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النشر الإلكتروني

us that, with the exception of the planets already mentioned, the stars which we see have no immediate relation to our system. The obvious supposition is that they are of the nature and order of our sun: the minuteness of their apparent magnitude agrees, on this supposition, with the enormous and almost inconceivable distance which, from all the measurements of astronomers, we are led to attribute to them. If, then, these are suns, they may, like our sun, have planets revolving round them; and these may, like our planet, be the seats of vegetable, and animal, and rational life we may thus have in the universe worlds, no one knows how many, no one can guess how varied; but however many, however varied, they are still but so many provinces in the same empire, subject to common rules, governed by a common power.

"But the stars which we see with the naked eye are but a very small portion of those which the telescope unveils to us. The most imperfect telescope will discover some that are invisible without it; the very best instrument perhaps does not shew us the most remote. The number of stars which crowd some parts of the heavens is truly marvellous: Dr Herschel calculated that a portion of the milky-way, about ten degrees long and two and a-half broad, contained 258,000. In a sky so occupied, the moon would eclipse 2000 of such stars

at once.

"We learn, too, from the telescope, that even in this province the variety of nature is not exhausted. Not only do the stars differ in colour and appearance, but some of them grow periodically fainter and brighter, as if they were dark on one side, and revolved on their axis. In other cases two stars appear close to each other, and in some of these cases it has been clearly established, that the two have a motion of revolution about each other; thus exhibiting an arrangement new to the astronomer, and giving rise, possibly, to new conditions of worlds. In other instances, again, the telescope shews, not luminous points, but extended masses of dilute light, like bright clouds, hence called nebula. Some have supposed that such nebula, by further condensation, might become suns; but for such opinions we have nothing but conjecture. Some stars again have undergone permanent changes, or have absolutely disappeared, as the celebrated star of 1572, in the constellation Cassiopea.

"If we take the whole range of created objects in our own system, from the sun down to the smallest animalcule, and suppose such a system, or something in some way analogous to it, to be repeated for each of the millions of stars which the telescope reveals to us, we obtain a representation of the material universe; at least a representation which to many persons appears the most probable one. And if we contemplate this aggregate of systems as the work of a Creator, which in our own system we have found ourselves so irresistibly led to do, we obtain a sort of estimate of the extent through which his creative energy may be traced, by taking the widest view of the universe which our faculties have attained.

"If we consider, further, the endless and admirable contrivances and adaptations which philosophers and observers have discovered in every portion of our own system; every new step of our knowledge shewing us something new in this respect; and if we combine this

consideration with the thought how small a portion of the universe our knowledge includes, we shall, without being able at all to discern the extent of the skill and wisdom displayed in the creation, see something of the character of the design, and of the copiousness and ampleness of the means which the scheme of the world exhibits. And when we see that the tendency of all the arrangements which we can comprehend is to support the existence, to develope the faculties, to promote the well-being of these countless species of creatures, we shall have some impression of the beneficence and love of the Creator, as manifested in the physical go

vernment of his creation.

"The above estimates are vast in amount, and almost oppressive to our faculties. They belong to the measurement of the powers which are exerted in the universe, and of the spaces through which their efficacy reaches (for the most distant bodies are probably connected both by gravity and light.) But these estimates cannot be said so much to give us any notion of the powers of the Deity, as to correct the errors we should fall into by supposing his powers to have any limits like those which belong to our faculties:-by supposing that numbers, and spaces, and forces, and combinations, which would overwhelm us, are any obstacle to the arrangements which his plan requires. We can easily understand that to an intelligence surpassing ours in degree only, that may be easy which is impossible to us. The child who cannot count beyond four, the savage who has no name for any number above five, cannot comprehend the possibility of dealing with thousands and millions: yet a little additional developement of the intellect makes such numbers conceivable and ma.. nageable. The difficulty which appears to reside in numbers and magnitudes and stages of subordination, is one produced by judging from ourselves-by measuring with our own sounding line; when that reaches no bottom, the ocean appears unfathomable. Yet in fact, how is a hundred millions of times a great distance? how is a hundred millions of times a great ratio? Not in itself; this greatness is no quality of the numbers which can be proved like their mathematical properties; on the contrary, all that absolutely belongs to number, space, and ratio, must, we know demonstrably, be equally true of the largest and the smallest. It is clear that the greatness of these expressions of measure has reference to our faculties only. Our astonishment and embarrassment take for granted the limits of our own nature. We have a tendency to treat a difference of degree and of addition, as if it were a difference of kind and of transformation. The existence of the attributes, design, power, goodness, is a matter depending on obvious grounds: about these qualities there can be no mistake: if we can know anything, we can know these attributes when we see them. But the extent, the limits of such attributes must be determined by their effects; our knowledge of their limits by what we see of the effects. Nor is any extent, any amount of power and goodness improbable beforehand; we know that these must be great, we cannot tell how great. We should not expect before hand to find them bounded; and therefore when the boundless prospect opens before us, we may be bewildered, but we have no reason to be shaken in our conviction of the reality of the cause from which their effects proceed: we may feel

