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النشر الإلكتروني

absolutely to whom the word of invitation shall be sent; and his Holy Spirit alone inclining and enabling the soul to embrace it by faith.-Hence I concluded that God, who knoweth the end from the beginning, and is a Sovereign, and, when none have deserved any thing, may do as he will with his own, actually "chose us" (even every individual believer,) " in Christ, before the " foundation of the world, that we should be holy, " and without blame before him in love; having " predestinated us unto the adoption of children

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by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will; to the praise " of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath " made us accepted in the beloved." (Eph. i. 4-6.)

In short, though my objections were many, my anxiety great, and my resistance long; yet, by the evidence, which, both from the word of God and from my own meditation, crouded upon my mind, I was at length constrained to submit; and, God knoweth, with fear and trembling, to allow these formerly despised doctrines a place in my creed. Accordingly, about Christmas, 1777, I began cautiously to establish the truth of them, and to make use of them for the consolation of poor distressed and fearful believers. This was the only use I then knew of them, though I now see their influence on every part of evangelical truth.

them upon a level with the belief of the before spoken of. I can readily con character of a humble, pious, spiritual who is either an utter stranger to the d question, or who, through misapprehens of consequences, cannot receive them own I find a difficulty in conceiving ble, pious, spiritual Christian, who is a s his own utterly lost condition, to the de and depravity of his heart, to the natu tion of his affections from God, and to ments of his best duties; who trusts, whole or in part, allowedly to any thin don and justification, except the blood a ousness of a crucified Saviour, God manif flesh; or who expects to be made meet for tance of the saints in light, in any other w being born again, created anew, conv sanctified by the divine power of the H

espising to be taught by men, and ith such authors, I had for near ether been hammering out for myall labour and anxiety, was to be de to my hands in every book I

nder that the members of the gland are generally prejudiced tings of Dissenters; for I have to an excessive degree. We imce with the first rudiments of inre taught by our whole education meritorious: though no doubt it f which every sincere enquirer to be afraid, and every pretended d; for how can we determine on lies, if we will not examine both is well known to all those who with the church-histories of those he reign of James I. there were between the established Church

above stated. Let it suffice, out of man commend the works of Bishop Hall, his Contemplations on the Life of Jesu mot easily to be prized too highly; and nolds's works. To these no true frien Church of England can reasonably objec general, I believe and teach nothing but plainly taught before me.

The outlines of my scheme of doct now completed: but I had been so take doctrinal enquireis, that I was still in g sure a stranger to my own heart, and experience of the power of the truths braced. The pride of reasoning and the superior discernment, had all along acc me; and, though somewhat broken, hac siderable influence. Hitherto therefore thought of hearing any person preach;

did not think any one, in the circle of my acquaintance, capable of giving me such information as I wanted. But being at length convinced that Mr. had been right, and that I had been mistaken, in the several particulars in which we had differed; it occurred to me, that having preached these doctrines so long, he must understand many things concerning them to which I was a stranger. Now therefore, though not without much remaining prejudice, and not less in the character of a judge than of a scholar, I condescended to be his hearer, and occasionally to attend his preaching, and that of some other ministers :and I soon perceived the benefit; for from time to time the secrets of my heart were discovered to me, far beyond what I had hitherto noticed; and I seldom returned from hearing a sermon, without having conceived a meaner opinion of myself; without having attained to a further acquaintance with my deficiencies, weaknesses, corruptions, and wants; or without being supplied with fresh matter for prayer, and directed to greater watchfulness. I likewise learned the use of experience in preaching; and was convinced, that the readiest way to reach the hearts and consciences of others, was to speak from my own. In short, I gradually saw more and more my need of instruction, and was at length brought to consider myself as a very novice in religious matters. Thus I began experimentally to perceive our Lord's

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