does not meddle; but he begs particularly to recommend a part of one of the notes (vol. i. p. 204), as containing an admirable answer to certain remarks, which are often made, as to the superiority of Romanism to protestantism in encouraging the imaginative arts, such as painting, &c. This part of the note is excellent, and though the objection may be thought little worth an answer, it was one which Dr. Wiseman did not think it beneath him to advance in his lectures.

There is, however, besides amusement, much information in these volumes, relative to the places visited by the author, which are chiefly in Italy, Switzerland, and part of Germany. The author is a decided anti-romanist, and there is much truth and force in many of his attacks on Romanist superstitions.

In speaking of the goître, and the remedies proposed for it, the writer does not mention the remedy of Dr. Coindet, of Geneva; namely, iodine, which is stated by Herschell (Discourse on Natural PhilosoVOL. XII.-Sept. 1837.

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phy, p. 51,) to have been so wonderfully successful. Was he aware of this? or has it since proved a failure? The subject is interesting, as relating to one of the ills to which man is liable, and that ill, a painful and distressing disease.

An Exact Reprint of the Roman Index Expurgatorius. The only Vatican Index of this kind ever published. Edited, with a Preface, by Richard Gibbings, A.B., Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. Dublin: Milliken and Son. London: Rivingtons. pp. 608.

MR. GIBBINGS has, by the reprint of this most rare and curious specimen of the literary policy of the church of Rome, conferred a great and lasting benefit upon the opposers of Roman innovation; and, by his most learned preface, done much honour to himself and to the divinity school of Dublin. Nothing can more completely expose the Romanist aversion from antiquity, and dread of patriotic testimony, than this document, in which the fathers and ancient writers are expurgated and corrected by Roman authority; in which, passages are not only commanded to be expunged, but to be corrected; or, as Gretser says, men are taught what the ancients ought, and ought not, to have written-“ Quid enim totus Index Expurgatorius facit, quàm quod errantes corrigit, monetque, quid scribendum, quid non scribendum fuerit?" In this respect it is carefully to be distinguished from the prohibitory indices, and is far more interesting and useful. The "Index" of which this is a reprint is that published by the Master of the Sacred Palace, Romæ, ex Typographia R. Cam. Apost., MDCVII. Superiorum Permissu, 8vo. A second edition was published at Bergomi, 1608, and it is of this latter edition, as being more rare, that Mr. Gibbings has now furnished a reprint. The preface, which exhibits uncommon industry and most extensive reading, is an historical sketch of the attempts which Rome has made to cut off, or to corrupt, the supply of literary food. At page xlii., Mr. Gibbings shews that the Romanists hoped, in their work of expurgation, to escape detection, and thus to palm off upon the world their mutilated and corrected editions as the genuine works of the authors. "That secrecy was earnestly desired by our adversaries, in the work of purifying books, may easily be made to appear. It is evident, that if publicity was dreaded in the case of the first Index Expurgatorius, the thing is proved; for when this volume was discovered and reprinted, fifteen years after its formation, it would have been foolish to expect the great comfort of privacy any longer. On the verso of the title-page is this mandate Ducis Albæ jussu ac decreto cavetur, ne quis præter Prototypographum Regium hunc Indicem imprimat, néve ille aut quis alius publicè vel private vendat, aut citra ordinariorum facultatem, aut permissionem habeat.' In the diploma of Philip II., which Junius has translated into Latin, it is said, that the Index, non quidem evulgandum distrahendumque, sed distribuendum solis cognitoribus institutis in urbibus et municipiis nostrarum prædicterum, provinciarum, ecclesiasticis, prælatis, et cæteris qui huic muneri exsequendo specialim à nobis ordinabuntur, si res postulaverit," &c.

