The ORDER how the PSALTER is appointed to be READ. And whereas January, March, May, July, August, October, and December, have one and thirty days apiece; It is ordered that the fame Pfalms fhall be read the last day of the faid Months, which were read the day before: fo that the Pfalter may begin again the first day of the Month next enfuing. And whereas the 119th Pfalm is divided into 22 portions, and is over-long to be read at one time; It is so ordered, that at one time shall not be read above four or five of the faid portions. And at the end of every Pfalm, and of every fuch part of the 119th Pfalm, shall be repeated this hymn, "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: "As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen." [NOTE, That the Pfalter followeth the Division of the Hebrews, and the Translation of the great English Bible, fet forth and ufed in the time of King Hen. VIII. and Edw. VI.] The Order bow the rest of the Holy Scripture is appointed to be Read. THE THE Old Testament is appointed for the First Lessons at Morning and Evening Prayer; fo as the most part thereof will be read over every year once, as in the Calendar is appointed. The New Teftament is appointed for the ad Leffons at Morning and Evening Prayer, and shall be read over orderly every year thrice, besides the Epiftles and Gofpels; except the Apocalypfe, out of which there are only certain proper Lessons appointed upon divers Feafts. And to know what Leffons shall be read every day, look for the day of the Month in the Calendar following, and there ye shall find the Chapters that shall be read for the Leffons both at Morning and Evening Prayer; except only the Moveable Feasts, which are not in the Calendar, and the Immoveable, where there is a blank left in the Column of Lessons, the Proper Lessons for all which days are to be found in the Table of Proper Lessons. And Nore, That whensoever Proper Pfalms or Lessons are appointed; then the Plalms and Leffions of ordinary course appointed in the Plalter and Calendar (if they be different) fhall be omitted for that time. NOTE alfo, That the Collect, Epistle, and Gofpel appointed for the Sunday, shall serve all the week after, where it is not in this Book otherwife ordered.] these means: To every moneth as concernyng this purpose, shall hee appointed just xxx daies. And because Januarie and Marche hath one daie above the faid nombre, and February whiche is placed between them bothe, hath onely xxviii dales, February shal borowe of either of the monthes of January and Marche one daie; and fo the Pfalter whiche thai be red in February must be begon the laft daie of January, and ended the Ift daie of Marche. And whereas Maie, July, Auguft, Octo ber, and December, have xxxi daies apiece, it is ordered that the fame Pfalms shal be red the laft daie of the faid monthes which were red the daie before: so that the Pfalter maie beebegon again the first daie of the next monthes enfuying. Now to knowe what pfalms shal be red every daie, loke in the Kalendar the nombre that is apointed for the Plalmes, and then find the fame nombre in this table, and upon that nombre shal you se what Pfalmes fhal be faid at Matynsand Evenfong. "And whereas the cxix Pfalm," &c. N. B. This Rubrick was refcinde 1 in 1662, and the present order established. 1 'The directions alfo for Reading the Holy Scriptures, have in Edward's and James the First's books these variations from the above" The old Testament is appointed for the first Lessons of Matins and Evenfong, and shal bee redde through every yere once, except certaine Bookes and Chapiters, which bee leaft edifying, and might bett be spared, and therefore are left unred." In the Review of the Liturgy 1558, amongst other alterations, proper first Leffons were appointed for Sundays; but notwithstanding this arrangement, the directions cited above were continued in all the editions of the Prayer-Book till Charles's Review. "This is alfo to bee noted concernyng the leape yeres, that the xxvth daie of February, whiche in