صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

"become of none effect to them: they are fallen "from grace, and become debtors to do the whole "law." The advantages such men enjoy, the crimes they commit, their proud aversion to the humbling salvation of the gospel, and the degree of their enmity and opposition to the truth, will determine the measure of their guilt and punishment, according to the decision of unerring wisdom, and infinite justice.

Some observations have already been made on the case of those, who allow the doctrines of Christianity, renounce dependence on their own works, and profess to expect pardon, righteousness, and eternal life, "as the gift of God, through "Jesus Christ our Lord." Such persons, when the Lord shall come, will be judged according to this profession; and if their faith be shewn to have been living and genuine, by its holy fruits, according to the discoveries which have been mentioned, they will as justified believers receive the reward of righteousness; and their future glory and felicity will be proportioned to the degree of their grace and obedience of faith. But if their conduct and dispositions have proved, that they were not true believers; they will remain under the condemnation of the law, aggravated by their abuse of the gospel; and so have their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers.

* Gal v. 1-6,

give a loose to his passions; but that "for all these things God w judgment."-You may now fo will not forget you, or any of y may affront his justice, and despi he will shortly say, "It is a pec "standing; therefore he that ma

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no mercy on them." Now i Lord's patience; but the day of w of ungodly men approacheth: nov draw near to his throne of grac summon you to his awful tribuna "Lord while he may be found; "while he is near. Let the wi

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way, and the unrighteous man

" let him return unto the Lord,

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mercy on him, and to our

" abundantly pardon." "Strive

Is, xxvii. 11,

• out my Spirit unto you, I will make words unto you." But, ere long, he a the impenitent and unbelieving, and se I called and ye refused, I stretched nds and no man regarded; therefore t the fruit of your own ways, and be your own devices."-" Oh that men that they understood these things, vould consider their latter end!."

ny of you, with this solemn season of ad decision before your eyes, delibee event of it upon the goodness of and lives? Is there not in your very -luntary shrinking from so strict and ciny? Do you not feel a disposition to not into judgment with thy servant, "If thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniLord, who may stand?" As you value

τον. 1. 19-31. Deut. xxxii. 29.


ten thousand worlds. "Let every

"that nameth the name of Christ

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iniquity." "If we say that we "have not works, will faith save "when the Lord shall render unt


cording to his deeds?"-Alas! " presumptuous hope, and an unso will only increase the anguish and condemnation.

Even if we be true believers, loose walking will cloud our eviden our warranted confidence: while t sible encouragement is given to a works, by that very system, which ing, and allows none of our servic in our justification before God. "cold water given to a discipl "Christ, shall lose its reward." every kindness to those whom we

see good to disappoint our endeavours; adly accept the zealous intention, and . "Thou didst well that it was in thine "Let us not therefore be weary in wellor in due season we shall reap, if we :" and "may we all find mercy of the that day of retribution," and have an entrance into his kingdom of everlastand felicity.

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