Had this attempt to alter ancient writings, where they opposed Roman novelties, succeeded, the consent of antiquity, one of the most powerful of protestant arguments, would have been either altogether lost, or encumbered with almost insuperable difficulties, as may be seen from some specimens which Mr. Gibbings has noticed in his preface. At page xxx. he says, "Let us now see what has been done to rectify the changes said to have been made by the heretics in the Opus imperfectum. These words, in the 11th Homily, in quibus non est verum corpus Christi, sed mysterium corporis ejus continetur, are entirely left out in the editions of Antwerp, apud Joannem Stulsium, 1537; Paris, apud Joannem Roigny, 1543; Paris, apud Audænum Parvum, 1557; though they are in the more ancient editions, one of which is as old as 1487. Again, in the 19th Homily, Sacrificium panis et vini are altered into Sacrificium corporis et sanguinis Christi. Also, in Hom. 49, where it was said that the true church cannot be known, nisi tantummodò per Scripturas, there is a great erasure, which Bellarmin seems to approve of, saying, 'Totus hic locus tanquam ille Arianis insertus, è quibusdam codicibus nuper emendatis, sublatus est.'" To which Mr. G. well adds, " Ain' verò sublatus? quâ manu? Pontificiâ: at illi nè tantillum quidem surripiunt de antiquorum scriptis." We have here a specimen of the real feelings of Rome towards antiquity; but the hypocrisy of the Roman appeal to antiquity is further illustrated on pp. lxviii.-lxx.: " If we recollect that, according to the Bulls In sacrosancta, and Injunctum nobis, of Pope Pius IV., all the principal members of the church of Rome are sworn never to interpret scripture, nisi juxta unanimem consensum patrum; and that our adversaries are ever ready to repeat the boastful words of Campian, ad patres si quando licebit accedere, confectum est prælium,' we shall feel surprised at the language of many pontificians. Sanctissimos patres....in 'interpretatione scripturarum non semper ac in omnibus. catholica ecclesia sequitur.-(Baron. ad. an. 34, § ccix.) Doctor enim non proponit sententiam suam ut necessariò sequendam, sed solùm quatinus ratio suadet: ab judex proponit ut sequendam necessariò....Augustinus igitur, et cæteri patres in commentariis pungebantur officio doctorum: ab concilia, et pontifices punguntur officio judicis à Deo sibi commisso.-(Bellarm. De Verbo Dei, lib. iii., cap. x., col. mihi, 199.)..... .Non nego me hujus interpretationis auctorem neminem habere, sed hanc eo' magis probo, quàm illam alteram Augustini....quòd hæc cum Calvinistarum sensu magis pugnet: quod mihi magnum est probabilitatis argumentum."-Maldonat., in Joan., cap. vi., col. 732, Mussip. MDXCVI.) But it is impossible even to notice all the topics of interest discussed in the preface; one can only heartily recommend the work to all who are interested in the Roman controversy, as containing a rich fund of information, and as treating the subject on the right ground, that of antiquity, and hail with pleasure this preface as one of the cheering symptoms of a real revival of theological study amongst the divinity students at our universities. But besides the tribute due to Mr. Gibbings' learning, a word must also be added as to the spirit with which he has incurred much expense in having new types cast, in order to render the reprint


as like as possible to the original. In this respect, also, both he and his printer deserve no small measure of commendation.

Christian Theology; by John Calvin. Selected and systematically arranged, with a Life of the Author, by Samuel Dunn. London: Tegg and Son. Edinburgh: John Johnstone. pp. 406.

THIS is a volume of extracts from the works of Calvin arranged under heads, as, for example, the Scriptures-God-Man-Christ-Repentance-Faith-Justification-Regeneration-Sanctification, &c., &c. Mr. Dunn says in the preface-"These selections have been made in good faith, and will be found, I trust, in every instance, to give the real meaning of our author. They have been chiefly taken from his commentaries and sermons, and are remarkably practical; for my object was to prepare a useful volume, and not a controversial one."

It is but fair to Mr. Dunn to say, that, on the whole, he has attained the object at which he aimed; he has generally avoided controversy, and furnished a volume which may be taken up in an hour of relaxation, and read with edification. But Mr. Dunn must be asked to consider whether the principle on which this selection has been made is sound, and whether its ultimate tendency is to promote truth. His principle has been to sink and suppress everything which he considers peculiar or controversial; and, accordingly, he has compiled Christian Theology, by John Calvin, in which those doctrines that have. made Calvin so prominent a name in the theological world are totally omitted. Just think of Calvin's theology without one word concerning predestination, reprobation, &c. Great and good men have differed, and will ever differ, on these peculiarities; they are not, therefore, to be made tests of Christianity, nor grounds of separation and division in the church of Christ; for every one knows that, so far as these doctrines are concerned, the pharisees of old were moderate Calvinists long before Augustine or Calvin were thought of; but still, when occasion requires, and especially when Calvin's theology is formally treated, honest men must not shrink from modestly stating their opinions on the subject. It is the infidel spirit of the present day which would abolish all religious peculiarities; which distinguishes, as the compiler of the present volume has done, between "controversial" and "useful," and amalgamates Turk, Jew, infidel, heretic, and Christian, into confederacies, under the pretence of promoting the temporal and moral welfare of mankind. Such a principle of selection may suit the taste of the times, and promote the sale of a book, but is it one which a Christian man ought to sanction? Had Mr. Dunn consistently carried out his principle, the size of the book must have been much diminished, for, with all his care, it contains peculiarities which are still matter of controversy even amongst Christians.

There is another defect which one must consider a very grave one, and which, however good his faith, materially affects the credit of his book-he gives no references whatever to the works of Calvin-does not tell us whether the extracts are made from existing translations or from the original Latin; nor whether the extracts are taken continuously as they stand, or whether they are made up of detached

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