ourselves incapable of following the train of thought, and may stop, but we have no rational motive for quitting the point which we have thus attained in tracing the divine perfections.

"On the contrary, those magnitudes and proportions which leave our powers of conception far behind;-that ever-expanding view which is brought before us, of the scale and mechanism, the riches and magnificence, the population and activity of the universe ;-may reasonably serve, not to disturb, but to enlarge and elevate our conceptions of the Maker and Master of all; to feed an ever-growing admiration of His wonderful nature; and to excite a desire to be able to contemplate more steadily, and conceive less inadequately, the scheme of his government and the operation of his power."

A MISSIONARY SCENE IN CAFFRARIA.* "MANY minutes had not elapsed before we came up to a newly-established Hottentot village, near the confluence of the Mankazana and Kat Rivers. It consisted of thirty-one small wattled cottages, forming a complete circle, with cattle and sheep folds in the centre. There were seven or eight waggons belonging to the hamlet, a considerable herd of cows and oxen, a fine flock of sheep, and several good horses. The object of my visit being announced, an old plough-share was immediately hung up, and used as their substitute for a bell. Nearly one hundred and fifty persons, inclusive of children, were hereby called together in the course of a few seconds, and assembled beneath the spreading branches of a large tree. I had with me an English pocket Testament, from which my usual practice was to translate, into the vernacular tongue, as occasion might require; but wishing to ascertain whether any of them possessed a copy of the Sacred Scriptures, I asked for a Bible; upon which, an old man who formerly belonged to the Wittie River Station, instantly produced a Dutch Testament. On my opening it, a small pamphlet fell out, which proved to be a copy of the Ordinance issued by the Lieutenant-Governor, General Bourke, under date of July 17, 1828, for the improvement of the condition of Hottentots, and other aborigines of colour, and for the consolidation and amendment of laws affecting such persons, agreeably to the recommendation of His Majesty's Commissioners of Inquiry. This, of course, induced me to ask why they had treasured up this document in the Sacred Volume: 'Because,' said one of the elders, it is God's Word that teaches us how to make a right use of our privileges; and therefore ought the Bible and the Ordinance to be kept together.'

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"Shortly after the conclusion of divine service, several other Bushmen made their appearance, whose garb and manners furnished indubitable evidence of their having but just emerged from the gloomy recesses of the forest, or the still more dismal chambers of the cavern. The real condition, civil as well as moral, of this race is truly deplorable. We cannot contemplate their circumstances, or even look upon their withered countenances, without inexpressible pain of heart. Hunted for generations back, like partridges upon the mountains, they have become desperate; their hand is uplifted against every one, and every one's hand against them. Robbed of their country, and driven beyond the ordinary range of men, they have been compelled to seek refuge and dwelling-places in the glens of the desert, the thickets of the jungle, or the clefts of the precipice. There it is that we must, in general, look for them, on the points of projecting crags, or

From "Travels and Researches in Caffraria, by Stephen Kay. Published by John Mason, London, 1833.


upon the summits of the highest rocks, watchfully surveying all beneath. With eagle-eyed fierceness, with bows fully bent, darts deeply poisoned, and an air that betrays less fear than hostility, they stand ever prepared to take fatal aim at all who may have temerity enough to approach their rampart. The following strikingly descriptive lines on the Kaffer, by Mr Thomas Pringle, apply in a great measure to the Bushman also:

Lo! there he crouches by the kloof's dark side,
Eyeing the farmer's lowing herds afar;
Impatient watching till the evening star
Lead forth the twilight dim, that he may glide,
Like panther to the prey. With free-born pride
He scorns the herdsman, nor regards the scar
Of recent wound; but burnishes for war
His assagai, and targe of buffalo-hide.
Is he a robber ?-True it is a strife
Between the black-skinn'd bandit and the white.
A savage ?-Yes; though slow to aim at life,
Evil for evil fierce he doth requite.

