صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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3a.-Extend arms sideways in line with shoulders, finger nails up. Inhale.

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3b.-Bring bells to shoulders, contracting biceps. Exhale.

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4a.-Arms by sides, chest well out. Inhale.

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4b.-Cross arms in front, contracting chest muscles.


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5a.-Arms extended in front level with chin. Exhale. 5b.-Bring bells back sideways in line with shoulders. Inhale.

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6a.-Upper arms close to sides, bells level with

shoulders. Exhale.

6b.-Raise bells above head as far as possible. Inhale.

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7a.-Arms by sides forced well back, finger nails to rear. Inhale.

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7b.-Raise arms up level with shoulders rounding back.


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8a.-Lean over to right, left knee bent, right leg straight.

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Fig. 9a.

9a. Lunge out to left, right leg straight, raising left hand above head, right hand at side.

9b.-Repeat to left.

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