leap-yeres is compted for twoo daies, Thall in those twoo daies alter neyther Pfalme nor Leffon; but the Lame Plalmes and Lessons whiche be faied the first daie, shall serve also for the second dale. Allo, wherefoever the beginnyng of any Leffon, Epiftle, or Gospell is not expreffed, there ye muft begin at the beginnyng of the Chapiter. And wherefoever is not expressed how farre shall be ready then thall you read to the end of the Chapiter." Proper LESSONS to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer, on the HOLY-DAYS throughout the Year. Matins. Evenfong. St. Andrew Prov. 20 Prov. St. Thomas the Apostle. Nat. of Xt Matins. Evenfong. 21 St. Mark, Ecclus. 4 Ecclus. 24 (to ver. 17 4 1 Lesson. Ifa.9,to v.8. Ha. 7, v. 10 S.John Evan. 7, to v. 30 1 Leffon. Ecclef. 5 Ecclef. Rev. Innocents. Jer. 31, to Wifdom 4 St. Philip, and James. 1 Leffon. 2 Leffon. John 1, v.43 5 7 91 Afcen. Day Monday in (ver. 17. t Leffon. Gen. 11, to Num. 11, V. 2 Lesson. 22 1 Leffon. Gencfis 17 Deu.100.12 1 Leffon. Romans 2 Coloff. Epiphang. Leffon. Ifaiah 60 faiah 1 Lesson. Luke 3, to John 2, to Con of S. Paul (ver. 23 (ver. 12 Leffon. Wisdom 5 Wisdom ( Leffon. Acts 22, to Acts Purif.ofthe (ver. 22 V. Mary. Wisdom 9 Wifdom 12 S.Matthias Wisdom 19 Ecclus. Annunc. of our Lady. Ecclus. Wednesday Tuesday in 1 Leffon. (ver. 10 16, to v. 30 1 Cor. 121 Cor. 14, (to v. 26 I Theff. 5,1 John 4, to V. 12 to 24 (V. 14 2 2 Leffon. 49 S-Barnabas 2 Leflon. Acts 26 St. Jobn 1 1 Leffon. Malachi 4 z Leffon. Matt. 3 Matt. 14, to (v. 13 St. Peter. 1 Leffon. Ecclus. 15 Ecclus. 19 2 Leffon. Acts 3 Acts 4 14 bef. Easter. Leffon. Hofea 13 Hofea 2 Leffon. John11V-45 Thursday f. Eafter i Leffon. Daniel I Lefon. Zechar. 9 Exodus 13 1 Leffon. Luke 23, v. Hebrews 4 Monday in Eafter week (50 1. Leffon. Gen.- 32 Dam.10,7.5 2 Lefion. Acts 12, to Jude v. 6, to (V. 20 (v. 16 St. Luke. Ecclus. 51 Job I 1 Leffon. Exodus 16 Exodus 17 St. Jude. Job. 24, 25 28 Acts All Saints 3 1 Leffon. Exodus 20 Exodus 32 * Leffon. Luke 24, to 1 Cor. 15 (v. 17. ver. 13 * The Calendar, fo called from the Latin word Calende, fignifying in Roman chronology, the frit day of every month. It is of Greek derivation, from καλεω, I call or proclaim; becaufe, before the publication of the Roman Fafti, (which answered to our almanack) it was cuftomary for the Pontifex to watch the first appearance of the new moon, and notify it to the Rex Scrit cuia, who offered a facrifice on the occafion; and the Pontifex fummoning the people to the capitol, proclaimed the number of calends, and other particulars refpecting the month on whicht they had entered. + Calende. In the common and fmaller editions of the prayer-book this column is omitted, but without any authority. Indeed there is good reafon for its intertion in the Calendar, as it is a mode of computation repeatedly referred to by the writers of ancient ecclefiaftical hiftory. This fingular method of reckoning is adopted from the Romans, who divided their months into three parts, Calends, Nones, and Ides. The calends they reckoned backwards from the firit day of every month (which was always the calend) in a retrograde order through the latter days of the lait month. For inftance, the first of February being the calend of February, the 31st of the preceding menth January, was the pridie calendarum, or fecond of the calends, or day before the calends of February; the 30th of January was the third of the calends or before the calends of February, and fo on backwards to the 13th, when the Ides commence. Thefe Ides to called from the Greck w to fee, because the full moon was usually feen on or about the day of the Ides) confifted of eldht days in every month, which were reckoned invertedly, like the Calends, from the 13th to the sth, the commencement of the Nones. The etymology of this word is found probably in the creamftance of the day occuring on the ninth day after the Ides, according to the Roman compu tation, or before it, according to ours. They were invariably on the fifth of the month, in