A heathen?-Teach him, then, thy better creed,
Christian! if thou deserv'st that name indeed."

"As an enemy, they are much more formidable than the Kaffer; not indeed on account of their numbers, nor of muscular strength: for in both these respects they are far inferior to any of the other tribes. But, besides their weapons being of a much more deadly kind, their mode of warfare is such as to place an antagonist in the most perilous situation, ere he is at all aware of danger. So exceedingly diminutive are they in person, that they easily manage to conceal themselves behind large stones or ant-heaps; whence they are able, at pleasure, to lodge a dart in the vitals of their victim. When thus lying in ambush, this Lilliputian archer seats himself upon the ground, places his foot against the bow, directs his arrow with his left hand, and then draws it with his right. And such is the force with which he discharges the dart, that it not only pierces the person or animal at which it is shot, but sometimes goes completely through them.

"After spending the greater part of the evening in conversation with the people, I retired into an old waggon, where a straw mat (the best bed they could afford) had been spread for my accommodation. But when lying down my attention was arrested by a singular noise that appeared to come from one of the more distant huts. Curiosity induced me to rise and follow the sound, rendered doubly dolorous by the extreme darkness of the night, and the occasional howlings of the wolf. It at length led me to a low wretched hovel, the interior of which presented one of the most melancholy scenes I ever witnessed; language indeed fails to give anything like a complete idea of the strong delusion which pervaded the minds of its in



"Some of the little strangers above-mentioned having professed an acquaintance with the nature and causes of disease, and likewise with the means of removing it, two or three sick Hottentots had solicited their aid. They first assembled at the dwelling of the afflicted persons, and performed over them a number of ludicrous antics preparatory to the great ceremony.' One stood muttering in a corner; and another sat perched upon poles placed in an horizontal position; whilst two others bounded about on the floor with slow but regular step. All were apparently weeping in a most heartrending manner, and thus signifying to the patients that the disease was of a very dangerous character. This they continued until their feeling seemed to be wrought up to the highest pitch, rendering them like men wholly intoxicated. One of them fell to the ground with such violence as very seriously to bruise his head and produce temporary insensibility. I at first concluded that they had been using some kind of narcotic; but was in this mistaken. When opportunity presented itself, I remonstrated with them respecting the folly of such a mode of proceeding; and the consequence was, a momentary cessation. But being bent upon

what they deemed a duty, their operations were soon | ly 'kindling a fire because of the cold and because of recommenced.

"On going to the hut a second time I found it crowded to excess. A large fire was burning in the centre: four Bushmen, and two women belonging to the same tribe, were dancing, singing, clapping their hands, and occasionally shouting in the wildest manner imaginable. With the intention of detecting, the better to expose the fallacy of their arts, I placed myself in a corner which commanded a full view of all their manœuvres. The appearance of the men was as ugly and demon-like as can be conceived. One had tufts of hair attached to his head in the form of horns; another, who was almost naked, had an appendage to his back, resembling a wild beast's tail; a third bore in his hand a kind of reed, as a wand, with which he occasionally touched different parts of the patient's body, and through which he at other times puffed and blew upon those around him; and a fourth, with a small calabash, or gourd, full of pebbles, in each hand, kept up a tremendous and deafening rattle. The scene

was occasionally terrific beyond description, as one and then another of the little conjurors became completely frantic, and assumed all the appearance of maniacs. They kicked the fire about with their feet: sighed, groaned, and yelled most hideously. Symptoms of stupor, or insensibility, were regarded as proofs that the evil influence under which the patients had been suffering was leaving them, and entering the individual affected. His magical powers were consequently deemed far superior to those of his fellows, who, nevertheless flew to his relief, and by means of the wand, and certain strange efforts, affected to deliver, and restore him to his senses again. Sometimes, after shaking and otherwise roughly handling, blowing upon, or applying the mouth to some particular part of the body, the sorcerers would gravely turn round and exhibit a quantity of goat's hair, a few bird's feathers, a piece of thong, or a number of straws, saying they had extracted them from the head, the stomach, the legs, or the arms of the patient. Palpable as were these absurdities, they nevertheless instantly obtained full credence among the spectators, who, with uplifted hands, would exclaim, No wonder that A. or B. were so ill!'

