bread of my old fisherman, and even eat it with pleasure; and when I am served with white, I almost always return it. This old fisherman, who is as hard as iron, earnestly remonstrates against my manner of life; says it is too hardy, and assures me I cannot long hold out. I am, on the contrary, convinced, that it is more easy to accustom one's self to a plain diet, than to the luxuries of a feast. Figs, raisins, nuts, and almonds, these are my delicacies. I am fond of the fish with which this river abounds: it is an entertainment to see them caught, and I sometimes employ myself in spreading the nets. As to my dress, here is an entire change; you would take me for a labourer or a shepherd. My mansion resembles that of Cato, or Fabricius: my whole household consists of a dog and my old fisherman. His cottage is contiguous to mine. When I want him, I call; when I no longer stand in need of him, he returns to his cottage. I have made myself two gardens, which please me marvellously; I do not think they are to be equalled in all the world. And must I confess to you a more than female weakness with which I am haunted? I am positively angry that there is any thing so beautiful out of Italy. They are my Transalpine Parnassus. See Mrs. Dobson's Life of Petrarch, vol. i, p. 110. 20.-SAINT MARGARET, She was born at Antioch, and was the daughter of a Pagan priest. She was first tortured, and then beheaded, in the year 278. *21. 1796.-ROBERT BURns died. To MARY in HEAVEN. Thou lingering star, with less'ning ray, Again thou usher'st in the day My Mary from my soul was torn. O Mary! dear departed shade! Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast? Can I forget the hallowed grove, Those records dear of transports past; Ah! little thought we 'twas our last! Ayr gurgling kissed his pebbled shore, My Mary, dear departed shade! Where is thy place of blissful rest? Seest thou thy lover lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans that rend his breast'? 22.-MARY MAGDALEN. This day was first dedicated to the memory of St. Mary Magdalen, by King Edward VI; and in his Common Prayer, the Gospel for the day is from St. Luke, chap. vii, verse 36. Our reformers, however, upon a more strict inquiry, finding it doubtful whether this woman, mentioned in the Gospel, was really Mary Magdalen, thought it prudent to discontinue the festival. This sublime and tender elegy will be found in Cromek's Reliques of Burns; and in Burns's Works, vol. i, p. 125, 8vo edit., 1809, *22. 1812.-BATTLE OF SALAMANCA. Inscription on the Bed of the Carriage of the Mortar placed in St. James's Park. To commemorate The Raising of the Siege of Cadiz in consequence of the Over the French near Salamanca on the This Mortar, cast for the Destruction of that With Powers surpassing all others, And abandoned by the Besiegers on their Retreat, To His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. James was by birth a Galilean, and partner with Peter in fishing, from which our Lord called him to be one of his disciples. Of his ardent zeal, no other proof is necessary, than his becoming the victim of Herod Agrippa. The Spaniards esteem James their tutelar saint. 26.-SAINT ANNE. She was the mother of the Virgin Mary, and the wife of Joachim her father. Her festival is celebrated by the Latin church. *26. 1772.-JAMES GRÆME DIED. *31. 1788.--REV. THOMAS RUSSELL Died, What though, Valclusa, the fond bard be fled, Yet still, enamoured of the tender tale, Pale Passion haunts thy grove's romantic gloom, Yet still soft music breathes in every gale, RUSSELL. Astronomical Occurrences In JULY 1817. THE Sun enters Leo on the 23d of this month, at 22 m. after 7 in the morning; and the times of his rising and setting on every 5th day during the same period are exhibited in the following TABLE Of the Sun's rising and setting for, every fifth Day of July. July 1st, Sun rises 46 m. after 3. Sets 14 m. after 8 53 3 3 Monday, Saturday, Thursday, 57 50 42 In order to obtain the true time from apparent, the quantities in the following Table must be added to the time given by a good sun-dial. TABLE Of the Equation of Time for every fifth Day of The Moon enters her last quarter at 25 m. past 9 in the morning of the 6th of July; there will be a new Moon at 17 m. after 10 in the morning of the 14th; the first quarter will commence at 56 m. after 11 in the morning of the 21st; and she will be full at 22 m. past 8 in the morning of the 28th of the month. The Moon may be seen on the meridian at the following times, during the present month :— July 25th, at 45 m. after 9 in the evening. 26th, 46 45. 10 11. The planet Mercury will attain his greatest elongation on the 6th of the present month. The Moon and Mars will be in conjunction at 1 m. past 11 in the evening of the 7th. Jupiter and the star marked ẞ in Scorpio will be in conjunction on the 14th, the star being then 17' north of the planet. The Moon will also be in conjunction with the star marked a in Libra at 4 m. past 1 in the morning of the 22d and Jupiter will appear stationary on the 28th. The eclipses of Jupiter's satellites that will be visible this month at the Royal Observatory, are the following, which are calculated for true time. EMERSIONS. 1st Satellite, July 4th, at 58 m. after 9 in the evening. There will also be one visible eclipse of Jupiter's third satellite this month; and the emersion will take place at 18 m. past 9 in the evening of the 29th. On the Orbits, Motions, Magnitudes, and Distances of the Earth and Moon.. [Concluded from p. 175.] FROM what has been explained in the former part of this article, it is easy to trace the orbit of the Earth on a plane surface. Having fixed upon point S (fig. 6) for the place of the Sun, let a series |