January, February, April, June, Auguft, September, November, and December; but occurred on the Seventh in March, May, July, and October; because in the original constitution of the Roman year by Numa, each of these latter months had thirty-one days apicce allotted to them, and all the refl (except February, which had thirty), only twenty-nine days. On the Reformation of the Calendar by J. Cæfar, other months were made to contain thirty-one days, but he did not allor then likewife fix days of Nones Rajini Rom. Antiq. fucian. A Romith Saint and Martyr; esteemed by fome of that charch to have been a difciple of St. Peter, and to have been fent by that Apoftle into France, accompanied by St. Denys, where he fuffered martyrdom for the cause of his religion. Others affert that he was a prefbyter of Antioch, deeply verfed in the Hebrew tongue, and that he collated and rectified the copies of the Bible. That being in the city of the Nicomedians, when the Emperor Galienus Maximianns was there, (about the year 187) and publickly delivering an apology for Chriftianity, he gave offence to the Governor, and was deftroyed by torture. It is to be obferved here, that this and all other Romish Saints' days, had been omitted in both the calendars of Edw. Vith's books, (excepting St. George's day, Laminas day, St. Laurence, and St. Clement, which were in his fecond book but from reafons of convenience; fuch as rendering fome legal proceffes (as the retorns of writs) more intelligible; re ulating wakes and fairs, and causes of a fimilar kind, the fecond Reformers under Elizabeth thought proper to restore these names to the Calendar, forbidding at the fame time their being kept holy by the Church. + Hilary. Bishop of Poictiers in France, an able oppofer of the Arians; who being the powerful party at that time, banished Hilary into Phrygia, where he died A. D. 367. His writings, which ate almost copies of fome of the works of Origen and Tertullian, are preferved to us, of these the French Benedictines published a noble edition. Prika. A Roman virgin, an apoftolical convert to Chriftianity; who refufing, during a per fecation, to offer facrifice, and abjure her faith, was cruelly tortured and beheaded in 47. The Church of St. Prifca at Rome is faid to contain her relics. Fabian. The Bistop of Rome from 239 to 253; who was put to death in the perfecution under the Emperor Decius. Athes. A Roman virgin of noble family, who fuffered martyrdom in the tenth general per fecution under Dioclesian, A. D. 306. She was previoufly exposed in a public ftew before her execution, but rescued from pollution by a miraculous interpofition. Triumphing in death, and unaliceded by the tortures to which the was expofed, the expired finging an hymn to her Redzemer. She is generally reprefented with a lamb by her fide; occafioned by a vifion faid to have been feen by her parents at her tomb, in which Agnes appeared to them in glitrering garments, with a lamb by her fide of brilliant whiteness. Since the time of this fuppofed appearance, the Roman ladies have, on the arniverfary of her martyrdoni, gone in proceffion to St. Agnes' altar, and offered up at the farine two of the pureft white lambs they could procure. These the Pope takes under his protection; and orders them to be placed in the richest pasture near the city, where they remain il the time of theep-thearing. They are then disbur hened of their wool, which is confecrated, and spun into a fine white cloth, called a pall, When manufactured it is again confecrated by the Pope, and fent to fome newly-made archbishop, who is incompetent to the duties of his itation, tili he has purchased, at a vast charge, a pall from the theep of St. Agnes. Vincent. A martyr, and Spanish deacon, born at Huezza in Arragon, and martyred in the the Diocletian perfecution A. D. 303. His faith was tried by the most horrid tortures; his body Being lacerated with hooks, fprinkled with falt, bro led upon burning coals, and thrown amongst broken tiles. He endured, however, unto the end, and died triumphantly. |