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"I went to the poor deluded creatures the following morning, and endeavoured to make them sensible of the vanity and wickedness of their tricks, challenged them with the various falsehoods they had told; and in proof of the inefficacy of all their exertions pointed to the sick persons themselves, who, from having been kept sitting before a large fire, during the greater part of the night, and consequently prevented from taking proper rest, were even worse than before. They answered me not a word, but afterwards acknowledged the truth of all that had been said; and the only plea they attempted to set up in justification of their system was, as usual, that such had been the custom of their forefathers from time immemorial.' How melancholy the reflection! From time immemorial, millions have thus made lies their only refuge in times of trouble! from time immemorial, whole nations of men have thus been sinking in the vortex of delusion! Yea, from time immemorial, one generation of immortal beings has been thus blindly following another, and all literally "perishing for lack of knowledge!" Who does not hear, in these chilling facts, the dying moans of thousands more, whom the stream is even now rapidly bearing down to the eternal gulf, and whose ignorance and wretchedness loudly cry, Come over and help us; come over and help us?'

"Leaving Mankazana, I proceeded to Tambookie Vlei, and there found another of the parties, industriously employed in building, pastoral pursuits, and cultivation. On hearing what the object of my visit was, one of the people heartily welcomed me, saying, 'Come in, come in, Sir;' and showed me no small kindness, immediate

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the rain' which had poured heavily upon us during the greater part of the journey. Being weary and sleepy, my host spread a few skins for me to rest upon in the best corner of his newly-erected dwelling; the floor of which, being but just laid, was exceedingly damp; consequently the following morning brought with it a severe cold, and violent pains in my head.

"After preaching, I went out to see their different gardens and corn-lands; from which it was quite evident that they were far in advance of those whom I had left. Their situation, however, was much more advantageous, the soil being of a superior description, and more likely to prove productive than that upon which their neighbours were placed. In several places enclosures had been made, and both wheat and barley sown, as had peas and potatoes also in considerable quantities. The greater part of this division formerly resided near Bavian's River, and amongst the Scotch emigrants, who had often employed them in various ways, and afforded them much useful instruction. Several were able to read the Scriptures, and one or two could write likewise. Their stock of sheep and cattle was very considerable; and little doubt can be entertained of their ultimate prosperity. There were few amongst them but what had entirely cast off the sheep-skin garb of the Hottentot; and at divine service the greater part of them, male as well as female, were decently and respectably clad in European apparel. Several couples that had long lived together as man and wife, according to general custom, expressed an earnest desire to have their matrimonial union honourably and legally solemnized: there did not appear to be more than one or two instances of polygamy in the whole hamlet.

"In one of the huts at this place, I found a sick man, who had been most miraculously delivered from the jaws of a lion, two or three weeks prior to my visit. While sitting by his side he furnished me with the following particulars; which, as they constitute a striking illustration of that gracious Providence whose tender mercy is over the children of men, are well worthy of being recorded. Accompanied by several other individuals, he one morning went out on a hunting excursion; and on coming to an extensive plain beyond the precincts of the colony, where there was abundance of game, they discovered a number of lions, which were disturbed by their approach. One of the males instantly separated himself from the troop, and began slowly to advance towards the party, most of whom were young, and altogether unaccustomed to rencounters of so formidable a nature. While droves of timid antelopes only came in their way, they were all brave fellows, and boasted loudly of their courage; but this completely failed, and the young Nimrods began to quake, when the monarch of the desert appeared.

"Nevertheless, while the animal was yet at a distance, they all dismounted; and, according to general custom on such occasions, began tying their horses together, with the view of keeping them between themselves and the beast, until they could take deliberate aim at him. His movements, however, were too quick; and before the horses were properly fastened, the lion made a tremendous bound or two, which suddenly brought him down upon the hind parts of one of them: being hereby startled, they instantly plunged forward, and knocked down the poor man in question; over him went the horses; and off ran his comrades with all speed. He arose from the ground as quickly as possi ble; but, on perceiving him stand up, the animal turned round, and, with a seeming consciousness of his superior might, stretched forth his paw, and by a single stroke on the back part of the neck laid him prostrate again. He had but just time to roll on to his back, before it set its feet upon his breast, and lay regularly down at full length upon him.

God never suffered the light of truth completely to be banished from the earth. When the old world was covered with wickedness, still in one family the fear of God was preserved. When all Israel appeared to have gone after idols, still many hundreds were left "who had not bowed the knee to Baal." And now, when the same people had sunk into matchless carelessness and conten:pt of God, even then, a chosen few were left, “who feared the Lord, and spake often one to another." And since that period the case has been the same. When the great mass of the Jews rejected the Saviour, there were a few who "looked for redemption in Israel." When the apostles were persecuted from city to city, still some everywhere believed. Even in Sardis of old, wicked as it was, "a few names were found of men who had not defiled their garments." During all the ages which have succeeded, a race has always existed, running parallel to great masses of the ungodly, declaring God's works, shewing forth his mighty deeds." And at length, out of Babylon itself, borne down as it is with the guilt of centuries, God will call a chosen few who have shunned her awful wickedness. Like wheat amidst the multitude of tares, like a few faithful soldiers amidst the ranks and in the country of the enemy, have they always been found, one in a city, two in a family, whom God takes and brings to Zion.

