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النشر الإلكتروني

probability of success: but the unI of God ensures the blessing to all, is kingdom and righteousness in the and in the way which he hath pre

f you who trust that you possess godssed by poverty, sickness, or trouble? ntentment, my brethren: seek divine nsolations with redoubled earnestness; serve God cheerfully in the humble ur station. Watch against envy and -, and a repining disposition. Learn as have wealth without godliness, and hem: and be very cautious what meaopt to mend your outward circum"they that will be rich fall into , and a snare and into many foolish ul lusts which drown men in destrucerdition," or "pierce them through sorrows'."

*1 Tim, vì. 9, 10.

Finally, let the rich remember, that they are only stewards, and entrusted with wealth for the benefit of others. Let me charge you then, my brethren of superior degree, that you "trust not " in uncertain riches, but in the living God." That you be "rich in good works, ready to distribute, " and glad to communicate: that you do good to "all men, especially to the household of faith."Fear above all things having your portion in this life: and remember, that of all your possessions, nothing is your own, but "godliness with con"tentment," and such "things as accompany "salvation." All else will soon be left behind. Happy then are they and they only, who have "chosen the good part that shall never be taken

"from them.


REVELATION, iii. 15, 16.

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou wert cold or hot: so then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

THIS chapter, and that which precedes it, contain a message from our blessed Saviour to each of the seven churches in Asia; which in one part or another, suit the state and character of all Christian churches in every age and nation. It is therefore added at the close of each epistle, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spi"rit saith unto the churches."

The message to the Laodiceans differs materially from all the rest; for the professed Christians in that city had degenerated far more than any of the others. They were become lukewarm, yet proud of their imagined proficiency: and the

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sake of these, therefore, the messa were warned, rebuked, counse raged; and we may hope that i cial benefit. Yet the church a have degenerated more and mort those churches, which our Lord approbation, continue in some this very day: there has not for a single professed Christian at L sent I purpose,

1. To describe the nature lukewarmness.

II. To explain the groun abhorrence of it, which

III. To add something by warning and particular

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I. We will consider the nature and symptoms of lukewarmness, both in collective bodies, and in, dividuals professing Christianity.

It may here be proper to premise one observa tion, to prevent mistakes. When our advantages, opportunities, and obligationsare duly considered; we may all be justly charged with comparative lukewarmness: and the more we become acquainted with ourselves, and experience the power of divine truth upon our hearts; the keener will be our sensibility, and the deeper our abasement on this account. But this case is totally distinet from that of the allowed and self-sufficient lukewarmness of the Laodiceans.

The disease of which we speak is only found where some profession of religion is made. The irreligious world is not lukewarm. Persons of this character may say, 'We make no pretensions to piety or sanctity; weseldom think about religion; it is a subject that never gives us any concern. Thenindeed you are not chargeable with lukewarmness; you are clear of that crime: but if you pretend to no religion, what do you pretend to ? Do you profess yourselves children of disobedience and of wrath, and heirs of hell? Is this your meaning, your character, your expectation? For whatever you may suppose, these things alone belong to those, who ayow that they disregard God and religion,

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