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"He now became almost breathless, partly from fear, | presented. Even in the most degenerate ages, but principally from the intolerable pressure of his territic load. In order to get breath he endeavoured to move himself a little, upon which the lion instantly laid hold of his left arm, just below the elbow, and bit in several different places down to the hand; in the thick part of which its teeth seemed to have completely met. All this time, however, it does not appear to have been at all furious, but merely caught at its prey, as the cat would sport with a mouse that is not quite dead. In this dreadful situation he remained for a considerable length of time writhing in pain, gasping for breath, and momentarily expecting to be torn limb from limb! On raising his head a little, the creature opened his mouth to receive it, but providentially lost his hold, in consequence of the hat (which was shown to me) slipping off; the points of the teeth, therefore, only just scarified the pericranium. Thus narrowly was he prevented from crushing the head to pieces. He then placed his paw upon the arm from which the blood was copiously flowing, and the purple stream soon covered it. This he again and again licked clean; and then fixing his flaming eye intently upon that of the inan, now smelt on one side of his face, and then on the other, and appeared to be only awaiting the inducement of voracity, wholly to devour his helpless prey! "At this critical moment,' said the poor fellow, I recollected having somewhere heard that there was a God on high, who was able to deliver, at the very last extremity; I therefore began to pray that he would prevent the lion from eating my flesh and drinking my blood.' While engaged in this act of devotion, the beast turned completely round, placing its head towards his feet, and its tail over his face. This induced hope in the mind of the sufferer, that he might now possibly rid himself of his load; and under this impression he made an effort, which was no sooner discovered, than checked by a terrible bite in the right thigh. He again lifted up his voice to the Almighty for help; nor did he pray in vain. The lion, without being disturbed in any way whatever, soon afterwards relinquished his hold. Calmly rising from his seat, he deliberately walked off to the distance of thirty or forty paces, and there lay down in the grass, whence, after watching the movements of the Hottentots for some minutes, he finally took his departure, and was seen no more. The man now arose, and, crawling off in the best manner he was able, at length obtained the aid of his cowardly companions, who set him upon one of the horses, and brought him to the place where I found him. Dr G. (son of the Rev. John Gaulter), a inilitary surgeon, at one of the neighbouring stations, hearing of the case, hastened to his relief, and very humanely rendered him all needful assistance. On first seeing him, amputation of the arm was thought to be absolutely necessary, but to this the patient would not submit; for,' said he, as the Almighty had delivered me from a death so dreadful, I thought he was surely able to save my arm also!' At the time of my visit some of his wounds were already healed, and there was every prospect of a complete restoration. O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful

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works to the children of men!'"


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BY THE REV. JAMES BEGG, A.M., Minister of Liberton. "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened, and heard it :They shall be mine, in that day when I make up my jewels," &c.-MAL. iii. 16. THE prophet proceeds to make a cheering statement after the dark picture which he had just

This is the first remark which strikes us on reading these words.

have been most determined in their opposition to The second is, that where and when sinners God, the servants of God have ever been most bold and resolute. Even as the fierce energy of fire purges out the dross and makes the gold come forth pure and radiant, even as the fierce wind carries off the chaff and makes the wheat pure, so if we look for the brightest names in the Christian calendar, we shall not find them during times of peace, when all the world was at rest, and men professed their Christianity unheeded, but during times of stormy persecution. Then the Christian graces were ripened into a determined energy, and Then heaven has been filled with " those who had stood out in boid relief before the eyes of men. come out of great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb," even as in the case before us, when all Israel was sunk in wickedness, then, at that time, "they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and God said, they shall be mine in that day when I make up my jewels."

Having made these remarks, let us proceed to the more particular consideration of these words, and,

I. We learn from them, that it is the duty of Christians, at all times, to stand by and support each other, especially in times of abounding iniquity. This was the conduct of these Jewish servants of God, and was highly approved of by the Almighty. There are many injunctions to the same conduct in the New Testament: "Ex

hort one another daily, lest any of you should be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." "Let us consider one another, to provoke one another to love and good works." Our Lord said to Peter, "And thou when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."

The progress of sin has in every age been advanced by the determined union of its supporters. A strong banded conspiracy is formed-Satan is at its head-all the spirits of darkness are amongst its supporters-all the wicked in every age, in every land, have taken part in the dark confederacy. Many and deep have been their devices, and although many the differences by which they have been characterised, in this they have agreed, with all their might to oppose the progress of the holiness and truth of God.

God has appointed a way by which all this may be met and overcome, viz., a determined union amongst all followers of the Lamb. Satan is full of subtilty, but Christ is a leader more wise, for in him are hid all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Satan has now led men astray for nearly six thousand years, and therefore, has a great and constantly increasing experience in temptation; but the leader of the armies of the living God has endured from everlasting ages-was the Creator of Satan, and possesses a power which nothing can resist. Satan is backed by all the spirits of darkness, "who go about seeking whom they may devour;" but the Captain of our Salvation has all the angels of heaven subject to him, and makes them all ministering spirits to them who shall be heirs of salvation. And though the number of Christians has ever been small in comparison of the overwhelming masses of ungodly men, yet truth and righteousness must in due time prevail -the armies of God will become stronger and stronger, till at length, sin shall finally depart from this region of God's dominions-the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. All shall see with one understanding, and feel with one heart, and utter one language, and adopt one resolution, and the temple of the God of heaven shall rise upon the ruins of superstition and idolatry, and every form of sin.

There is, no doubt, a decided and close union amongst all real Christians, whether it is externally visible or not. They are called members of the same body, branches of the same vine, living stones in the same glorious building. Touch one stone of the building with rude violence, and the whole building must feel the shock; touch one member of the body, and all the rest must feel with generous sympathy. That must be no part of the building which can be removed without affecting the entire frame-work; that no part of the mystical body of Christ, which feels no concern when the others are doomed to suffering. "If one member be honoured, all the members are honoured with it; if one member suffer, all the members suffer with it." Therefore, I say not merely that it is the duty of all Christians to feel a deep interest in each other's prosperity, but

that they cannot be Christians without feeling such an interest; and what is required is, that this union be as open and manifest as it is real and unalterable.

No doubt the ministers of truth are especially bound to stand up for the cause of God in stormy times. Their voices should rally the troops, and be loudest in urging their brethren to courage; they should be first in exposing the delusions to which their brethren are liable. Theirs is the post of responsibility and danger. They are the standard-bearers, who lead on the troops; and in the meetings of God's saints from Sabbath to Sabbath, to consult the holy oracles, to learn what must be done in every emergency, it is their voice that must be heard, animating the feeble, comforting the sorrowful, strengthening the weak, bringing out of their treasures things new and old, suited to the necessities of those they address; but still all Christians are bound, as they value God and truth, a glorious eternity, and the immortal souls of their brethren, to aid their efforts, by speaking often one to another, words of encouragement, consolation, and reproof. "Am I my brother's keeper?" was not the voice of a child of God; it is the voice of Cain," who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother."

It were well if the ancient proclamation made before the armies of Israel as they proceeded towards Canaan, were repeated to those who are now proceeding towards the heavenly Canaan,"Whoso is faint-hearted, let him go and return to his house, lest his neighbour's heart faint as well as his." The eye of the great Captain of our Salvation is fixed on those who stand prominent for their courage amongst the rest,-who go boldly on from strength to strength, turning their faces from no foe, or if they turn at all, only that they may cheer on their brethren, saying, "Zion is before you-unspeakable glories await you there, O ye followers of the Lamb-be stedfast in the faith, and omnipotence will be your defence omniscience your guide-infinite goodness the storehouse out of which your wants will be suppliedGod your Father-Christ your friend-angels your companions-heaven your home-a martyr's crown and a robe of brightness shall adorn youeternity shall be the limit of your joy. These dark ranks, numerous though they seem, have all been conquered and condemned already, and on all their necks will be found the footprints of your glorious Leader. Their power is but weakness, and death will soon mow them down like corn fully ripe, in the time of harvest; they shall rise against God and his servants no more. Be strong, fear not; be faithful unto death, Christ will give thee the crown of life."

Thus it is that Christians under proper feelings should speak one to another, in their private meetings in such times as these; but we might, in like manner, go over all the different situations in which a Christian may be placed, and shew how the words of a friend may inspire with comfort; for as iron sharpeneth iron, so doth the face of a man

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